Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Jakoby, M. J.; Weinl, C.; Pusch, S.; Kuijt, S. J. H.; Merkle, T.; Dissmeyer, N.; Schnittger, A.: Analysis of the subcellular localization, function, and proteolytic control of the Arabidopsis cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1/KRP1. Plant Physiology 141 (4), S. 1293 - 1305 (2006)
Jasik, J.; de Klerk, G.: Effect of Methyl Jasmonate on Morphology and Dormancy Development in Lily Bulblets Regenerated In Vitro. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 25 (1), S. 45 - 51 (2006)
Journot-Catalino, N.; Somssich, I. E.; Roby, D.; Kroj, T.: The transcription factors WRKY11 and WRKY17 act as negative regulators of basal resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 18 (11), S. 3289 - 3302 (2006)
Jung, K. H.; Han, M. J.; Lee, D. Y.; Lee, Y. S.; Schreiber, L.; Franke, R.; Faust, A.; Yephremov, A.; Saedler, H.; Kim, Y. W. et al.; Hwang, I.; An, G.: Wax-deficient anther1 is involved in cuticle and wax production in rice anther walls and is required for pollen development. Plant Cell 18 (11), S. 3015 - 3032 (2006)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Fu, J. Y.; de Vos, C. H. R.; Lommen, A.; Hall, R. D.; Bino, R. J.; van der Plas, L. H. W.; Jansen, R. C.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: The genetics of plant metabolism. Nature Genetics 38 (7), S. 842 - 849 (2006)
Kevei, E.; Gyula, P.; Hall, A.; Kozma-Bognar, L.; Kim, W. Y.; Eriksson, M. E.; Toth, R.; Hanano, S.; Feher, B.; Southern, M. M. et al.; Bastow, R. M.; Viczian, A.; Hibberd, V.; Davis, S. J.; Somers, D. E.; Nagy, F.; Millar, A. J.: Forward genetic analysis of the circadian clock separates the multiple functions of ZEITLUPE. Plant Physiology 140 (3), S. 933 - 945 (2006)
Kilian, B.; Ozkan, H.; Kohl, J.; von Haeseler, A.; Barale, F.; Deusch, O.; Brandolini, A.; Yucel, C.; Martin, W.; Salamini, F.: Haplotype structure at seven barley genes: relevance to gene pool bottlenecks, phylogeny of ear type and site of barley domestication. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 276 (3), S. 230 - 241 (2006)
Kirik, A.; Pecinka, A.; Wendeler, E.; Reiss, B.: The Chromatin Assembly Factor Subunit FASCIATA1 Is Involved in Homologous Recombination in Plants. Plant Cell 18 (10), 10.1105/tpc.106.045088, S. 2431 - 2442 (2006)
Koncz, C.: Dedication. George P. Rédei: Arabidopsis geneticist and polymath. Plant Breeding Reviews 26, S. 1 - 34 (2006)
Kurdyukov, S.; Faust, A.; Bar, S.; Voisin, D.; Efremova, N.; Franke, R.; Schreiber, L.; Saedler, H.; Metraux, J. P.; Yephremov, A.: The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18 (2), S. 321 - 339 (2006)
Kurdyukov, S.; Faust, A.; Trenkamp, S.; Baer, S.; Franke, R.; Efremova, N.; Tietjen, K.; Schreiber, L.; Saedler, H.; Yephremov, A.: Genetic and biochemical evidence for involvement of HOTHEAD in the biosynthesis of long-chain alpha-,omega-dicarboxylic fatty acids and formation of extracellular matrix. Planta 224, DOI: 10.1007/s00425-005-0215-7, S. 315 - 329 (2006)
Laubinger, S.; Marchal, V.; Le Gourrierec, J.; Wenkel, S.; Adrian, J.; Jang, S.; Kulajta, C.; Braun, H.; Coupland, G.; Hoecker, U.: Arabidopsis SPA proteins regulate photoperiodic flowering and interact with the floral inducer CONSTANS to regulate its stability. Development 133, S. 3213 - 3222 (2006)
Lauri, A.; Xing, S.; Heidmann, I.; Zachgo, S.; Saedler, H.: The pollen-specific DEFH125 promoter from Antirrhinum is bound in vivo by the MADS-box proteins DEFICIENS and GLOBOSA. Planta 224 (1), S. 61 - 71 (2006)
Li, Y.; Rosso, M. G.; Ulker, B.; Weisshaar, B.: Analysis of T-DNA insertion site distribution patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals special features of genes without insertions. Genomics 87 (5), S. 645 - 652 (2006)
Logemann, E.; Birkenbihl, R.; Uelker, B.; Somssich, I. E.: An improved method for preparing Agrobacterium cells that simplifies the Arabidopsis transformation protocol. Plant Methods 2 (16), doi:10.1186/1746-4811-2-16 (2006)
Marczewski, W.; Strzelczyk-Zyta, D.; Hennig, J.; Witek, K.; Gebhardt, C.: Potato chromosomes IX and XI carry genes for resistance to potato virus M. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112 (7), DOI: 10.1007/s00122-006-0224-3, S. 1232 - 1238 (2006)
Mebrate, M. A.; Dehne, H. W.; Pillen, K.; Oerke, E. C.: Molecular Diversity in Puccinia triticina Isolates from Ethiopia and Germany. Journal of Phytopathology 154 (11-12), S. 701 - 710 (2006)
Mészáros, T.; Helfer, A.; Hatzimasoura, E.; Magyar, Z.; Serazetdinova, L.; Rios, G.; Bardóczy, V.; Teige, M.; Koncz, C.; Peck, S. et al.; Bögre, L.: The Arabidopsis MAP kinase kinase MKK1 participates in defence responses to the bacterial elicitor flagellin. Plant Journal 48 (4), doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02888.x, S. 485 - 498 (2006)
Mueller, D.; Schmitz, G.; Theres, K.: Blind Homologous R2R3 Myb Genes Control the Pattern of Lateral Meristem Initiation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18 (3), S. 586 - 597 (2006)
Mueller, T.; Strosser, J.; Buchinger, S.; Nolden, L.; Wirtz, A.; Kramer, R.; Burkovski, A.: Mutation-induced metabolite pool alterations in Corynebacterium glutamicum: Towards the identification of nitrogen control signals. Journal of Biotechnology 126 (4), S. 440 - 453 (2006)
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