Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Salamini, F.: A path towards agricultural productivity: cereal genomics - A personal view - Foreward. Plant Molecular Biology 48 (5), S. 443 - 444 (2002)
Salamini, F.; Ozkan, H.; Brandolini, A.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Martin, W.: Genetics and geography of wild cereal domestication in the Near East. Nature Reviews Genetics 3 (6), S. 429 - 441 (2002)
Sandal, L.; Krusell, L.; Radutoiu, S.; Olbryt, M.; Pedrosa, A.; Stracke, S.; Sato, S.; Kato, T.; Tabata, S.; Parniske, M. et al.; Bachmair, A.; Ketelsen, T.; Stougaard, J.: A genetic linkage map of the model legume Lotus japonicus and strategies for fast mapping of new loci. Genetics 161 (4), S. 1673 - 1683 (2002)
Santandrea, G.; Guo, Y.; O'Connell, T.; Thompson, R. D.: Post-phloem protein trafficking in the maize caryopsis: ZmTRXh1, a thioredoxin specifically expressed in the pedicel parenchyma of Zea mays L., is found predominantly in the placentochalaza. Plant Molecular Biology 50 (4), S. 743 - 756 (2002)
Schellmann, S.; Schnittger, A.; Kirik, V.; Wada, T.; Okada, K.; Beermann, A.; Thumfahrt, J.; Jurgens, G.; Huelskamp, M.: TRIPTYCHON and CAPRICE mediate lateral inhibition during trichome and root hair patterning in Arabidopsis. EMBO Journal 21 (19), S. 5036 - 5046 (2002)
Schlogelhofer, P.; Bachmair, A.: A test of fusion protein stability in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana reveals degradation signals from ACC synthase and from the plant N-end rule pathway. Plant Cell Reports 21 (2), S. 174 - 179 (2002)
Schlogelhofer, P.; Nizhynska, V.; Feik, N.; Chambon, C.; Potuschak, T.; Wanzenbock, E.M.; Schweizer, D.; Bachmair, A.: The upstream Sal repeat-containing segment of Arabidopsis thaliana ribosomal DNA intergenic region (IGR) enhances the activity of adjacent protein-coding genes. Plant Molecular Biology 49 (6), S. 655 - 667 (2002)
Schmelzer, E.: Cell polarization, a crucial process in fungal defence. Trends in Plant Science 7 (9), S. 411 - 415 (2002)
Schmitz, G.; Tillmann, E.; Carriero, F.; Fiore, C.; Cellini, F.; Theres, K.: The tomato Blind gene encodes a MYB transcription factor that controls the formation of lateral meristems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (2), S. 1064 - 1069 (2002)
Schneider, K.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Borchardt, D. C.; Salamini, F.: Mapping QTLs for sucrose content, yield and quality in a sugar beet population fingerprinted by EST-related markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104 (6-7), S. 1107 - 1113 (2002)
Schnittger, A.; Schobinger, U.; Bouyer, D.; Weinl, C.; Stierhof, Y.-D.; Huelskamp, M.: Ectopic D-type cyclin expression induces not only DNA replication but also cell division in Arabidopsis trichomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (9), S. 6410 - 6415 (2002)
Schnittger, A.; Schobinger, U.; Stierhof, Y.-D.; Huelskamp, M.: Ectopic B-Type cyclin expression induces mitotic cycles in endoreduplicating Arabidopsis trichomes. Current Biology 12 (5), S. 415 - 420 (2002)
Sharopova, N.; McMullen, M. D.; Schultz, L.; Schroeder, S.; Sanchez-Villeda, H.; Gardiner, J.; Bergstrom, D.; Houchins, K.; Melia-Hancock, S.; Musket, T. et al.; Duru, N.; Polacco, M.; Edwards, K.; Ruff, T.; Register, J. C.; Brouwer, C.; Thompson, R.; Velasco, R.; Chin, E.; Lee, M.; Woodman-Clikeman, W.; Long, M. J.; Liscum, E.; Cone, K.; Davis, G.; Coe, E. H.: Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize. Plant Molecular Biology 48 (5), S. 463 - 481 (2002)
Spode, I.; Maiwald, D.; Hollenberg, C. P.; Suckow, M.: ATF/CREB sites present in sub-telomeric regions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes are part of promoters and act as UAS/URS of highly conserved COS genes. Journal of Molecular Biology 319 (2), S. 407 - 420 (2002)
Szabados, L.; Kovacs, I.; Oberschall, A.; Abraham, E.; Kerekes, I.; Zsigmond, L.; Nagy, R.; Alvarado, M. C.; Krasovskaja, I.; Gal, M. et al.; Berente, A.; Redei, G. P.; Ben Haim, A.; Koncz, C.: Distribution of 1000 sequenced T-DNA tags in the Arabidopsis genome. Plant Journal 32 (2), S. 233 - 242 (2002)
Taenzler, B.; Esposti, R. F.; Vaccino, P.; Brandolini, A.; Effgen, S.; Heun, M.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Borghi, B.; Salamini, F.: Molecular linkage map of Einkorn wheat: mapping of storage- protein and soft-glume genes and bread-making quality QTLs. Genetical Research 80 (2), S. 131 - 143 (2002)
van't Slot, K. A. E.; Knogge, W.: A dual role for microbial pathogen-derived effector proteins in plant disease and resistance. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21 (3), S. 229 - 271 (2002)
Varet, A.; Parker, J.; Tornero, P.; Nass, N.; Nuernberger, T.; Dangl, J. L.; Scheel, D.; Lee, J.: NHL25 and NHL3, two NDR1/HIN1-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana with potential role(s) in plant defense. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15 (6), S. 608 - 616 (2002)
Varotto, C.; Leister, D.: Maize in the genomics era. Maydica 47 (3-4), S. 203 - 211 (2002)
Varotto, C.; Maiwald, D.; Pesaresi, P.; Jahns, P.; Salamini, F.; Leister, D.: The metal ion transporter IRT1 is necessary for iron homeostasis and efficient photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 31 (5), S. 589 - 599 (2002)
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