Zeitschriftenartikel (2291)

Wiermer, M.; Feys, B. J.; Parker, J. E.: Plant immunity: the EDS1 regulatory node. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8 (4), S. 383 - 389 (2005)
Witte, C.-P.; Rosso, M. G.; Romeis, T.: Identification of Three Urease Accessory Proteins That Are Required for Urease Activation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 139 (3), S. 1155 - 1162 (2005)
Xiao, S.; Calis, O.; Patrick, E.; Zhang, G.; Charoenwattana, P.; Muskett, P.; Parker, J. E.; Turner, J. G.: The atypical resistance gene, RPW8, recruits components of basal defence for powdery mildew resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 42, S. 95 - 110 (2005)
Xing, S. P.; Rosso, M. G.; Zachgo, S.: ROXY1, a member of the plant glutaredoxin family, is required for petal development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 132 (7), S. 1555 - 1565 (2005)
Yephremov, A.; Schreiber, L.: The dark side of the cell wall: Molecular genetics of plant cuticle. Plant Biosystems 139 (1), S. 74 - 79 (2005)
Zobell, O.; Coupland, G.; Reiss, B.: The family of CONSTANS-like genes in Physcomitrella patens. Plant Biology 7 (3), S. 266 - 275 (2005)
Zygadlo, A.; Jensen, P. E.; Leister, D.; Scheller, H. V.: Photosystem I lacking the PSI-G subunit has a higher affinity for plastocyanin and is sensitive to photodamage. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1708 (2), S. 154 - 163 (2005)
Alvarado, M. C.; Zsigmond, L. M.; Kovacs, I.; Cseplo, A.; Koncz, C.; Szabados, L. M.: Gene trapping with firefly luciferase in Arabidopsis. Tagging of stress-responsive genes. Plant Physiology 134 (1), S. 18 - 27 (2004)
An, H.; Roussot, C.; Suárez-López, P.; Corbesier, L.; Vincent, C.; Piñeiro, M.; Hepworth, S.; Mouradov, A.; Justin, S.; Turnbull, C. et al.; Coupland, G.: CONSTANS acts in the phloem to regulate a systemic signal that induces photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis. Development 131 (15), S. 3615 - 3626 (2004)
Anthony, R. G.; Henriques, R.; Helfer, A.; Meszaros, T.; Rios, G.; Testerink, C.; Munnik, T.; Deak, M.; Koncz, C.; Bogre, L.: A protein kinase target of a PDK1 signalling pathway is involved in root hair growth in Arabidopsis. EMBO Journal 23 (3), S. 572 - 581 (2004)
Baudry, A.; Heim, M. A.; Dubreucq, B.; Caboche, M.; Weisshaar, B.; Lepiniec, L.: TT2, TT8, and TTG1 synergistically specify the expression of BANYULS and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 39 (3), S. 366 - 380 (2004)
Baumeister, W.; Bachmair, A.; Chau, V.; Cohen, R.; Coffino, P.; DeMartino, G.; Deshaies, R.; Dohmen, J.; Emr, S.; Finley, D. et al.; Hampton, R.; Hill, C.; Hochstrasser, M.; Huber, R.; Jackson, P.; Jentsch, S.; Johnson, E.; Kwon, Y. T.; Pagano, M.; Pickart, C.; Rechsteiner, M.; Scheffner, M.; Sommer, T.; Tansey, W.; Tyers, M.; Vierstra, R.; Weissman, A.; Wilkinson, K. D.; Wolf, D.: Varshavsky's contributions. Science 306 (5700), S. 1290 - 1292 (2004)
Bednarek, P.; Winter, J.; Hamberger, B.; Oldham, N. J.; Schneider, B.; Tan, J. W.; Hahlbrock, K.: Induction of 3 '-O-beta-D-ribofuranosyl adenosine during compatible, but not during incompatible, interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana or Lycopersicon esculentum with Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato. Planta 218 (4), S. 668 - 672 (2004)
Benito, B.; Garciadeblas, B.; Schreier, P.; Rodriguez-Navarro, A.: Novel P-type ATPases mediate high-affinity potassium or sodium uptake in fungi. Eukaryotic Cell 3 (2), S. 359 - 368 (2004)
Bey, M.; Stueber, K.; Fellenberg, K.; Schwarz-Sommer, Z.; Sommer, H.; Saedler, H.; Zachgo, S.: Characterization of Antirrhinum petal development and identification of target genes of the class B MADS box gene DEFICIENS. Plant Cell 16 (12), S. 3197 - 3215 (2004)
Bhat, R. A.; Borst, J. W.; Riehl, M.; Thompson, R. D.: Interaction of maize Opaque-2 and the transcriptional co-activators GCN5 and ADA2, in the modulation of transcriptional activity. Plant Molecular Biology 55 (2), S. 239 - 252 (2004)
Bieri, S.; Mauch, S.; Shen, Q.-H.; Peart, J.; Devoto, A.; Casais, C.; Ceron, F.; Schulze, S.; Steinbiss, H. H.; Shirasu, K. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: RAR1 positively controls steady state levels of barley MLA resistance proteins and enables sufficient MLA6 accumulation for effective resistance. Plant Cell 16 (12), S. 3480 - 3495 (2004)
Bormann, C. A.; Rickert, A. M.; Ruiz, R. A. C.; Paal, J.; Lubeck, J.; Strahwald, J.; Buhr, K.; Gebhardt, C.: Tagging quantitative trait loci for maturity-corrected late blight resistance in tetraploid potato with PCR-based candidate gene markers. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17 (10), S. 1126 - 1138 (2004)
Calenge, F.; Faure, A.; Goerre, M.; Gebhardt, C.; Van de Weg, W. E.; Parisi, L.; Durel, C. E.: Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis reveals both broad-spectrum and isolate-specific QTL for scab resistance in an apple progeny challenged with eight isolates of Venturia inaequalis. Phytopathology 94 (4), S. 370 - 379 (2004)
Casal, J. J.; Fankhauser, C.; Coupland, G.; Blazquez, M. A.: Signalling for developmental plasticity. Trends in Plant Science 9 (6), S. 309 - 314 (2004)
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