Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Matsumoto, A.; Schlueter, T.; Melkonian, K.; Takeda, A.; Nakagami, H.; Mine, A.: A versatile Tn7 transposon-based bioluminescence tagging tool for quantitative and spatial detection of bacteria in plants. Plant Communications 3 (1), 100227 (2022)
Melkonian, K.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Nakagami, H.: miniTurbo-based interactomics of two plasma membrane-localized SNARE proteins in Marchantia polymorpha. New Phytologist 235 (2), S. 786 - 800 (2022)
Meyer, F.; Fritz, A.; Deng, Z.-L.; Koslicki, D.; Lesker, T. R.; Gurevich, A.; Robertson, G.; Alser, M.; Antipov, D.; Beghini, F. et al.; Bertrand, D.; Brito, J. J.; Brown, C. T.; Buchmann, J.; Buluc, A.; Chen, B.; Chikhi, R.; Clausen, P. T. L. C.; Cristian, A.; Dabrowski, P. W.; Darling, A. E.; Egan, R.; Eskin, E.; Georganas, E.; Goltsman, E.; Gray, M. A.; Hansen, L. H.; Hofmeyr, S.; Huang, P.; Irber, L.; Jia, H.; Jorgensen, T. S.; Kieser, S. D.; Klemetsen, T.; Kola, A.; Kolmogorov, M.; Korobeynikov, A.; Kwan, J.; LaPierre, N.; Lemaitre, C.; Li, C.; Limasset, A.; Malcher-Miranda, F.; Mangul, S.; Marcelino, V. R.; Marchet, C.; Marijon, P.; Meleshko, D.; Mende, D. R.; Milanese, A.; Nagarajan, N.; Nissen, J.; Nurk, S.; Oliker, L.; Paoli, L.; Peterlongo, P.; Piro, V. C.; Porter, J. S.; Rasmussen, S.; Rees, E. R.; Reinert, K.; Renard, B.; Robertsen, E. M.; Rosen, G. L.; Ruscheweyh, H.-J.; Sarwal, V.; Segata, N.; Seiler, E.; Shi, L.; Sun, F.; Sunagawa, S.; Sorensen, S. J.; Thomas, A.; Tong, C.; Trajkovski, M.; Tremblay, J.; Uritskiy, G.; Vicedomini, R.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Warren, A.; Willassen, N.; Yelick, K.; You, R.; Zeller, G.; Zhao, Z.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, J.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Gastmeier, P.; Hacquard, S.; Haeussler, S.; Khaledi, A.; Maechler, F.; Mesny, F.; Radutoiu, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Smit, N.; Strowig, T.; Bremges, A.; Sczyrba, A.; McHardy, A. C.: Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges. Nature Methods 19 (4), S. 429 - 440 (2022)
Modesto, I.; Inacio, V.; Novikova, P. Y.; Carrasquinho, I.; Van de Peer, Y.; Miguel, C. M.: SNP Detection in Pinus pinaster Transcriptome and Association with Resistance to Pinewood Nematode. Forests 13 (6), 946 (2022)
Mueller, M. C.; Kunz, L.; Schudel, S.; Lawson, A. W.; Kammerecker, S.; Isaksson, J.; Wyler, M.; Graf, J.; Sotiropoulos, A. G.; Praz, C. R. et al.; Manser, B.; Wicker, T.; Bourras, S.; Keller, B.: Ancient variation of the AvrPm17 gene in powdery mildew limits the effectiveness of the introgressed rye Pm17 resistance gene in wheat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (30), e2108808119 (2022)
Muyle, A. M.; Seymour, D. K.; Lv, Y.; Huettel, B.; Gaut, B. S.: Gene Body Methylation in Plants: Mechanisms, Functions, and Important Implications for Understanding Evolutionary Processes. Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (4), evac038 (2022)
Nobori, T.; Cao, Y.; Entila, F.; Dahms, E.; Tsuda, Y.; Garrido Oter, R.; Tsuda, K.: Dissecting the cotranscriptome landscape of plants and their microbiota. EMBO Reports 23, e55380 (2022)
