Publikationen von S. J. Davis
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (66)
115 (3), S. 788 - 802 (2023)
A non-canonical function of Arabidopsis ERECTA proteins and a role of the SWI3B subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in gibberellin signaling. The Plant Journal
183 (2), S. 765 - 779 (2020)
Differential Effects of Day/Night Cues and the Circadian Clock on the Barley Transcriptome. Plant Physiology
11, 429 (2020)
Chemical Perturbation of Chloroplast-Related Processes Affects Circadian Rhythms of Gene Expression inArabidopsis: Salicylic Acid Application Can Entrain the Clock. Frontiers in Physiology
10 (5), 334 (2019)
Physiological and Genetic Dissection of Sucrose Inputs to the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian System. Genes
210 (4), S. 1383 - 1390 (2018)
HSP90 Contributes to Entrainment of the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock via the Morning Loop. Genetics
12 (7), e0181460 (2017)
Overexpression of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene improves floral development in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). PLoS One
26 (20), S. 5528 - 5540 (2017)
Circadian rhythms vary over the growing season and correlate with fitness components. Molecular Ecology
40, S. 997 - 1008 (2017)
The metabolic sensor AKIN10 modulates the Arabidopsis circadian clock in a light-dependent manner. Plant, Cell and Environment
67 (1), S. 391 - 403 (2016)
Modulation of copper deficiency responses by diurnal and circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany
11 (3), e1140291 (2016)
Daily rhythmicity of high affinity copper transport. Plant Signaling & Behavior
81 (5), S. 695 - 706 (2015)
The GI-CDF module of Arabidopsis affects freezing tolerance and growth as well as flowering. The Plant Journal
15, 197 (2015)
Natural variants of ELF3 affect thermomorphogenesis by transcriptionally modulating PIF4-dependent auxin response genes. BMC Plant Biology
1 (2), UNSP 14023, S. 1 - 7 (2015)
Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation. Nature Plants
3, eLife.02206 (2014)
Natural variation reveals that intracellular distribution of ELF3 protein is associated with function in the circadian clock. ELIFE
9 (6), S. 1983 - 1989 (2014)
The DET1-COP1-HY5 Pathway Constitutes a Multipurpose Signaling Module Regulating Plant Photomorphogenesis and Thermomorphogenesis. Cell Reports
37 (6), S. 1321 - 1337 (2014)
Osmotic stress at the barley root affects expression of circadian clock genes in the shoot. Plant, Cell and Environment
65 (11), S. 2915 - 2923 (2014)
Connections between circadian clocks and carbon metabolism reveal species-specific effects on growth control. SI
198 (1), S. 383 - 396 (2014)
Mapping-by-Sequencing Identifies HvPHYTOCHROME C as a Candidate Gene for the early maturity 5 Locus Modulating the Circadian Clock and Photoperiodic Flowering in Barley. Genetics
24 (5), S. 422 - 429 (2013)
An overview of natural variation studies in the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
8 (3), e58588 (2013)
BRAHMA ATPase of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Acts as a Positive Regulator of Gibberellin-Mediated Responses in Arabidopsis. PLoS One
4, 3 (2013)
Mathematical modeling of an oscillating gene circuit to unravel the circadian clock network of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science
199 (4), S. 1045 - 1059 (2013)
HvLUX1 is a candidate gene underlying the early maturity 10 locus in barley: phylogeny, diversity, and interactions with the circadian clock and photoperiodic pathways. New Phytologist
94 (1), S. 40 - 41 (2013)
Biochemical and structural studies of plant circadian clock proteins. BioTechnologia
76 (2), S. 188 - 200 (2013)
TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal
163 (1), S. 305 - 317 (2013)
DELLA-Interacting SWI3C Core Subunit of Switch/Sucrose Nonfermenting Chromatin Remodeling Complex Modulates Gibberellin Responses and Hormonal Cross Talk in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology
6 (3), S. 592 - 595 (2013)
Phytochrome-Interacting Factors (PIFs) as Bridges between Environmental Signals and the Circadian Clock: Diurnal Regulation of Growth and Development. MOLECULAR PLANT
