Zeitschriftenartikel (91)

Kusch, S.; Qian, J.; Loos, A.; Kümmel, F.; Spanu, P. D.; Panstruga, R.: Long-term and rapid evolution in powdery mildew fungi. Molecular Ecology (2023)
Lian, Q.; Maestroni, L.; Gaudin, M.; Llorente, B.; Mercier, R.: Meiotic recombination is confirmed to be unusually high in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. iScience 26 (9), 107614 (2023)
Llamas, E.; Koyuncu, S.; Lee, H. J.; Wehrmann, M.; Gutierrez-Garcia, R.; Dunken, N.; Charura, N.; Torres-Montilla, S.; Schlimgen, E.; Mandel, A. M. et al.; Theile, E. B.; Grossbach, J.; Wagle, P.; Lackmann, J.-W.; Schermer, B.; Benzing, T.; Beyer, A.; Pulido, P.; Rodriguez-Concepcion, M.; Zuccaro, A.; Vilchez, D.: In planta expression of human polyQ-expanded huntingtin fragment reveals mechanisms to prevent disease-related protein aggregation. Nature aging 3, S. 1345 - 1357 (2023)
Locci, F.; Wang, J.; Parker, J. E.: TIR-domain enzymatic activities at the heart of plant immunity. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 74, 102373 (2023)
Mahlandt, A.; Singh, D. K.; Mercier, R.: Engineering apomixis in crops. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136 (6), 131 (2023)
Marques, D. N.; Mason, C.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Nakagami, H.; Skirycz, A.; Piotto, F. A.; Antunes Azevedo, R.: Grafting systems for plant cadmium research: Insights for basic plant physiology and applied mitigation. Science of the Total Environment 892, 164610 (2023)
Martignago, D.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Lombardi, A.; Gao, H.; Kurkowski, P. K.; Galbiati, M.; Tonelli, C.; Coupland, G.; Conti, L.: The bZIP transcription factor AREB3 mediates FT signalling and floral transition at the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem. PLoS Genetics 19 (5), e1010766 (2023)
Mata-Sucre, Y.; Matzenauer, W.; Castro, N.; Huettel, B.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Marques, A.; Souza, G.: Repeat-based phylogenomics shed light on unclear relationships in the monocentric genus Juncus L. (Juncaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 189, 107930 (2023)
Mesny, F.; Hacquard, S.; Thomma, B. P. H. J.: Co-evolution within the plant holobiont drives host performance. EMBO Reports 24 (9), e57455 (2023)
Michailidis, M.; Bazakos, C.; Kollaros, M.; Adamakis, I.-D. S.; Ganopoulos, I.; Molassiotis, A.; Tanou, G.: Boron stimulates fruit formation and reprograms developmental metabolism in sweet cherry. Physiologia Plantarum 175 (3), e13946 (2023)
Mueller, Y.; Patwari, P.; Stoecker, T.; Zeisler-Diehl, V.; Steiner, U.; Campoli, C.; Grewe, L.; Kuczkowska, M.; Dierig, M. M.; Jose, S. et al.; Hetherington, A. M.; Acosta, I. F.; Schoof, H.; Schreiber, L.; Doermann, P.: Isolation and characterization of the gene HvFAR1 encoding acyl-CoA reductase from the cer-za.227 mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and analysis of the cuticular barrier functions. New Phytologist 239 (5), S. 1903 - 1918 (2023)
Myers, Z. A.; Wootan, C. M.; Liang, Z.; Zhou, P.; Engelhorn, J.; Hartwig, T.; Nathan, S. M.: Conserved and variable heat stress responses of the Heat Shock Factor transcription factor family in maize and Setaria viridis. Plant Direct 7 (4), e489 (2023)
Neto, C.; Hancock, A.: Genetic Architecture of Flowering Time Differs Between Populations With Contrasting Demographic and Selective Histories. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (8), msad185 (2023)
Nishikawa, M.; Katsu, K.; Koinuma, H.; Hashimoto, M.; Neriya, Y.; Matsuyama, J.; Yamamoto, T.; Suzuki, M.; Matsumoto, O.; Matsui, H. et al.; Nakagami, H.; Maejima, K.; Namba, S.; Yamaji, Y.: Interaction of EXA1 and eIF4E Family Members Facilitates Potexvirus Infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Virology (2023)
Ordon, J.; Kiel, N.; Becker, D.; Kretschmer, C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Stuttmann, J.: Targeted gene deletion with SpCas9 and multiple guide RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana: four are better than two. Plant Methods 19 (1), 30 (2023)
Peckham, M.; Neumann, U.; Culley, S.: Introduction to women in microscopy: Volume 1. Special Issue 291 (1), S. 3 - 4 (2023)
Peng, H.; Feng, H.; Zhang, T.; Wang, Q.: Plant defense mechanisms in plant-pathogen interactions. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1292294 (2023)
Prautsch, J.; Erickson, J. L.; Oezyuerek, S.; Gormanns, R.; Franke, L.; Lu, Y.; Marx, J.; Niemeyer, F.; Parker, J. E.; Stuttmann, J. et al.; Schattat, M. H.: Effector XopQ-induced stromule formation in Nicotiana benthamiana depends on ETI signaling components ADR1 and NRG1. Plant Physiology 191, S. 161 - 176 (2023)
Rahimzadeh Karvansara, P.; Kelly, C.; Krone, R.; Zenzen, I.; Ristova, D.; Silz, E.; Jobe, T.O.; Kopriva, S.: Unique features of regulation of sulfate assimilation in monocots. Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (1308), 320, S. 308 (2023)
Rawat, A. A.; Hartmann, M.; Harzen, A.; Lugan, R.; Stolze, S. C.; Forzani, C.; Abts, L.; Reissenweber, S.; Rayapuram, N.; Nakagami, H. et al.; Zeier, J.; Hirt, H.: OXIDATIVE SIGNAL-INDUCIBLE1 induces immunity by coordinating N-hydroxypipecolic acid, salicylic acid, and camalexin synthesis. New Phytologist 237, S. 1285 - 1301 (2023)
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