Novikova, P. Y.; Kolesnikova, U. K.; Scott, A. D.: Ancestral self-compatibility facilitates the establishment of allopolyploids in Brassicaceae. Plant Reproduction (2022)
Oekmen, B.; Jaeger, E.; Schilling, L.; Finke, N.; KLemd, A. M.; Lee, Y. J.; Wemhoner, R.; Pauly, M.; Neumann, U.; Doehlemann, G.: A conserved enzyme of smut fungi facilitates cell-to-cell extension in the plant bundle sheath. Nature Communications 13 (1), 6003 (2022)
Ortiz, D.; Chen, J.; Outram, M. A.; Saur, I. M. L.; Upadhyaya, N. M.; Mago, R.; Ericsson, D. J.; Cesari, S.; Chen, C.; Williams, S. J. et al.; Dodds, P. N.: The stem rust effector protein AvrSr50 escapes Sr50 recognition by a substitution in a single surface-exposed residue. New Phytologist 234 (2), S. 592 - 606 (2022)
Oruganti, V.; Toegelova, H.; Pecinka, A.; Madlung, A.; Schneeberger, K.: Rapid large-scale genomic introgression in Arabidopsis suecica via an autoallohexaploid bridge. Genetics (2022)
Parker, J. E.; Hessler, G.; Cui, H.: A new biochemistry connecting pathogen detection to induced defense in plants. New Phytologist 234 (3), S. 819 - 826 (2022)
Pérez Antón, M.; Schneider, I.; Kroll, P.; Hofhuis, H.; Metzger, S.; Pauly, M.; Hay, A.: Explosive seed dispersal depends on SPL7 to ensure sufficient copper for localized lignin deposition via laccases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (24), e2202287119 (2022)
Peters, S. A.; Underwood, C. J.: Technology-driven approaches for meiosis research in tomato and wild relatives. Plant Reproduction (2022)
Platre, M. P.; Satbhai, S. B.; Brent, L.; Gleason, M. F.; Cao, M.; Grison, M.; Glavier, M.; Zhang, L.; Gaillochet, C.; Goeschl, C. et al.; Giovannetti, M.; Enugutti, B.; Neveu, J.; von Reth, M.; Alcázar, R.; Parker, J.; Vert, G.; Bayer, E.; Busch, W.: The receptor kinase SRF3 coordinates iron-level and flagellin dependent defense and growth responses in plants. Nature Communications 13 (1), 4445 (2022)
Prochazkova, K.; Finke, A.; Tomastikova, E. D.; Filo, J.; Bente, H.; Dvorak, P.; Ovecka, M.; Samaj, J.; Pecinka, A.: Zebularine induces enzymatic DNA protein crosslinks in 45S rDNA heterochromatin of Arabidopsis nuclei. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 50 (1), S. 244 - 258 (2022)
Qian, P.; Song, W.; Zaizen-Iida, M.; Kume, S.; Wang, G.; Zhang, Y.; Kinoshita-Tsujimura, K.; Chai, J.; Kakimoto, T.: A Dof-CLE circuit controls phloem organization. Nature Plants 8 (7), S. 817 - 827 (2022)
Runge, P.; Ventura, F.; Kemen, E.; Stam, R.: Distinct Phyllosphere Microbiome of Wild Tomato Species in Central Peru upon Dysbiosis. Microbial Ecology (2022)
Sang, Q.; Vayssières, A.; O'Maoiléidigh, D. S.; Yang, X.; Vincent, C.; Garica de Ollala, E. B.; Cerise, M.; Franzen, R.; Coupland, G.: MicroRNA172 controls inflorescence meristem size through regulation of APETALA2 in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 235 (1), S. 356 - 371 (2022)
Saur, , I. M. L.; Lawson, A. W.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Buy one, get two. Nature Plants 8, S. 100 - 101 (2022)
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