Wissenschaftliche Publikationen ab 2002

Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Acevedo Garcia, J.; Walden, K.; Leissing, F.; Baumgarten, K.; Drwiega, K.; Kwaaitaal, M.; Reinstadler, A.; Freh, M.; Dong, X.; James, G. V. et al.; Baus, L. C.; Mascher, M.; Stein, N.; Schneeberger, K.; Brocke-Ahmadinejad, N.; Kollmar, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: Barley Ror1 encodes a class XI myosin required for mlo-based broad-spectrum resistance to the fungal powdery mildew pathogen. The Plant Journal (2022)
Almario, J.; Mahmoudi, M.; Kroll, S.; Agler, M.T.; Placzek, A.; Mari, A.; Kemen, E.: The Leaf Microbiome of Arabidopsis Displays Reproducible Dynamics and Patterns throughout the Growing Season. mBio 13 (3) (2022)
Amanda, D.; Frey, F. P.; Neumann, U.; Przybyl, M.; Šimura, J.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Z.; Gallavotti, A.; Fernie, A. R.; Ljung, K. et al.; Acosta, I. F.: Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley. Current Biology (2022)
Bonthala, V. S.; Stich, B.: Genetic Divergence of Lineage-Specific Tandemly Duplicated Gene Clusters in Four Diploid Potato Genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 875202 (2022)
Bourceret, A.; Guan, R.; Dorau, K.; Mansfeldt, T.; Omidbakhshfard, A.; Medeiros, D. B.; Fernie, A. R.; Hofmann, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Mayer, J. et al.; Gerlach, N.; The RECONSTRUCT consortium; Bucher, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Spaepen, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Maize Field Study Reveals Covaried Microbiota and Metabolic Changes in Roots over Plant Growth. mBio, e02584-21 (2022)
Bowman, J. L.; Arteaga-Vazquez, M.; Berger, F.; Briginshaw, L. N.; Carella, P.; Aguilar-Cruz, A.; Davies, K. M.; Dierschke, T.; Dolan, L.; Dorantes-Acosta, A. E. et al.; Fisher, T. J.; Flores-Sandoval, E.; Futagami, K.; Ishizaki, K.; Jibran, R.; Kanazawa, T.; Kato, H.; Kohchi, T.; Levins, J.; Lin, S.-S.; Nakagami, H.; Nishihama, R.; Romani, F.; Schornack, S.; Tanizawa, Y.; Tsuzuki, M.; Ueda, T.; Watanabe, Y.; Yamato, K. T.; Zachgo, S.: The renaissance and enlightenment of Marchantia as a model system. Plant Cell 27, S. 3512 - 3542 (2022)
Casale, F.; Van Inghelandt, D.; Weisweiler, M.; Li, J. Q.; Stich, B.: Genomic prediction of the recombination rate variation in barley - A route to highly recombinogenic genotypes. Plant Biotechnology Journal 20, S. 676 - 690 (2022)
Chandrasekar, B.; Wanke, A.; Wawra, S.; Saake, P.; Mahdi, L.; Charura, N.; Neidert, M.; Poschmann, G.; Malisic, M.; Thiele, M. et al.; Stuehler, K.; Dama, M.; Pauly, M.; Zuccaro, A.: Fungi hijack a ubiquitous plant apoplastic endoglucanase to release a ROS scavenging beta-glucan decasaccharide to subvert immune responses. Plant Cell 34 (7), S. 2765 - 2784 (2022)
Copeland, C.: The feeling is mutual: Increased host putrescine biosynthesis promotes both plant and endophyte growth. Plant Physiology 188 (4), S. 1939 - 1941 (2022)
Dongus, J. A.; Bhandari, D. D.; Penner, E.; Lapin, D.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Patel, M.; Archer, L.; Dijkgraaf, L.; Shah, J. et al.; Nakagami, H.; Parker, J. E.: Cavity surface residues of PAD4 and SAG101 contribute to EDS1 dimer signaling specificity in plant immunity. The Plant Journal 110 (5), S. 1415 - 1432 (2022)
Durán, P.; Ellis, T. J.; Thiergart, T.; Agren, J.; Hacquard, S.: Climate drives rhizosphere microbiome variation and divergent selection between geographically distant Arabidopsis populations. New Phytologist 236, S. 608 - 621 (2022)
Durán, P.; Flores-Uribe, J.; Wippel, K.; Zhang, P.; Guan, R.; Melkonian, B.; Melkonian, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Zhang, P.: Shared features and reciprocal complementation of the Chlamydomonas and Arabidopsis microbiota. Nature Communications 13 (406) (2022)
Durand, S.; Lian, Q.; Jing, J.; Ernst, M.; Grelon, M.; Zwicker, D.; Mercier, R.: Joint control of meiotic crossover patterning by the synaptonemal complex and HEI10 dosage. Nature Communications 13, 5999 (2022)
Emonet, A.; Hay, A.: Development and diversity of lignin patterns. Plant Physiology 190 (1), S. 31 - 43 (2022)
Flood, P. J.; Nowrousian, M.; Huettel, B.; Woehle, C.; Becker, K.; Wollenweber, T. E.; Begerow, D.; Grefen, C.: Draft genome of the aardaker (Lathyrus tuberosus L.), a tuberous legume. BMC genomic data 23 (1), 70 (2022)
Foerderer, A.; Li, E.; Lawson, A. W.; Deng, Y.-N.; Sun, Y.; Logemann, E.; Zhang, X.; Wen, J.; Han, Z.; Chang, J. et al.; Chen, Y.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.: A wheat resistosome defines common principles of immune receptor channels. Nature 610, S. 532 - 539 (2022)
Foerderer, A.; Yu, D.; Li, E.; Chai, J.: Resistosomes at the interface of pathogens and plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 67, 102212 (2022)
Fuessl, M.; König, A.-C.; Eirich, J.; Hartl, M.; Kleinknecht, L.; Bohne, A.-V.; Harzen, A.; Kramer, K.; Leister, D.; Nickelsen, J. et al.; Finkemeier, I.: Dynamic light- and acetate-dependent regulation of the proteome and lysine acetylome of Chlamydomonas. The Plant Journal 109 (1), S. 261 - 277 (2022)
Fulgione, A.; Neto, C.; Elfarargi, A. F.; Tergemina, E.; Ansari, S.; Göktay, M.; Dinis, H.; Döring, N.; Flood, P. J.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, S. et al.; Walden, N.; Koch, M.A.; Roux, F.; Hermisson, J.; Hancock, A. M.: Parallel reduction in flowering time from de novo mutations enable evolutionary rescue in colonizing lineages. Nature Communications 13 (1), 1461 (2022)
Gao, H.; Coupland, C.: PIF4 and CDF2 co-operate to regulate cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Plants (2022)
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