Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Heibges, A.; Salamini, F.; Gebhardt, C.: Functional comparison of homologous members of three groups of Kunitz-type enzyme inhibitors from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). Molecular Genetics and Genomics 269 (4), S. 535 - 541 (2003)
Heim, M. A.; Jakoby, M.; Werber, M.; Martin, C.; Weisshaar, B.; Bailey, P. C.: The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family in plants: A genome-wide study of protein structure and functional diversity. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20 (5), S. 735 - 747 (2003)
Hunger, S.; Di Gaspero, G.; Mohring, S.; Bellin, D.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Borchardt, D. C.; Durel, C. E.; Werber, M.; Weisshaar, B.; Salamini, F. et al.; Schneider, K.: Isolation and linkage analysis of expressed disease-resistance gene analogues of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Genome 46 (1), S. 70 - 82 (2003)
Jaag, H. M.; Kawchuk, L.; Rohde, W.; Fischer, R.; Emans, N.; Prüfer, D.: An unusual internal ribosomal entry site of inverted symmetry directs expression of a potato leafroll polerovirus replication-associated protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (15), S. 8939 - 8944 (2003)
Jacobs, A. K.; Lipka, V.; Burton, R. A.; Panstruga, R.; Strizhov, N.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Fincher, G. B.: An Arabidopsis callose synthase, GSL5, is required for wound and papillary callose formation. Plant Cell 15 (11), S. 2503 - 2513 (2003)
Kalde, M.; Barth, M.; Somssich, I. E.; Lippok, B.: Members of the Arabidopsis WRKY group III transcription factors are part of different plant defense signaling pathways. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16 (4), S. 295 - 305 (2003)
Kanno, A.; Saeki, H.; Kameya, T.; Saedler, H.; Theissen, G.: Heterotopic expression of class B floral homeotic genes supports a modified ABC model for tulip (Tulipa gesneriana). Plant Molecular Biology 52 (4), S. 831 - 841 (2003)
Kersten, B.; Feilner, T.; Kramer, A.; Wehrmeyer, S.; Possling, A.; Witt, I.; Zanor, M. I.; Stracke, R.; Lueking, A.; Kreutzberger, J. et al.; Lehrach, H.; Cahill, D. J.: Generation of Arabidopsis protein chips for antibody and serum screening. Plant Molecular Biology 52 (5), S. 999 - 1010 (2003)
Koncz, C.: From genome projects to molecular breeding - Editorial overview. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14 (2), S. 133 - 135 (2003)
Kubis, S.; Baldwin, A.; Patel, R.; Razzaq, A.; Dupree, P.; Lilley, K.; Kurth, J.; Leister, D.; Jarvis, P.: The Arabidopsis ppi1 mutant is specifically defective in the expression, chloroplast import, and accumulation of photosynthetic proteins. Plant Cell 15 (8), S. 1859 - 1871 (2003)
Kurepa, J.; Walker, J. M.; Smalle, J.; Gosink, M. M.; Davis, S. J.; Sung, D. Y.; Vierstra, R. D.: The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein modification system in Arabidopsis - Accumulation of SUMO1 and -2 conjugates is increased by stress. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (9), S. 6862 - 6872 (2003)
Lao, N. T.; Long, D.; Kiang, S.; Coupland, G.; Shoue, D. A.; Carpita, N. C.; Kavanagh, T. A.: Mutation of a family 8 glycosyltransferase gene alters cell wall carbohydrate composition and causes a humidity-sensitive semi-sterile dwarf phenotype in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 53 (5), S. 687 - 701 (2003)
Leister, D.: Chloroplast research in the genomic age. Trends in Genetics 19 (1), S. 47 - 56 (2003)
Leister, D.; Schneider, A.: From genes to photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Review of Cytology - A Survey of Cell Biology, Vol 228 228, S. 31 - 83 (2003)
Li, Y.; Rosso, M. G.; Strizhov, N.; Viehoever, P.; Weisshaar, B.: GABI-Kat SimpleSearch: a flanking sequence tag (FST) database for the identification of T-DNA insertion mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bioinformatics 19 (11), S. 1441 - 1442 (2003)
Madsen, L. H.; Collins, N. C.; Rakwalska, M.; Backes, G.; Sandal, N.; Krusell, L.; Jensen, J.; Waterman, E. H.; Jahoor, A.; Ayliffe, M. et al.; Pryor, A. J.; Langridge, P.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Stougaard, J.: Barley disease resistance gene analogs of the NBS-LRR class: identification and mapping. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 269 (1), S. 150 - 161 (2003)
Maiwald, D.; Dietzmann, A.; Jahns, P.; Pesaresi, P.; Joliot, P.; Joliot, A.; Levin, J. Z.; Salamini, F.; Leister, D.: Knock-out of the genes coding for the Rieske protein and the ATP-synthase delta-subunit of Arabidopsis. Effects on photosynthesis, thylakoid protein composition, and nuclear chloroplast gene expression. Plant Physiology 133 (1), S. 191 - 202 (2003)
Morandini, P.; Salamini, F.: Plant biotechnology and breeding: allied for years to come. Trends in Plant Science 8 (2), S. 70 - 75 (2003)
Morgante, M.; Salamini, F.: From plant genomics to breeding practice. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 14 (2), S. 214 - 219 (2003)
Mueller, I.; Wagner, W.; Volker, A.; Schellmann, S.; Nacry, P.; Kuttner, F.; Schwarz-Sommer, Z.; Mayer, U.; Jurgens, G.: Syntaxin specificity of cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biology 5 (6), S. 531 - 534 (2003)
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