Wissenschaftliche Publikationen ab 2002

Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Acosta, I. F.: Letter to the Editor: Author Response-The Role of Auxin in Late Stamen Development. Plant and Cell Physiology 61 (9), S. 1533 - 1534 (2020)
Akiyama, R.; Sun, J.; Hatakeyama, M.; Lischer, H. E. L.; Briskine, R. V.; Hay, A.; Gan, X.; Tsiantis, M.; Kudoh, H.; Kanaoka, M. et al.; Sese, J.; Shimizu, K. K.; Shimizu-Inatsugi, R.: Fine-scale empirical data on niche divergence and homeolog expression patterns in an allopolyploid and its diploid progenitor species. New Phytologist 229, S. 3587 - 3601 (2020)
Andersen, T. G.: How to catch the N - An inter-species exchange with the right chemistry. Molecular Systems Biology 16 (6), e9514 (2020)
Andrés Lalaguna, F.; Kinoshita, A.; Kalluri, N.; Fernandez, V.; Falavigna, V.; Cruz, T. M. D.; Jang, S.; Chiba, Y.; Seo, M.; Mettler-Altmann, T. et al.; Huettel, B.; Coupland, C.: The sugar transporter SWEET10 acts downstream of FLOWERING LOCUS T during floral transition of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 20 (1), 53 (2020)
Bernhardt, N.; Brassac, J.; Dong, X.; Willing, E.-M.; Poskar, C. H.; Kilian, B.; Blattner, F. R.: Genome-wide sequence information reveals recurrent hybridization among diploid wheat wild relatives. PLANT JOURNAL 102 (3), S. 493 - 506 (2020)
Blanco-Tourinan, N.; Legris, M.; Minguet, E. G.; Costigliolo-Rojas, C.; Nohales, M. A.; Iniesto, E.; Garcia-Leon, M.; Pacin, M.; Heucken, N.; Blomeier, T. et al.; Locascio, A.; Cerny, M.; Esteve-Bruna, D.; Diez-Diaz, M.; Brzobohaty, B.; Frerigmann, H.; Zurbriggen, M. D.; Kay, S. A.; Rubio, V.; Blazquez, M. A.; Casal, J. J.; Alabadi, D.: COP1 destabilizes DELLA proteins in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (24), S. 13792 - 13799 (2020)
Burchardt, P.; Buddenhagen, C. E.; Gaeta, M.L.; Souza, M. D.; Marques, A.; Vanzela, A. L. L.: Holocentric Karyotype Evolution in Rhynchospora is marked by intense Numerical, Structural, and Genome Size Changes. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 536507 (2020)
Cabrera, A.; Copete-Parada, A.; Madrid, E.: Cloning and characterization of a putative orthologue of the wheat vernalization (VRN1) gene in perennial wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum). Plant Breeding 139 (6), S. 1290 - 1298 (2020)
Campoy, J. A.; Sun, H.-Q.; Goel, M.; Jiao, W.-B.; Folz-Donahue, K.; Wang, N.; Rubio, M.; Liu, C.; Kukat, C.; Ruiz, D. et al.; Huettel, B.; Schneeberger, K.: Gamete binning: chromosome-level and haplotype-resolved genome assembly enabled by high-throughput single-cell sequencing of gamete genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 21 (1), 306 (2020)
Cao, H.; Han, Y.; Li, J.; Ding, M.; Li, Y.; Li, X.; Chen, F.; Soppe, W. J. J.; Liu, Y.: Arabidopsis thaliana SEED DORMANCY 4-LIKE regulates dormancy and germination by mediating the gibberellin pathway. Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (3), S. 919 - 933 (2020)
Cattani, A. M.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Silveira, C. P.; Buffon, V.; dos Santos Maraschin, F.; Pasquali, G.; Revers, L. F.: Type-B cytokinin response regulators link hormonal stimuli and molecular responses during the transition from endo- to ecodormancy in apple buds. Plant Cell Reports 39 (12), S. 1687 - 1703 (2020)
Copeland, C.: Starting Off Right: N-Terminal Acetylation Stabilizes an Immune-Activating Protein. Plant Physiology 183 (1), S. 35 - 36 (2020)
Copeland, C.: SAUR15 Connects Auxin Perception to Lateral and Adventitious Root Formation. Plant Physiology 184 (2), S. 558 - 559 (2020)
Copeland, C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Leaf-derived bacterial communities adapt to the local environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (2), S. 808 - 810 (2020)
Crismani, W.; Mercier, R.: Don't Forget Your Sister: Directing Double-Strand Break Repair at Meiosis. Developmental Cell 53 (4), S. 374 - 376 (2020)
Dallery, J.-F.; Zimmer, M.; Halder, V.; Suliman, M. N. S.; Pigne, S.; Le Goff, G.; Gianniou, D. D.; Trougakos, I. P.; Ouazzani, J.; Gasperini, D. et al.; O'Connell, R. J.: Inhibition of jasmonate-mediated plant defences by the fungal metabolite higginsianin B. Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (10), S. 2910 - 2921 (2020)
de Leone, M. J.; Esteban Hernando, C.; Romanowski, A.; Careno, D.l. A.; Faigon Soverna, A.; Sun, H.-Q.; Bologna, N. G.; Vazquez, M.; Schneeberger, K.; Yanovsky, M. J.: Bacterial Infection Disrupts Clock Gene Expression to Attenuate Immune Responses. Current Biology 30 (9), S. 1740 - 1747.e6 (2020)
del Barrio, R.; Fernandez, E.; Brendel, A. S.; Whitney, C.; Campoy, J. A.; Luedeling, E.: Climate change impacts on agriculture's southern frontier - Perspectives for farming in North Patagonia. International Journal of Climatology (2020)
Dongus, J. A.; Bhandari, D. D.; Patel, M.; Archer, L.; Dijkgraaf, L.; Deslandes, L.; Shah, J.; Parker, J. E.: Arabidopsis PAD4 lipase-like domain is sufficient for resistance to green peach aphid. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 33, S. 328 - 335 (2020)
Fabiańska, I.; Pesch, L.; Koebke, E.; Gerlach, N.; Bucher, M.: Neighboring plants divergently modulate effects of loss-of-function in maize mycorrhizal phosphate uptake on host physiology and root fungal microbiota. PLoS One 15 (6), e0232633. (2020)
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