Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Wang, H. Y.; Klatte, M.; Jakoby, M.; Baumlein, H.; Weisshaar, B.; Bauer, P.: Iron deficiency-mediated stress regulation of four subgroup Ib BHLH genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 226 (4), S. 897 - 908 (2007)
Wirthmueller, L.; Zhang, Y.; Jones, J. D. G.; Parker, J. E.: Nuclear Accumulation of the Arabidopsis Immune Receptor RPS4 Is Necessary for Triggering EDS1-Dependent Defense. Current Biology 17 (23), S. 2023 - 2029 (2007)
Wu, J.; Schat, H.; Sun, R.; Koornneef, M.; Wang, X.; Aarts, M. G. M.: Characterization of natural variation for zinc, iron and manganese accumulation and zinc exposure response in Brassica rapa L. Plant and Soil 291 (1-2), S. 167 - 180 (2007)
Xing, S. P.; Zachgo, S.: Pollen lethality: A phenomenon in Arabidopsis RNA interference plants. Plant Physiology 145 (2), S. 330 - 333 (2007)
Yin, X. J.; Volk, S.; Ljung, K.; Mehlmer, N.; Dolezal, K.; Ditengou, F.; Hanano, S.; Davis, S. J.; Schmelzer, E.; Sandberg, G. et al.; Teige, M.; Palme, K.; Pickart, C.; Bachmair, A.: Ubiquitin lysine 63 chain-forming ligases regulate apical dominance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19 (6), S. 1898 - 1911 (2007)
Zhang, Y.; Schwarz, S.; Saedler, H.; Huijser, P.: SPL8, a local regulator in a subset of gibberellin-mediated developmental processes in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 63, 10.1007/s11103-006-9099-6, S. 429 - 439 (2007)
Zhao, J.; Paulo, M.-J.; Jamar, D.; Lou, P.; van Eeuwijk, F.; Bonnema, G.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: Association mapping of leaf traits, flowering time, and phytate content in Brassica rapa. Genome 50 (10), S. 963 - 973 (2007)
Acquisti, C.; Kleffe, J.; Collins, S.: Oxygen content of transmembrane proteins over macroevolutionary time scales. Nature 445, doi:10.1038/nature05450, S. 47 - 52 (2006)
Andjelkovic, V.; Thompson, R.: Changes in gene expression in maize kernel in response to water and salt stress. Plant Cell Reports 25 (1), S. 71 - 79 (2006)
Azevedo, C.; Betsuyaku, S.; Peart, J.; Takahashi, A.; Noel, L.; Sadanandom, A.; Casais, C.; Parker, J.; Shirasu, K.: Role of SGT1 in resistance protein accumulation in plant immunity. EMBO Journal 25 (9), S. 2007 - 2016 (2006)
Bartsch, M.; Gobbato, E.; Bednarek, P.; Debey, S.; Schultze, J. L.; Bautor, J.; Parker, J. E.: Salicylic acid-independent ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 signaling in Arabidopsis immunity and cell death is regulated by the monooxygenase FMO1 and the nudix hydrolase NUDT7. Plant Cell 18 (4), S. 1038 - 1051 (2006)
Batchu, A. K.; Zimmermann, D.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Koprek, T.: Correlation between hordatine accumulation, environmental factors and genetic diversity in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) accessions from the Near East Fertile Crescent. Genetica 127 (1-3), S. 87 - 99 (2006)
Ben-Naim, O.; Eshed, R.; Parnis, A.; Teper-Bamnolker, P.; Shalit, A.; Coupland, G.; Samach, A.; Lifschitz, E.: The CCAAT binding factor can mediate interactions between CONSTANS-like proteins and DNA. Plant Journal 46 (3), S. 462 - 476 (2006)
Bentsink, L.; Jowett, J.; Hanhart, C. J.; Koornneef, M.: Cloning of DOG1, a quantitative trait locus controlling seed dormancy in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (45), S. 17042 - 17047 (2006)
Berendzen, K. W.; Stueber, K.; Harter, K.; Wanke, D.: Cis-motifs upstream of the transcription and translation initiation sites are effectively revealed by their positional disequilibrium in eukaryote genomes using frequency distribution curves. BMC Bioinformatics 7, 522 (2006)
Berger, F.; Grini, P. E.; Schnittger, A.: Endosperm: an integrator of seed growth and development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 9 (6), S. 664 - 670 (2006)
Bhat, R. A.; Lahaye, T.; Panstruga, R.: The visible touch: in planta visualization of protein-protein interactions by fluorophore-based methods. Plant Methods 2 (12), doi:10.1186/1746-4811-2-12 (2006)
Brandolini, A.; Vaccino, P.; Boggini, G.; Ozkan, H.; Kilian, B.; Salamini, F.: Quantification of genetic relationships among A genomes of wheats. Genome 49 (4), S. 297 - 305 (2006)
Brodersen, P.; Petersen, M.; Nielsen, H. B.; Zhu, S. J.; Newman, M.-A.; Shokat, K. M.; Rietz, S.; Parker, J.; Mundy, J.: Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 regulates salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid/ethylene-dependent responses via EDS1 and PAD4. Plant Journal 47 (4), S. 532 - 546 (2006)
Calderon-Villalobos, L. I. A.; Kuhnle, C.; Li, H. B.; Rosso, M.; Weisshaar, B.; Schwechheimer, C.: LucTrap vectors are tools to generate luciferase fusions for the quantification of transcript and protein abundance in vivo. Plant Physiology 141 (1), S. 3 - 14 (2006)
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