Central Microscopy (CeMic)
Our service group manages all commonly used microscopy-related equipment at the MPIPZ supporting the study of plant morphology as well as plant anatomy at the histological and (sub-)cellular level. We provide cell biological knowledge, practical experience and technical skills to researchers of our Institute enabling them to perform high-standard microscopy research projects by employing state-of-the-art instrumentation and equipment.
- CeMic supports a large portfolio of microscope imaging technology, from widefield light & epifluorescence microscopy to sophisticated live cell imaging and from high-resolution surface imaging with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to fine-structural analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
- CeMic advises scientists on their imaging projects, experimental planning and post-acquisition analysis and supervises equipment usage and the training and assisting of researchers in instrument operation.
- CeMic performs collaborative research on cytological aspects of ongoing research projects at the Institute itself.
Please check out our "Rules & guidelines" on the Intranet for more detailed information about our services.
For detailed information about available imaging technologies and equipment, please click here.
For MPIPZ members, booking of the Institutes' confocal microscopes and other equipment can be made through our Intranet booking page.