Wissenschaftliche Publikationen ab 2002

Zeitschriftenartikel (114)

Abley, K.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Tavares, H.; Chan, E. Y. T.; Afsharinafar, M.; Leyser, O.; Locke, J. C. W.: An ABA-GA bistable switch can account for natural variation in the variability of Arabidopsis seed germination time. ELIFE 10, e59485 (2021)
Aecyo, P.; Marques, A.; Huettel, B.; Silva, A.; Esposito, T.; Ribeiro, E.; Leal, I.R.; Gagnon, E.; Souza, G.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: Plastome evolution in the Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae) and its application in phylogenomics and populations genetics. Planta 254 (2), 27 (2021)
Andersen, T. G.; Molina, D.; Kilian, J.; Franke, R. B.; Ragni, L.; Geldner, N.: Tissue-Autonomous Phenylpropanoid Production Is Essential for Establishment of Root Barriers. Current Biology 31 (5), S. 965 - 977.e (2021)
Andrej, B.; Lenka, B.; Buchler, L.; Stolze, S.; Sobh, A.; Kraus, M.; Nakagami, H.; Driessen, C.: Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screening identifies proteasome-related specific vulnerabilities as potential treatment options of proteasome inhibitor-resistant multiple myeloma. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia 21, S. S88 - S89 (2021)
Banf, M.; Hartwig, T.: The Reasonable Effectiveness of Randomness in Scalable and Integrative Gene Regulatory Network Inference and Beyond. COMPUTATION 9 (12), 146 (2021)
Bauer, S.; Yu, D.; Lawson, A. W.; Saur, I. M. L.; Frantzeskakis, L.; Kracher, B.; Logemann, E.; Chai, J.; Maekawa, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: The leucine-rich repeats in allelic barley MLA immune receptors define specificity towards sequence-unrelated powdery mildew avirulence effectors with a predicted common RNase-like fold. PLoS Pathogens 17 (2), e1009223 (2021)
Besse, A.; Besse, L.; Buchler, L.; Stolze, S. C.; Sobh, A.; Kraus, M.; Nakagami, H.; Driessen, C.: Essential Drug Targets and Pathways in PI-Resistant MM Cells. Blood 138, 1577 (2021)
Bhatia, N.; Runions, A.; Tsiantis, M.: Leaf Shape Diversity: From Genetic Modules to Computational Models. Annual Review of Plant Biology 72, S. 325 - 356 (2021)
Bi, G.; Su, M.; Li, N.; Liang, Y.; Dang, S.; Xu, J.; Hu, M.; Wang, J.; Zou, M.; Deng, Y. et al.; Li, Q.; Huang, S.; Li, J.; Chai, J.; He, K.; Chen, Y. h.; Zhou, J.-M.: The ZAR1 resistosome is a calcium-permeable channel triggering plant immune signaling. Cell 184 (13), S. 3528 - 3541.e12 (2021)
Bruessow, F.; Bautor, J.; Hoffmann, G.; Yildiz, I.; Zeier, J.; Parker, J. E.: Natural variation in temperature-modulated immunity uncovers transcription factor bHLH059 as a thermoresponsive regulator in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 17 (1), e1009290 (2021)
Burns, R.; Mandakova, T.; Gunis, J.; Soto-Jiménez, L. M.; Liu, C.; Lysak, M. A.; Novikova, P. Y.; Nordborg, M.: Gradual evolution of allopolyploidy in Arabidopsis suecica. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2021)
Capilla-Perez, L.; Durand, S.; Hurel, A.; Lian, Q.; Chambon, A.; Taochy, C.; Solier, V.; Grelon, M.; Mercier, R.: The synaptonemal complex imposes crossover interference and heterochiasmy in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (12), e2023613118 (2021)
Chaudhry, V.; Runge, P.; Sengupta, P.; Doehlemann, G.; Parker, J. E.; Kemen, E.: Shaping the leaf microbiota: plant-microbe-microbe interactions. Special Issue 72 (1), S. 36 - 56 (2021)
Chory, J.; Olson, E. N.; Solnica-Krezel, L.; Munro, S.; Fuchs, E.; St Johnston, D.; Lefebvre, V.; Coupland, G.; Millar, S. E.; Lin, H.: 20 years of Developmental Cell: Looking back. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 56 (23), S. 3181 - 3184 (2021)
Copeland, C.: Same but different: examining the molecular mechanisms of intercellular rhizobial infection. Plant Physiology 185 (3), S. 754 - 756 (2021)
Copeland, C.: Making do: SULFUR DEFICIENCY INDUCED1 regulates seed sulfur content when sulfur is limiting. Plant Physiology 187 (4), S. 2344 - 2345 (2021)
Copeland, C.: Caught with a hand in the cookie jar: Phytophthora AEP1 mediates sugar uptake but triggers plant immunity. Plant Physiology 187 (1), S. 24 - 26 (2021)
Costa, L.; Marques, A.; Buddenhagen, C.; Thomas, W. W.; Huettel, B.; Schubert, V.; Dodsworth, S.; Houben, A.; Souza, G.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: Aiming off the target: recycling target capture sequencing reads for investigating repetitive DNA. Annals of Botany, mcab063 (2021)
da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Severing, E.; Lai, X.; Estevan, J.; Farrera, I.; Hugouvieux, V.; Revers, L. F.; Zubieta, C.; Coupland, G.; Costes, E. et al.; Andrés, F.: Unraveling the role of MADS transcription factor complexes in apple tree dormancy. New Phytologist 232 (5), S. 2071 - 2088 (2021)
Dongus, J. A.; Parker, J. E.: At the nexus of intracellular and surface receptor immunity. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 32, 102039 (2021)
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