56 (3), S. 152 - 159 (2013)
Overexpression and Loss-of-function at TIME FOR COFFEE Results in Similar Phenotypes in Diverse Growth and Physiological Responses. JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY
14 (6), 208 (2013)
The circadian clock goes genomic. GENOME BIOLOGY
12, 97 (2012)
Expression conservation within the circadian clock of a monocot: natural variation at barley Ppd-H1 affects circadian expression of flowering time genes, but not clock orthologs. BMC Plant Biology
109 (21), S. 8328 - 8333 (2012)
Mutation at the circadian clock gene EARLY MATURITY 8 adapts domesticated barley (Hordeum vulgare) to short growing seasons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
5 (3), S. 554 - 565 (2012)
Time for a Nuclear Meeting: Protein Trafficking and Chromatin Dynamics Intersect in the Plant Circadian System. Molecular Plant
279, S. 84 - 84 (2012)
ATSWI3C subunit of the Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is involved in the GA response pathway. FEBS JOURNAL
24 (6), 10.1105/tpc.111.095430. , S. 2470 - 2482 (2012)
TIME FOR COFFEE Represses Accumulation of the MYC2 Transcription Factor to Provide Time-of-Day Regulation of Jasmonate Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell
109 (47), S. 19363 - 19367 (2012)
Background-dependent effects of polyglutamine variation in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene ELF3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
4, S. 117 - 125 (2011)
Identification and characterization of the cassava core-clock gene EARLY FLOWERING 4. Tropical Plant Biology
189 (2), S. 655 - U796 (2011)
Environmental Memory from a Circadian Oscillator: The Arabidopsis thaliana Clock Differentially Integrates Perception of Photic vs. Thermal Entrainment. Genetics
67 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2011)
Functional interaction of the circadian clock and UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8-controlled UV-B signaling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal
23 (9), S. 3230 - 3246 (2011)
A Reduced-Function Allele Reveals That EARLY FLOWERING3 Repressive Action on the Circadian Clock Is Modulated by Phytochrome Signals in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell
6, S. 1 - 9 (2011)
Abiotic Stress and the plant circadian clock. Plant Signaling & Behavior
5 (11), e14012 (2010)
Genetic Analyses of Interactions among Gibberellin, Abscisic Acid, and Brassinosteroids in the Control of Flowering Time in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE
20, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.10.035, S. R1086 - R1092 (2010)
Ambient Thermometers in Plants: From Physiological Outputs towards Mechanisms of Thermal Sensing. Current Biology
2, 10.3410/B2-49., S. 49 (2010)
Recent advances in computational modeling as a conduit to understand the plant circadian clock. F1000 Biology Reports
5:3, 10.1186/1746-4811-5-3. (2009)
Protocol: Streamlined sub-protocols for floral-dip transformation and selection of transformants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Methods.
32 (9), S. 1201 - 1210 (2009)
Integrating hormones into the floral-transition pathway of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment
3 (5), S. 350 - 366 (2009)
Integrating ELF4 into the circadian system through combined structural and functional studies. HFSP Journal
9, S. 182 - 182 (2008)
A systematic survey in Arabidopsis thaliana of transcription factors that modulate circadian parameters. BMC Genomics
6:3, 10.1186/1740-3391-6-3 (2008)
Structural insights into the function of the core-circadian factor TIMING OF CAB2 EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1). Journal of Circadian Rhythms
176 (3), S. 1501 - 1510 (2007)
A complex genetic interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana TOC1 and CCA1/LHY in driving the circadian clock and in output regulation. Genetics
19, S. 1522 - 1536 (2007)
TIME FOR COFFEE Encodes a Nuclear Regulator in the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian Clock. Plant Cell
134 (15), S. 2841 - 2850 (2007)
Attenuation of brassinosteroid signaling enhances FLC expression and delays flowering. Development