Publikationen von G. Coupland
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (152)
15 (1), 6930 (2024)
Coordination of shoot apical meristem shape and identity by APETALA2 during floral transition in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications
112 (1), S. 14 - 27 (2024)
Environmental filtering of life-history trait diversity in urban populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Ecology
19 (10), e1011000 (2023)
AGAMOUS mediates timing of guard cell formation during gynoecium development. PLOS Genetics
150 (23), dev202089 (2023)
Two modes of gene regulation by TFL1 mediate its dual function in flowering time and shoot determinacy of Arabidopsis. Development
9 (4), S. 525 - 534 (2023)
Two florigens and a florigen-like protein form a triple regulatory module at the shoot apical meristem to promote reproductive transitions in rice. Nature Plants
19 (5), e1010766 (2023)
The bZIP transcription factor AREB3 mediates FT signalling and floral transition at the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem. PLoS Genetics
290 (2011), 20231401 (2023)
Adaptation of perennial flowering phenology across the European range of Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B
8, S. 1082 - 1093 (2022)
PIF4 enhances DNA binding by CDF2 to co-regulate target gene expression and promote Arabidopsis hypocotyl cell elongation. Nature Plants
235 (1), S. 356 - 371 (2022)
MicroRNA172 controls inflorescence meristem size through regulation of APETALA2 in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist
27, S. 3873 - 3898 (2022)
Energy status-promoted growth and development of Arabidopsis require copper deficiency response transcriptional regulator SPL7. Plant Cell
22 (2), S. 468 - 486 (2022)
Arabis alpina: A perennial model plant for ecological genomics and life-history evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources
234 (2), S. 494 - 512 (2022)
A rice single cell transcriptomic atlas defines the developmental trajectories of rice floret and inflorescence meristems. New Phytologist
56 (23), S. 3181 - 3184 (2021)
20 years of Developmental Cell: Looking back. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL
232 (5), S. 2071 - 2088 (2021)
Unraveling the role of MADS transcription factor complexes in apple tree dormancy. New Phytologist
118 (39), e2109204118 (2021)
Transposition and duplication of MADS-domain transcription factor genes in annual and perennial Arabis species modulates flowering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
12, 767772 (2021)
Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Root Hair Development in Arabis alpina. Frontiers in Plant Science
19 (2), e3001043 (2021)
Systematic analyses of the MIR172 family members of Arabidopsis define their distinct roles in regulation of APETALA2 during floral transition. PLoS Biology
105 (6), S. 1459 - 1476 (2021)
Cytokinin-promoted secondary growth and nutrient storage in the perennial stem zone of Arabis alpina. The Plant Journal
9, e60661 (2020)
Regulation of shoot meristem shape by photoperiodic signaling and phytohormones during floral induction of Arabidopsis. eLife
Gene regulatory networks controlled by FLOWERING LOCUS C that confer variation in seasonal flowering and life history. Journal of Experimental Botany (2020)
31 (9), 107717 (2020)
Functional Divergence of the Arabidopsis florigen-interacting bZIP transcription factors FD and FDP. Cell Reports
Mutagenesis of a Quintuple Mutant Impaired in Environmental Responses Reveals Roles for CHROMATIN REMODELING4 in the Arabidopsis Floral Transition. The Plant Cell (2020)
116 (24), S. 12078 - 12083 (2019)
Genetic and molecular analysis of trichome development in Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
31 (6), S. 1190 - 1191 (2019)
FLOWERING LOCUS C Isolation and Characterization: Two Articles That Opened Many Doors. Plant Cell
9, 17030 (2019)
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolases are required for period maintenance of the circadian clock at high temperature in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports
363 (6425), S. 409 - 412 (2019)
A regulatory circuit conferring varied flowering response to cold in annual and perennial plants. Science
70, S. 949 - 961 (2019)
PERPETUAL FLOWERING2 coordinates the vernalization response and perennial flowering in Arabis alpina. Journal of Experimental Botany
15, e1008065 (2019)
Floral regulators FLC and SOC1 directly regulate expression of the B3-type transcription factor TARGET OF FLC AND SVP 1 at the Arabidopsis shoot apex via antagonistic chromatin modifications. PLoS Genetics
70, S. 1141 - 1151 (2019)
Linking genes with ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany
180 (3), S. 1549 - 1563 (2019)
Gibberellins Act Downstream of Arabis PERPETUAL FLOWERING1 to Accelerate Floral Induction during Vernalization. Plant Physiology
69 (19), S. 4505 - 4509 (2018)
Revised nomenclature and functional overview of the ULP gene family of plant deSUMOylating proteases. Special Issue
13 (6), e1473686 (2018)
Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil. Plant Signaling & Behavior
115 (4), S. 816 - 821 (2018)
Demography and mating system shape the genomewide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
114 (44), S. E9403 - E9412 (2017)
Root-associated fungal microbiota of nonmycorrhizal Arabis alpina and its contribution to plant phosphorus nutrition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
12 (7), e1342026 (2017)
The timing of GIGANTEA expression during day/ night cycles varies with the geographical origin of Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior
12 (6), S. 1466 - 1471 (2017)
The Root Growth-Regulating Brevicompanine Natural Products Modulate the Plant Circadian Clock. ACS Chemical Biology
11, 10.1038/ismej.2016.109, S. 43 - 55 (2017)
Root microbiota dynamics of perennial Arabis alpina are dependent on soil residence time but independent of flowering time. The ISME Journal
173 (1), S. 36 - 46 (2017)
Competence to Flower: Age-Controlled Sensitivity to Environmental Cues. Plant Physiology
27 (5), S. 778 - 786 (2017)
Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data. Genome Research
7, 2011 (2017)
Editorial: Recent Advances in Flowering Time Control. Frontiers in Plant Science
26, S. 3437 - 3457 (2017)
Divergence of annual and perennial species in the Brassicaceae and the contribution of cis-acting variation at FLC orthologues. Molecular Ecology
175 (4), S. 1703 - 1719 (2017)
Two SUMO Proteases SUMO PROTEASE RELATED TO FERTILITY1 and 2 Are Required for Fertility in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology
114 (51), S. E11037 - E11046 (2017)
Divergence of regulatory networks governed by the orthologous transcription factors FLC and PEP1 in Brassicaceae species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
71 (9), S. 2206 - 2218 (2017)
Evolution of the selfing syndrome: Anther orientation and herkogamy together determine reproductive assurance in a self-compatible plant. Evolution
86 (5), S. 426 - 40 (2016)
Photoperiodic and thermosensory pathways interact through CONSTANS to promote flowering at high temperature under short days. The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology
17, 921 (2016)
Pinpointing genes underlying annual/perennial transitions with comparative genomics. BMC Genomics
37 (3), S. 254 - 266 (2016)
Multi-layered Regulation of SPL15 and Cooperation with SOC1 Integrate Endogenous Flowering Pathways at the Arabidopsis Shoot Meristem. Developmental Cell
112 (3), S. 905 - 910 (2015)
Natural diversity in daily rhythms of gene expression contributes to phenotypic variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
81 (5), S. 695 - 706 (2015)
The GI-CDF module of Arabidopsis affects freezing tolerance and growth as well as flowering. The Plant Journal
241 (1), S. 271 - 284 (2015)
Site-directed mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana using dividing tissue-targeted RGEN of the CRISPR/Cas system to generate heritable null alleles. PLANTA