Zeitschriftenartikel (91)

Weisweiler, M.; Stich, B.: Benchmarking of structural variant detection in the tetraploid potato genome using linked-read sequencing. Genomics 115 (2), 110568 (2023)
Wlodzimierz, P.; Rabanal, F. A.; Burns, R.; Naish, M.; Primetis, E.; Scott, A.; Mandáková, T.; Gorringe, N.; Tock, A.; Holland, D. et al.; Fritschi, K.; Habring, A.; Lanz, C.; Patel, C.; Schlegel, T.; Collenberg, M.; Mielke, M.; Nordborg, M.; Roux, F.; Shirsekar, G.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Lysak, M.; Novikova, P. Y.; Bousios, A.; Weigel, D.; Henderson, I.: Cycles of satellite and transposon evolution in Arabidopsis centromeres. Nature 618 (7965), S. 557 - 565 (2023)
Wu, P.Y.; Stich, B.; Renner, J.; Muders, K.; Prigge, V.; van Inghelandt, D.: Optimal implementation of genomic selection in clone breeding programs-Exemplified in potato: I. Effect of selection strategy, implementation stage, and selection intensity on short-term genetic gain. The Plant Genome 16 (2), e20327 (2023)
Wu, Y.; Sun, Y.; Richet, E.; Han, Z.; Chai, J.: Structural basis for negative regulation of the Escherichia coli maltose system. Nature Communications 14 (1), 4925 (2023)
Wunder, J.; Fulgione, A.; Toraeng, P.; Woetzel, S.; Herzog, M.; Obeso, J. R.; Kourmpetis, Y.; van Ham, R.; Odong, T.; Bink, M. et al.; Kemi, U.; Agren, J.; Coupland, G.: Adaptation of perennial flowering phenology across the European range of Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 290 (2011), 20231401 (2023)
Xu, L.; Wang, J.; Xiao, Y.; Han, Z.; Chai, J.: Structural insight into chitin perception by chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 of Oryza sativa. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 65 (1), S. 235 - 248 (2023)
Xu, M.-R.-X.; Liao, Z.-Y.; Brock, J. R.; Du, K.; Li, G.-Y.; Chen, Z.-Q.; Wang, Y.-H.; Gao, Z.-N.; Agarwal, G.; Wei, K. H.-C. et al.; Shao, F.; Pang, S.; Platts, A. E.; Van de Velde, J. D.; Lin, H.-M.; Teresi, S. J.; Bird, K.; Niederhuth, C. E.; Xu, J.-G.; Yu, G.-H.; Yang, J.-Y.; Dai, S.-F.; Nelson, A.; Braasch, I.; Zhang, X.-G.; Schartl, M.; Edger, P. P.; Han, M.-J.; Zhang, H.-H.: Maternal dominance contributes to subgenome differentiation in allopolyploid fishes. Nature Communications 14 (1), 8357 (2023)
Yotsui, I.; Matsui, H.; Miyauchi, S.; Iwakawa, H.; Melkonian, K.; Schlueter, T.; Michavila, S.; Kanazawa, T.; Nomura, Y.; Stolze, S. C. et al.; Jeon, H.-W.; Yan, Y.; Harzen, A.; Sugano, S. S.; Shirakawa, M.; Nishihama, R.; Ichihashi, Y.; Gimenez Ibanez, S.; Shirasu, K.; Ueda, T.; Kohchi, T.; Nakagami, H.: LysM-mediated signaling in Marchantia polymorpha highlights the conservation of pattern-triggered immunity in land plants. Current Biology (2023)
Yu, Y.; Song, W.; Zhai, N.; Zhang, S.; Wang, J.; Wang, S.; Liu, W.; Huang, C.-H.; Ma, H.; Chai, J. et al.; Chang, F.: PXL1 and SERKs act as receptor-coreceptor complexes for the CLE19 peptide to regulate pollen development. Nature Communications 14 (1), 3307 (2023)
Zeng, Y.; Zheng, Z.; Hessler, G.; Zou, K.; Bautor, J.; Stuttmann, J.; Xue, L.; Parker, J. E.; Cui, H.: Arabidopsis PAD4 promotes the maturation and nuclear accumulation of immune-related cysteine protease RD19. Journal of Experimental Botany, erad454 (2023)
Zuo, W.; Depotter, J. R. L.; Stolze, S. C.; Nakagami, H.; Doehlemann, G.: A transcriptional activator effector of Ustilago maydis regulates hyperplasia in maize during pathogen-induced tumor formation. Nature Communications 14 (1), 6722 (2023)

Buchkapitel (4)

Formosa-Jordan, P.; Landrein, B.: Quantifying Gene Expression Domains in Plant Shoot Apical Meristems. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2686, S. 537 - 551. Springer (2023)
Melkonian, K.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Nakagami, H.: Proximity-Dependent In Vivo Biotin Labeling for Interactome Mapping in Marchantia polymorpha. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2581, S. 295 - 308 (2023)
Scott, A. D.; Van de Velde, J. D.; Novikova, P. Y.: Inference of Polyploid Origin and Inheritance Mode from Population Genomic Data. In: POLYPLOIDY: Methods and Protocols, Bd. 2545, S. 279 - 295 (Hg. Van de Peer, Y.). Humana, New York (2023)
Sun, H.-Q.; Campoy, J. A.; Schneeberger, K.: Gamete Binning to Achieve Haplotype-Resolved Genome Assembly. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2590, S. 201 - 218. Springer (2023)
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