Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Mateos, J. L.; Madrigal, P.; Tsuda, K.; Rawat, V.; Rawat, V.; Richter, R.; Romera Branchat, M.; Fornara, F.; Schneeberger, K.; Krajewski, P. et al.; Coupland, G.: Combinatorial activities of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE and FLOWERING LOCUS C define distinct modes of flowering regulation in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology 16, 31 (2015)
Mau, M.; Lovell, J. T.; Corral, J. M.; Kiefer, C.; Koch, M. A.; Aliyu, O. M.; Sharbel, T. F.: Hybrid apomicts trapped in the ecological niches of their sexual ancestors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 112 (18), S. E2357 - E2365 (2015)
McMullan, M.; Gardiner, A.; Bailey, K.; Kemen, E.; Ward, B. J.; Cevik, V.; Robert-Seilaniantz, A.; Schultz-Larsen, T.; Balmuth, A.; Holub, E. et al.; van Oosterhout, C.; Jones, J. D. G.: Evidence for suppression of immunity as a driver for genomic introgressions and host range expansion in races of Albugo candida, a generalist parasite. eLife 4, e04550 (2015)
Mentink, R.; Tsiantis, M.: From limbs to leaves: common themes in evolutionary diversification of organ form. Frontiers in genetics 6, S. 284 - 284 (2015)
Monniaux, M.; Pieper, B.; Hay, A.: Stochastic variation in Cardamine hirsuta petal number. Annals of Botany, 10.1093/aob/mcv131 (2015)
Montenegro-Johnson, T. D.; Stamm, P.; Strauss, S.; Topham, A. T.; Tsagris, M.; Wood, A. T. A.; Smith, R. S.; Bassel, G. W.: Digital Single-Cell Analysis of Plant Organ Development Using 3DCellAtlas. Plant Cell 27 (4), S. 1018 - 1033 (2015)
Muktar, M. S.; Lubeck, J.; Strahwald, J.; Gebhardt, C.: Selection and validation of potato candidate genes for maturity corrected resistance to Phytophthora infestans based on differential expression combined with SNP association and linkage mapping. Frontiers in Genetics 6, S. 294 - 294 (2015)
Nakabayashi, K.; Obeng-Hinneh, E.; Bartsch, M.; Ding, J.; Soppe, W. J.: Seed dormancy in Arabidopsis requires self-binding ability of DOG1 protein and the presence of multiple isoforms generated by alternative splicing. PLoS Genetics, e1005737 (2015)
Née, G.; Obeng-Hinneh, E.; Sarvari, P.; Nakabayashi, K.; Soppe, W. J. J.: Secondary dormancy in Brassica napus is correlated with enhanced BnaDOG1 transcript levels. Seed Science Research 25 (SI 2), S. 221 - 229 (2015)
Niederberger, T.; Failmezger, H.; Uskat, D.; Poron, D.; Glauche, I.; Scherf, N.; Roeder, I.; Schroeder, T.; Tresch, A.: Factor graph analysis of live cell-imaging data reveals mechanisms of cell fate decisions. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 31 (11), S. 1816 - 23 (2015)
Nikolov, L. A.; Tsiantis, M.: Interspecies Gene Transfer as a Method for Understanding the Genetic Basis for Evolutionary Change: Progress, Pitfalls, and Prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1135 (2015)
Obidiegwu, J. E.; Sanetomo, R.; Flath, K.; Tacke, E.; Hofferbert, H.-R.; Hofmann, A.; Walkemeier, B.; Gebhardt, C.: Genomic architecture of potato resistance to Synchytrium endobioticum disentangled using SSR markers and the 8.3k SolCAP SNP genotyping array. BMC GENETICS 16, 38 (2015)
Ohkama-Ohtsu, N.; Ichida, S.; Yamaya, H.; Ohwada, T.; Itakura, M.; Hara, Y.; Mitsui, H.; Kaneko, T.; Tabata, S.; Tejima, K. et al.; Saeki, K.; Omori, H.; Hayashi, M.; Maekawa, T.; Murooka, Y.; Tajima, S.; Simomura, K.; Nomura, M.; Uchiumi, T.; Suzuki, A.; Shimoda, Y.; Abe, M.; Minamisawa, K.; Arima, Y.; Yokoyama, T.: Peribacteroid solution of soybean root nodules partly induces genomic loci for differentiation into bacteroids of free-living Bradyrhizobium japonicum cells. SI 61 (3), S. 461 - 470 (2015)
Ordonez-Herrera, N.; Fackendahl, P.; Yu, X.; Schaefer, S.; Koncz, C.; Hoecker, U.: A cop1 spa Mutant Deficient in COP1 and SPA Proteins Reveals Partial Co-Action of COP1 and SPA during Arabidopsis Post-Embryonic Development and Photomorphogenesis. Molecular Plant 8 (3), S. 479 - 481 (2015)
Papdi, C.; Perez-Salamo, I.; Joseph, M. P.; Giuntoli, B.; Boegre, L.; Koncz, C.; Szabados, L.: The low oxygen, oxidative and osmotic stress responses synergistically act through the ethylene response factor VII genes RAP2.12, RAP2.2 and RAP2.3. The Plant Journal 82 (5), S. 772 - 784 (2015)
Piednoel, M.; Sousa, A.; Renner, S. S.: Transposable elements in a clade of three tetraploids and a diploid relative, focusing on Gypsy amplification. MOBILE DNA 6, 5 (2015)
Piofczyk, T. P.; Jeena, G.; Pecinka, A.: Arabidopsis thaliana natural variation reveals connections between UV radiation stress and plant pathogen-like defense responses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 93, S. 34 - 43 (2015)
Raschke, A.; Ibanez, C.; Ullrich, K. K.; Anwer, M. U.; Becker, S.; Gloeckner, A.; Trenner, J.; Denk, K.; Saal, B.; Sun, X. et al.; Ni, M.; Davis, S. J.; Delker, C.; Quint, M.: Natural variants of ELF3 affect thermomorphogenesis by transcriptionally modulating PIF4-dependent auxin response genes. BMC Plant Biology 15, 197 (2015)
Rast-Somssich, M.; Broholm, S.; Jenkins, H.; Canales, C.; Vlad, D.; Kwantes, M.; Bilsborough, G.; Dello Ioio, R.; Ewing, R. M.; Laufs, P. et al.; Huijser, P.; Ohno, C.; Heisler, M. G.; Hay, A.; Tsiantis, M.: Alternate wiring of a KNOXI genetic network underlies differences in leaf development of A. thaliana and C. hirsuta. Genes and Development 29 (23), S. 2391 - 2404 (2015)
Rawat, V.; Abdelsamad, A.; Pietzenuk, B.; Seymour, D. K.; Koenig, D.; Weigel, D.; Pecinka, A.; Schneeberger, K.: Improving the Annotation of Arabidopsis lyrata Using RNA-Seq Data. PLOS ONE 10 (9), e0137391 (2015)
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