Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Kato, S.; Okamura, E.; Matsunaga, T. M.; Nakayama, M.; Kawanishi, Y.; Ichinose, T.; Iwane, A. H.; Sakamoto, T.; Imoto, Y.; Ohnuma, M. et al.; Nomura, Y.; Nakagami, H.; Kuroiwa, H.; Kuroiwa, T.; Matsunaga, S.: Cyanidioschyzon merolae aurora kinase phosphorylates evolutionarily conserved sites on its target to regulate mitochondrial division. Communications Biology 2 (1), 477 (2019)
Kesseler, R.; Neumann, U.; Przybyl, M.: Barley tales. infocus Magazine 56, S. 4 - 24 (2019)
Kiefer, C.; Willing, E.-M.; Jiao, W.-B.; Sun, H.-Q.; Piednoel, M.; Huemann, U.; Hartwig, B.; Huemann, U.; Koch, M. A.; Schneeberger, K.: Interspecies association mapping links reduced CG to TG substitution rates to the loss of gene-body methylation. Nature Plants 5 (8), S. 846 - 855 (2019)
Kierzkowski, D.; Runions, A.; Vuolo, F.; Strauß, S.; Lymbouridou, R.; Routier-Kierzkowska, A.-L.; Wilson Sánchez, D.; Jenke, H.; Galinha, C.; Mosca, G. et al.; Zhang, Z.; Canales, C.; Dello Ioio, R.; Huijser, P.; Smith, R. S.; Tsiantis, M.: A Growth-Based Framework for Leaf Shape Development and Diversity. Cell (2019)
Lambrecht, S. J.; Kanesaki, Y.; Fuss, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Steglich, C.: Interplay and Targetome of the Two Conserved Cyanobacterial sRNAs Yfr1 and Yfr2 in Prochlorococcus MED4. Scientific Reports 9, 14331 (2019)
Lapin, D.; Kovacova, V.; Sun, X.; Dongus, J. A.; Bhandari, D.; von Born, P.; Bautor, J.; Guarneri, N.; Rzemieniewski, J.; Stuttmann, J. et al.; Beyer, A.; Parker, J. E.: A Coevolved EDS1-SAG101-NRG1 Module Mediates Cell Death Signaling by TIR-Domain Immune Receptors. The Plant Cell (2019)
Lazaro, A.; Zhou, Y.; Giesguth, M.; Nawaz, K.; Bergonzi, S.; Pecinka, A.; Coupland, G.; Albani, M.: PERPETUAL FLOWERING2 coordinates the vernalization response and perennial flowering in Arabis alpina. Journal of Experimental Botany 70, S. 949 - 961 (2019)
Maekawa, T.; Kracher, B.; Saur, I. M.-L.; Maekawa-Yoshikawa, M.; Kellner, R.; Pankin, A.; von Korff, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Subfamily-specific specialization of RGH1/MLA immune receptors in wild barley. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32 (1), S. 107 - 119 (2019)
Meng, Q.; Gupta, R.; Min, C. W.; Kim, J.; Kramer, K.; Wang, Y.; Park, S.-R.; Finkemeier, I.; Kim, S. T.: A proteomic insight into the MSP1 and flg22 induced signaling in Oryza sativa leaves. Journal of Proteomics 196, S. 120 - 130 (2019)
Meng, Q.; Gupta, R.; Min, C. W.; Kwon, S. W.; Wang, Y.; Je, B. I.; Kim, Y.-J.; Jeon, J.-S.; Agrawal, G. K.; Rakwal, R. et al.; Kim, S. T.: Proteomics of Rice-Magnaporthe oryzae Interaction: What Have We Learned So Far? Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1383 (2019)
Mohrholz, A.; Sun, H.-Q.; Gloeckner, N.; Hummel, S.; Kolukisaoglu, U.; Schneeberger, K.; Harter, K.: The Striking Flower-in-Flower Phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana Nossen (No-0) is Caused by a Novel LEAFY Allele. PLANTS-BASEL 8 (12), 599 (2019)
Molina-Contreras, M. J.; Paulisic, S.; Then, C.; Moreno-Romero, J.; Pastor-Andreu, P.; Morelli, L.; Roig-Villanova, I.; Jenkins, H.; Hallab, A.; Gan, X. et al.; Gomez-Cadenas, A.; Tsiantis, M.; Rodriguez-Concepcion, M.; Martinez-Garcia, J. F.: Photoreceptor Activity Contributes to Contrasting Responses to Shade in Cardamine and Arabidopsis Seedlings. The Plant Cell 31 (11), S. 2649 - 2663 (2019)
Montenegro-Johnson, T.; Strauss, S.; Jackson, M. D. B.; Walker, L.; Smith, R. S.; Bassel, G. W.: 3DCellAtlas Meristem: a tool for the global cellular annotation of shoot apical meristems. Plant Methods 15, 33 (2019)
Neumann, U.: In memoriam - Chris Hawes. Journal of Microscopy (Oxford) 276 (1), S. 3 - 12 (2019)
Nikolov, L. A.; Shushkov, P.; Nevado, B.; Gan, X.; Al-Shehbaz, I. A.; Filatov, D.; Bailey, C. D.; Tsiantis, M.: Resolving the backbone of the Brassicaceae phylogeny for investigating trait diversity. New Phytologist 222, S. 1638 - 1651 (2019)
Nobori, T.; Tsuda, K.: The plant immune system in heterogeneous environments. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 50, S. 58 - 66 (2019)
Nowicka, A.; Tokarz, B.; Zwyrtkova, J.; Tomastikova, E. D.; Prochazkova, K.; Ercan, U.; Finke, A.; Rozhon, W.; Poppenberger, B.; Otmar, M. et al.; Niezgodzki, I.; Krecmerova, M.; Schubert, I.; Pecinka, A.: Comparative analysis of epigenetic inhibitors reveals different degrees of interference with transcriptional gene silencing and induction of DNA damage. Plant Journal (2019)
Oliva, R.; Atienza-Grande, G.; Huguet-Tapia, J. C.; Perez-Quintero, A.; Li, T.; Eom, J.-B.; Li, C.; Nguyen, H.; Liu, B.; Auguy, F. et al.; Sciallano, C.; Luu, V. T.; Dossa, G. S.; Cunnac, S.; Schmidt, S. M.; Slamet-Loedin, I. H.; Vera Cruz, C.; Szurek, B.; Frommer, W. B.: Broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight in rice using genome editing. Nature Biotechnology 37 (11), S. 1344 - 1350 (2019)
Parker, J.: Early Leads to Mechanisms of Plant Cultivar-Specific Disease Resistance. Plant Cell 31 (7), S. 1410 - 1411 (2019)
Philippou, K.; Ronald, J.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Davis, A. M.; Davis, S. J.: Physiological and Genetic Dissection of Sucrose Inputs to the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian System. Genes 10 (5), 334 (2019)
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