Zeitschriftenartikel (90)

Jeon, H.-W.; Iwakawa, H.; Naramoto, S.; Herrfurth, C.; Gutsche, N.; Schluter, T.; Kyozuka, J.; Miyauchi, S.; Feussner, I.; Zachgo, S. et al.; Nakagami, H.: Contrasting and conserved roles of NPR pathways in diverged land plant lineages. New Phytologist 243 (6), S. 2295 - 2310 (2024)
Kim, H.; Kim, J.; Son, N.; Kuo, P.; Morgan, C.; Chambon, A.; Byun, D.; Park, J.; Lee, Y.; Park, Y. M. et al.; Fozard, J. A.; Guérin, J.; Hurel, A.; Lambing, C.; Howard, M.; Hwang, I.; Mercier, R.; Grelon, M.; Henderson, I. R.; Choi, K.: Control of meiotic crossover interference by a proteolytic chaperone network. Nature Plants 10, S. 453 - 468 (2024)
Klug, K.; Zhu, P.; Pattar, P.; Mueller, T.; Safari, N.; Sommer, F.; Valero-Jimenez, C. A.; van Kan, J. A. L.; Huettel, B.; Stueber, K. et al.; Scheuring, D.; Schroda, M.; Hahn, M.: Genome Comparisons between Botrytis fabae and the Closely Related Gray Mold Fungus Botrytis cinerea Reveal Possible Explanations for Their Contrasting Host Ranges. Journal of Fungi 10 (3), 216 (2024)
Kuo, Y.-T.; Kurian, J. G.; Schubert, V.; Fuchs, J.; Melzer, M.; Muraleedharan, A.; Maruthachalam, R.; Houben, A.: The holocentricity in the dioecious nutmeg Myristica fragrans is not based on major satellite repeats. Chromosome Research 32 (2), 8 (2024)
Kuo, Y.-T.; Schubert, V.; Marques, A.; Schubert, I.; Houben, A.: Centromere diversity: How different repeat-based holocentromeres may have evolved. Bioessays 46 (6), e2400013 (2024)
Li, X.-M.; Jenke, H.; Strauss, S.; Bazakos, C.; Mosca, G.; Lymbouridou, R.; Kierzkowski, D.; Neumann, U.; Naik, P.; Huijser, P. et al.; Laurent, S.; Smith, R. S.; Runions, A.; Tsiantis, M.: Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis. Current Biology 34, S. 541 - 556.e515 (2024)
Li, X.-M.; Jenke, H.; Strauß, S.; Wang, Y.; Bhatia, N.; Kierzkowski, D.; Lymbouridou, R.; Huijser, P.; Smith, R. S.; Runions, A. et al.; Tsiantis, M.: Age-associated growth control modifies leaf proximodistal symmetry and enabled leaf shape diversification. Current Biology 34 (19), S. 4547 - 4558.e9 (2024)
Lian, Q.; Huettel, B.; Walkemeier, B.; Mayjonade, B.; Lopez-Roques, C.; Gil, L.; Roux, F.; Schneeberger, K.; Mercier, R.: A pan-genome of 69 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveals a conserved genome structure throughout the global species range. Nature Genetics 56, S. 982 - 991 (2024)
Lian, Q.; Mercier, R.: Constants and variations in 69 diverse genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Genetics 56 (5), S. 748 - 749 (2024)
Liu, Y.; Esposto, D.; Mahdi, L.; Porzel, A.; Stark, P.; Hussain, H.; Scherr-Henning, A.; Isfort, S.; Bathe, U.; Acosta, I. et al.; Zuccaro, A.; Balcke, G. U.; Tissier, A.: Hordedane diterpenoid phytoalexins restrict Fusarium graminearum infection but enhance Bipolaris sorokiniana colonization of barley roots. Molecular Plant 17 (8), S. 1307 - 1327 (2024)
Locci, F.; Parker, J. E.: Plant NLR immunity activation and execution: a biochemical perspective. Open Biology 14 (1), 230387 (2024)
Loo, E. P. I.; Durán, P.; Pang, T. Y.; Westhoff, P.; Deng, C.; Durán, C.; Lercher, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Frommer, W. B.: Sugar transporters spatially organize microbiota colonization along the longitudinal root axis of Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe 32 (4), S. 543 - 556.e6 (2024)
Lopes, F. L.; Formosa-Jordan, P.; Malivert, A.; Margalha, L.; Confraria, A.; Feil, R.; Lunn, J. E.; Jönsson, H.; Landrein, B.; Baena-González, E.: Sugar signaling modulates SHOOT MERISTEMLESS expression and meristem function in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (37), e2408699121 (2024)
López, H.; Mercier, R.: Meiosis: The silk moth and the elephant. Current Biology 34 (11), S. R211 - R213 (2024)
Ma, S.; An, C.; Lawson, A. W.; Cao, Y.; Sun, Y.; Tan, E. Y. J.; Pan, J.; Jirschitzka, J.; Kümmel, F.; Mukhi, N. et al.; Han, Z.; Feng, S.; Wu, B.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.: Oligomerization-mediated autoinhibition and cofactor binding of a plant NLR. Nature 632, S. 869 - 876 (2024)
Ma, X.; Vanneste, S.; Chang, J.; Ambrosino, L.; Barry, K.; Bayer, T.; Bobrov, A. A.; Boston, L. B.; Campbell, J. E.; Chen, H. et al.; Chiusano, M. L.; Dattolo, E.; Grimwood, J.; He, G.; Jenkins, J.; Khachaturyan, M.; Marin-Guirao, L.; Mesterhazy, A.; Muhd, D.-D.; Pazzaglia, J.; Plott, C.; Rajasekar, S.; Rombauts, S.; Ruocco, M.; Scott, A. D.; Tan, M. P.; Van de Velde, J. D.; Vanholme, B.; Webber, J.; Wong, L. L.; Yan, M.; Sung, Y. Y.; Novikova, P. Y.; Schmutz, J.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Procaccini, G.; Olsen, J. L.; Van de Peer, Y.: Seagrass genomes reveal ancient polyploidy and adaptations to the marine environment. Nature Plants 10, S. 240 - 255 (2024)
Manosalva Perez, N.; Ferrari, C.; Engelhorn, J.; Depuydt, T.; Nelissen, H.; Hartwig, T.; Vandepoele, K.: MINI-AC: inference of plant gene regulatory networks using bulk or single-cell accessible chromatin profiles. The Plant Journal 117 (1), S. 280 - 301 (2024)
Mata Sucre, Y.; Krátká, M.; Oliveira, L.; Neumann, P.; Macas, J.; Schubert, V.; Huettel, B.; Kejnovsky, E.; Houben , A.; Pedrosa-Harand , A. et al.; Souza, G.; Marques, A.: Repeat-based holocentromeres of the woodrush Luzula sylvatica reveal new insights into the evolutionary transition from mono- to holocentricity. Nature Communications 15, 9565 (2024)
Mata Sucre, Y.; Parteka, L. M.; Ritz, C. M.; Gatica-Arias, A.; Félix, L. P.; Thomas, W. W.; Souza, G.; Vanzela, A. .. L.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Marques, A.: Oligo-barcode illuminates holocentric karyotype evolution in Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (15), 1330927 (2024)
Mishra, P.; Roggen, A.; Ljung, K.; Albani, M.; Vayssières, A.: Adventitious rooting in response to long-term cold: a possible mechanism of clonal growth in alpine perennials. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1352830 (2024)
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