Publikationen von P. Formosa-Jordan

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

de Ollala, E. B. G.; Cerise, M.; Rodriguez Maroto, G.; Casanova-Ferrer, P.; Vayssières, A.; Severing, E.; Lopez Sampere, Y.; Wang, K.; Schaefer, S.; Formosa-Jordan, P. et al.; Coupland, G.: Coordination of shoot apical meristem shape and identity by APETALA2 during floral transition in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 15 (1), 6930 (2024)
Lopes, F. L.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Malivert, A.; Margalha, L.; Confraria, A.; Feil, R.; Lunn, J. E.; Jönsson, H.; Landrein, B.; Baena-González, E.: Sugar signaling modulates SHOOT MERISTEMLESS expression and meristem function in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (37), e2408699121 (2024)
Cerise, M.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Rodriguez Maroto, G.; Signol, A.; Severing, E.; Gao, H.; van Driel, A.; Vincent, C.; Wilkens, S.; Iacobini, F. et al.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Pajoro, A.; Coupland, G.: Two modes of gene regulation by TFL1 mediate its dual function in flowering time and shoot determinacy of Arabidopsis. Development 150 (23), dev202089 (2023)
Formosa-Jordan, P.; Holloway, D. M.; Diambra, L.: Editorial: Pattern formation in biology. Frontiers in Physics 11, 1161890 (2023)
Abley, K.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Tavares, H.; Chan, E. Y. T.; Afsharinafar, M.; Leyser, O.; Locke, J. C. W.: An ABA-GA bistable switch can account for natural variation in the variability of Arabidopsis seed germination time. ELIFE 10, e59485 (2021)

Buchkapitel (1)

Formosa-Jordan, P.; Landrein, B.: Quantifying Gene Expression Domains in Plant Shoot Apical Meristems. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2686, S. 537 - 551. Springer (2023)

Preprint (2)

Clark, F. K.; Weissbart, G.; Wang, X.; Harline, K.; Li, C.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Roeder, A. H. K.: A common pathway controls cell size in the sepal and leaf epidermis leading to a non-random pattern of giant cells. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.07.26.605215; (2024)
Vadde, B. V. L.; Russell, N. J.; Bagde, S. R.; Askey, B.; Saint-Antoine, M.; Brownfield, B.; Mughal, S.; Apprill, L. E.; Khosla, A.; Clark, F. K. et al.; Schwarz, E. M.; Alseekh, S.; Alisdair R. Fernie, A. R.; Singh, A.; Schrick, K.; Fromme, J. C.; Skirycz, A.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Roeder, A. H. K.: The transcription factor ATML1 maintains giant cell identity by inducing synthesis of its own long-chain fatty acid-containing ligands. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.14.58469 (2024)
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