Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Adeyemo, S.; Chavarriaga, P.; Tohme, J.; Fregene, M.; Davis, S. J.; Setter, T. L.: Overexpression of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene improves floral development in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). PLoS One 12 (7), e0181460 (2017)
Almario, J.; Jeena, G.; Wunder, J.; Langen, G.; Zuccaro, A.; Coupland, G.; Bucher, M.: Root-associated fungal microbiota of nonmycorrhizal Arabis alpina and its contribution to plant phosphorus nutrition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (44), S. E9403 - E9412 (2017)
Alvarez, M. F.; Angarita, M.; Delgado, M. C.; Garcia, C.; Jimenez-Gomez, J. M.; Gebhardt, C.; Mosquera, T.: Identification of Novel Associations of Candidate Genes with Resistance to Late Blight in Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1040 (2017)
Ariga, H.; Katori, T.; Tsuchimatsu, T.; Hirase, T.; Tajima, Y.; Parker, J. E.; Alcázar, R.; Koornneef, M.; Hoekenga, O.; Lipka, A. E. et al.; Gore, M. A.; Sakakibara, H.; Kojima, M.; Kobayashi, Y.; Iuchi, S.; Kobayashi, M.; Shinozaki, K.; Sakata, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Saijo, Y.; Taji, T.: NLR locus-mediated trade-off between abiotic and biotic stress adaptation in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 3, 17072 (2017)
Balcke, G. U.; Bennewitz, S.; Bergau, N.; Athmer, B.; Henning, A.; Majovsky, P.; Jimenez-Gomez, J. M.; Hoehenwarter, W.; Tissier, A.: Multi-Omics of Tomato Glandular Trichomes Reveals Distinct Features of Central Carbon Metabolism Supporting High Productivity of Specialized Metabolites. Plant Cell 29 (5), S. 960 - 983 (2017)
Baroux, C.; Pecinka, A.; Fuchs, J.; Kreth, G.; Schubert, I.; Grossniklaus, U.: Non-random chromosome arrangement in triploid endosperm nuclei. Chromosoma: Biology of the Nucleus, 10.1007/s00412-016-0578-5 (2017)
Berens, M.; Berry, H. M.; Mine, A.; Argueso, C. T.; Tsuda, K.: Evolution of Hormone Signaling Networks in Plant Defense. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY, VOL 55, S. 401 - 425 (2017)
Birkenbihl, R.; Kracher, B.; Roccaro, M.; Somssich, I. E.: Induced genome-wide binding of three WRKY transcription factors during early MAMP-triggered immunity. The Plant Cell 29, 10.1105/tpc.16.00681, S. 20 - 38 (2017)
Birkenbihl, R.; Liu, S.; Somssich, I. E.: Transcriptional events defining plant immune responses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 38 (SI: 38 Biotic Interactions 2017), S. 1 - 9 (2017)
Bowman, J. L.; Kohchi, T.; Yamato, K. T.; Jenkins, J.; Shu, S.; Ishizaki, K.; Yamaoka, S.; Nishihama, R.; Nakamura, Y.; Berger, F. et al.; Adam, C.; Aki, S. S.; Althoff, F.; Araki, T.; Arteaga-Vazquez, M. A.; Balasubrmanian, S.; Barry, K.; Bauer, D.; Boehm, C. R.; Briginshaw, L.; Caballero-Perez, J.; Catarino, B.; Chen, F.; Chiyoda, S.; Chovatia, M.; Davies, K. M.; Delmans, M.; Demura, T.; Dierschke, T.; Dolan, L.; Dorantes-Acosta, A. E.; Eklund, D. M.; Florent, S. N.; Flores-Sandoval, E.; Fujiyama, A.; Fukuzawa, H.; Galik, B.; Grimanelli, D.; Grimwood, J.; Grossniklaus, U.; Hamada, T.; Haseloff, J.; Hetherington, A. J.; Higo, A.; Hirakawa, Y.; Hundley, H. N.; Ikeda, Y.; Inoue, K.; Inoue, S.-I.; Ishida, S.; Jia, Q.; Kakita, M.; Kanazawa, T.; Kawai, Y.; Kawashima, T.; Kennedy, M.; Kinose, K.; Kinoshita, T.; Kohara, Y.; Koide, E.; Komatsu, K.; Kopischke, S.; Kubo, M.; Kyozuka, J.; Lagercrantz, U.; Lin, S.