Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Horak, J.; Grefen, C.; Berendzen, K. W.; Hahn, A.; Stierhof, Y.-D.; Stadelhofer, B.; Stahl, M.; Koncz, C.; Harter, K.: The Arabidopsis thaliana response regulator ARR22 is a putative AHP phospho-histidine phosphatase expressed in the chalaza of developing seeds. BMC Plant Biology 8, 77 (2008)
Hu, J.; Barlet, X.; Deslandes, L.; Hirsch, J.; Feng, D. X.; Somssich, I. E.; Marco, Y.: Transcriptional responses of Arabidopsis thaliana during wilt disease development caused by the soil-borne phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum. PLoS ONE 3, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002589, S. e2589 (2008)
Ihnatowicz, A.; Pesaresi, P.; Lohrig, K.; Wolters, D.; Mueller, B.; Leister, D.: Impaired photosystem I oxidation induces STN7-dependent phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex I protein Lhca4 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 227, S. 717 - 722 (2008)
Jakoby, M. J.; Falkenhan, D.; Mader, M. T.; Brininstool, G.; Wischnitzki, E.; Platz, N.; Hudson, A.; Huelskamp, M.; Schnittger, A.: Transcriptional profiling of mature Arabidopsis trichomes reveals that NOECK encodes the MIXTA-like transcriptional regulator MYB106. Plant Physiology 148, S. 1583 - 1602 (2008)
Jang, S.; Marchal, V.; Panigrahi, K. C. S.; Wenkel, S.; Soppe, W.; Deng, X.-W.; Valverde, F.; Coupland, G.: Arabidopsis COP1 shapes the temporal pattern of CO accumulation conferring a photoperiodic flowering response. EMBO Journal 27, S. 1277 - 1288 (2008)
Jasinski, S.; Tattersall, A.; Piazza, P.; Hay, A.; Martinez-Garcia, J. F.; Schmitz, G.; Theres, K.; McCormick, S.; Tsiantis, M.: PROCERA encodes a DELLA protein that mediates control of dissected leaf form in tomato. The Plant Journal 56, 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03628.x, S. 603 - 612 (2008)
Jöcker, A.; Hoffmann, F.; Groscurth, A.; Schoof, H.: Protein function prediction and annotation in an integrated environment powered by web services (AFAWE). Bioinformatics 24, S. 2393 - 2394 (2008)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Koornneef, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Quantitative genetics in the age of omics. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11 (2), S. 123 - 128 (2008)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Sulpice, R.; Gibon, Y.; Steinhauser, C.; Fu, J.; Koornneef, M.; Stitt, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Integrative analyses of genetic variation in enzyme activities of primary carbohydrate metabolism reveal distinct modes of regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Biology 9, doi:10.1186/gb-2008-9-8-r129, S. R129 (2008)
Kienow, L.; Schneider, K.; Bartsch, M.; Stuible, H.-P.; Weng, H.; Miersch, O.; Wasternack, C.; Kombrink, E.: Jasmonates meet fatty acids: functional analysis of a new acyl-coenzyme A synthetase family from Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 59 (2), S. 403 - 419 (2008)
Kleemann, J.; Takahara, H.; Stueber, K.; O'Connell, R.: Identification of soluble secreted proteins from appressoria of Colletotrichum higginsianum by analysis of expressed sequence tags. Microbiology 154, S. 1204 - 1217 (2008)
Kolmos, E.; Schoof, H.; Plümer, M.; Davis, S. J.: Structural insights into the function of the core-circadian factor TIMING OF CAB2 EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1). Journal of Circadian Rhythms 6:3, 10.1186/1740-3391-6-3 (2008)
Kwon, C.; Bednarek, P.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Secretory Pathways in Plant Immune Responses. Plant Physiology 147 (4), S. 1575 - 1583 (2008)
Kwon, C.; Neu, C.; Pajonk, S.; Yun, H. S.; Lipka, U.; Humphry, M. E.; Bau, S.; Straus, M.; Rampelt, H.; El Kasmi, F. et al.; Jürgens, G.; Parker, J.; Panstruga, R.; Lipka, V.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Co-option of a default secretory pathway for plant immune responses. Nature 451, S. 835 - 840 (2008)
Kwon, C.; Panstruga, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Les liaisons dangereuses: Immunological synapse formation in animals and plants. Trends in Immunology 29 (4), S. 159 - 166 (2008)
Li, L.; Paulo, M.-J.; Strahwald, J.; Lubeck, J.; Hofferbert, H. R.; Tacke, E.; Junghans, H.; Wunder, J.; Draffehn, A.; van Eeuwijk, F. et al.; Gebhardt, C.: Natural DNA variation at candidate loci is associated with potato chip color, tuber starch content, yield and starch yield. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116 (8), S. 1167 - 1181 (2008)
Li, M. G.; Wunder, J.; Bissoli, G.; Scarponi, E.; Gazzani, S.; Barbaro, E.; Saedler, H.: Development of COS genes as universally amplifiable markers for phylogenetic reconstructions of closely related plant species. Cladistics 24, 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2008.00207.x, S. 727 - 745 (2008)
Llorente, F.; Muskett, P.; Sánchez-Vallet, A.; López, G.; Ramos, B.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, C.; Jordá, L.; Parker, J.; Molina, A.: Repression of the Auxin Response Pathway Increases Arabidopsis Susceptibility to Necrotrophic Fungi. Molecular Plant 1 (3), doi:10.1093/mp/ssn025, S. 496 - 509 (2008)
Lou, P.; Zhao, J.; He, H.; Hanhart, C.; Pino Del Carpio, D.; Verkerk, R.; Custers, C.; Koornneef, M.; Bonnema, G.: Quantitative trait loci for glucosinolate accumulation in Brassica rapa leaves. New Phytologist 179, 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02530.x, S. 1017 - 1032 (2008)
Mebrate, S. A.; Dehne, H. W.; Pillen, K.; Oerke, E. C.: Postulation of seedling leaf rust resistance genes in selected Ethiopian and German bread wheat cultivars. Crop Science 48 (2), S. 507 - 516 (2008)
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