Wissenschaftliche Publikationen ab 2002

Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

Amorim, M. d. F.; Willing, E.-M.; Szabo, E. X.; Francisco-Mangilet, A. G.; Droste-Borel, I.; Macek, B.; Schneeberger, K.; Laubinger, S.: The U1 snRNP Subunit LUC7 Modulates Plant Development and Stress Responses via Regulation of Alternative Splicing. The Plant Cell 30 (11), S. 2838 - 2854 (2018)
Ashoub, A.; Mueller, N.A.; Jimenez-Gomez, J. M.; Brueggemann, W.: Prominent alterations of wild barley leaf transcriptome in response to individual and combined drought acclimation and heat shock conditions. Physiologia Plantarum 163 (1), S. 18 - 29 (2018)
Atanasov, K. E.; Liu, C.; Erban, A.; Kopka, J.; Parker, J. E.; Alcázar, R.: NLR mutations suppressing immune hybrid incompatibility and their effects on disease resistance. Plant Physiology 177, S. 1152 - 1169 (2018)
Bezrutczyk, M.; Hartwig, T.; Horschman, M.; Char, S. N.; Yang, J.; Yang, B.; Frommer, W. B.; Sosso, D.: Impaired phloem loading in zmsweet13a,b,c sucrose transporter triple knock-out mutants in Zea mays. New Phytologist 218 (2), S. 594 - 603 (2018)
Bezrutczyk, M.; Yang, J.; Eom, J.-S.; Prior, M.; Sosso, D.; Hartwig, T.; Szurek, B.; Oliva, R.; Vera-Cruz, C.; White, F. F. et al.; Yang, B.; Frommer, W. B.: Sugar flux and signaling in plant-microbe interactions. The Plant Journal 93 (4), S. 675 - 685 (2018)
Bhosale, R.; Boudolf, V.; Cuevas, F.; Lu, R.; Eekhout, T.; Hu, Z.; Van Isterdael, G.; Lambert, G. M.; Xu, F.; Nowack, M.K. et al.; Smith, R. S.; Vercauteren, I.; De Rycke, R.; Storme, V.; Beeckman, T.; Larkin, J. C.; Kremer, A.; Hofte, H.; Galbraith, D.W.; Kumpf, R. P.; Maere, S.; De Veylder, L.: A Spatiotemporal DNA Endoploidy Map of the Arabidopsis Root Reveals Roles for the Endocycle in Root Development and Stress Adaptation. The Plant Cell 30 (10), S. 2330 - 2351 (2018)
Birkenbihl, R.; Kracher, B.; Ross, A.; Kramer, K.; Finkemeier, I.; Somssich, I. E.: Principles and characteristics of the Arabidopsis WRKY regulatory network during early MAMP-triggered immunity. The Plant Journal 96 (3), S. 487 - 502 (2018)
Blum, C. F.; Heramvand, N.; Khonsari, A. S.; Kollmann, M.: Experimental noise cutoff boosts inferability of transcriptional networks in large-scale gene-deletion studies. Nature Communications 9, 133 (2018)
Castro, P. H.; Bachmair, A.; Bejarano, E. R.; Coupland, G.; Maria Lois, L.; Sadanandom, A.; van den Burg, H. A.; Vierstra, R. D.; Azevedo, H.: Revised nomenclature and functional overview of the ULP gene family of plant deSUMOylating proteases. Special Issue 69 (19), S. 4505 - 4509 (2018)
Cui, H.; Qiu, J.; Zhou, Y.; Bhandari, D. D.; Zhao, C.; Bautor, J.; Parker, J. E.: Antagonism of Transcription Factor MYC2 by EDS1/PAD4 Complexes Bolsters Salicylic Acid Defense in Arabidopsis Effector-Triggered Immunity. Molecular Plant 11 (8), S. 1053 - 1066 (2018)
Das Gupta, M.; Tsiantis, M.: Gene networks and the evolution of plant morphology. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 45, S. 82 - 87 (2018)
Davis, A. M.; Ronald, J.; Ma, Z.; Wilkinson, A. J.; Philippou, K.; Shindo, T.; Queitsch, C.; Davis, S. J.: HSP90 Contributes to Entrainment of the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock via the Morning Loop. Genetics 210 (4), S. 1383 - 1390 (2018)
Deveau, A.; Bonito, G.; Uehling, J.; Paoletti, M.; Becker, M.; Bindschedler, S.; Hacquard, S.; Herve, V.; Labbe, J.; Lastovetsky, O. A. et al.; Mieszkin, S.; Millet, L. J.; Vajna, B.; Junier, P.; Bonfante, P.; Krom, B. P.; Olsson, S.; van Elsas, J. D.; Wick, L. Y.: Bacterial-fungal interactions: ecology, mechanisms and challenges. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 42 (3), fuy008, S. 335 - 352 (2018)
Di Ruocco, G.; Bertolotti, G.; Pacifici, E.; Polverari, L.; Tsiantis, M.; Sabatini, S.; Costantino, P.; Dello Ioio, R.: Differential spatial distribution of miR165/6 determines variability in plant root anatomy. Development 145 (1), UNSP dev153858 (2018)
Diaz, M.; Pecinka, A.: Scaffolding for Repair: Understanding Molecular Functions of the SMC5/6 Complex. GENES 9 (1), 36 (2018)
Dijkhuizen, L. W.; Brouwer, P.; Bolhuis, H.; Reichart, G.-J.; Koppers, N.; Huettel, B.; Bolger, A.M.; Li, F.-W.; Cheng, S.; Liu, X. et al.; Wong, G. K.-S.; Pryer, K.; Weber, A.; Braeutigam, A.; Schluepmann, H.: Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N-2 but may denitrify. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 217 (1), S. 453 - 466 (2018)
Dittberner, H.; Korte, A.; Mettler-Altmann, T.; Weber, A. P. M.; Monroe, G.; de Meaux, J.: Natural variation in stomata size contributes to the local adaptation of water-use efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology 27 (20), S. 4052 - 4065 (2018)
Durán, P.; Thiergart, T.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Agler, M.T.; Kemen, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial Interkingdom Interactions in Roots Promote Arabidopsis Survival. Cell 175 (4), S. 973 - + (2018)
Failmezger, H.; Lempe, J.; Khadem, N.; Cartolano, M.; Tsiantis, M.; Tresch, A.: MowJoe: a method for automated-high throughput dissected leaf phenotyping. Plant Methods 14, 27 (2018)
Fichman, Y.; Koncz, Z.; Reznik, N.; Miller, G.; Szabados, L.; Kramer, K.; Nakagami, H.; Fromm, H.; Koncz, C.; Zilberstein, A.: SELENOPROTEIN O is a chloroplast protein involved in ROS scavenging and its absence increases dehydration tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science 270, S. 278 - 291 (2018)
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