-S.; Lindquist, E.; Lipzen, A. M.; Lu, C.-W.; De Luna, E.; Martienssen, R.A.; Minamino, N.; Mizutani, M.; Mizutani, M.; Mochizuki, N.; Monte, I.; Mosher, R.; Nagasaki, H.; Nakagami, H.; Naramoto, S.; Nishitani, K.; Ohtani, M.; Okamoto, T.; Okumura, M.; Phillips, J.; Pollak, B.; Reinders, A.; Rovekamp, M.; Sano, R.; Sawa, S.; Schmid, M. W.; Shirakawa, M.; Solano, R.; Spunde, A.; Suetsugu, N.; Sugano, S.; Sugiyama, A.; Sun, R.; Suzuki, Y.; Takenaka, M.; Takezawa, D.; Tomogane, H.; Tsuzuki, M.; Ueda, T.; Umeda, M.; Ward, J. M.; Watanabe, Y.; Yazaki, K...; Yokoyama, R.; Yoshitake, Y.; Yotsui, I.; Zachgo, S.; Schmutz, J.: Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome. Cell 171 (2), S. 287 - 304.e15 (2017)
Chandrasekar, B.; Tram Hong, N.; Van der Hoorn, R. A. L.: Inhibitor Discovery by Convolution ABPP. ACTIVITY-BASED PROTEOMICS: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS, S. 47 - 56 (2017)
Chao, Y.; Li, L.; Girodat, D.; Foerstner, K. U.; Said, N.; Corcoran, C.; Smiga, M.; Papenfort, K.; Reinhardt, R.; Wieden, H.-J. et al.; Luisi, B. F.; Vogel, J.: In Vivo Cleavage Map Illuminates the Central Role of RNase E in Coding and Non-coding RNA Pathways. Molecular Cell 65 (1), S. 39 - 51 (2017)
Costa, M.-C. D.; Artur, M. A. S.; Maia, J.; Jonkheer, E.; Derks, M. F. L.; Nijveen, H.; Williams, B.; Mundree, S. G.; Jimenez-Gomez, J. M.; Hesselink, T. et al.; Schijlen, E. G. W. M.; Ligterink, W.; Oliver, M. J.; Farrant, J. M.; Hilhorst, H. W. M.: A footprint of desiccation tolerance in the genome of Xerophyiita viscosa. Nature Plants 3 (4), 17038 (2017)
Cui, H.; Gobbato, E.; Kracher, B.; Qiu, J.; Bautor, J.; Parker, J. E.: A core function of EDS1 with PAD4 is to protect the salicylic acid defense sector in Arabidopsis immunity. New Phytologist 213, 10.1111/nph.14302, S. 1802 - 1817 (2017)
de Montaigu, A.; Coupland, G.: The timing of GIGANTEA expression during day/ night cycles varies with the geographical origin of Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 12 (7), e1342026 (2017)
de Montaigu, A.; Oeljeklaus, J.; Krahn, J. H.; Suliman, M. N. S.; Halder, V.; De Ansorena, E.; Nickel, S.; Schlich, M.; Plihal, O.; Kubiasová, K. et al.; Radova, L.; Kracher, B.; Tóth, R.; Kaschani, F.; Coupland, G.; Kombrink, E.; Kaiser, M.: The Root Growth-Regulating Brevicompanine Natural Products Modulate the Plant Circadian Clock. ACS Chemical Biology 12 (6), S. 1466 - 1471 (2017)
de Simone, A.; Hubbard, R.; Vinegra de la Torre, N.; Velappan, Y.; Wilson, M.; Considine, M. J.; Soppe, W. J. J.; Foyer, C. H.: Redox Changes During the Cell Cycle in the Embryonic Root Meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING 27 (18), S. 1505 - 1519 (2017)
Diaz, M.; Pecinka, A.: Seeds as Emerging Hotspot for Maintenance of Genome Stability. CYTOLOGIA 82 (5), S. 467 - 470 (2017)
Dombrowski, N.; Schlaeppi, K.; Agler, M.T.; Hacquard, S.; Kemen, E.; Garrido Oter, R.; Wunder, J.; Coupland, G.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Root microbiota dynamics of perennial Arabis alpina are dependent on soil residence time but independent of flowering time. The ISME Journal 11, 10.1038/ismej.2016.109, S. 43 - 55 (2017)
Donnart, T.; Piednoel, M.; Higuet, D.; Bonnivard, E.: Filamentous ascomycete genomes provide insights into Copia retrotransposon diversity in fungi. BMC Genomics 18, 410 (2017)
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