Zeitschriftenartikel (89)

Flegler, A.; Runzheimer, K.; Kombeitz, V.; Maenz, A. T.; Heidler von Heilborn, D.; Etzbach, L.; Schieber, A.; Hoelzl, G.; Huettel, B.; Woehle, C. et al.; Lipski, A.: Arthrobacter bussei sp. nov., a pink-coloured organism isolated from cheese made of cow's milk. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (5), S. 3027 - 3036 (2020)
Flood, P.; Theeuwen, T. P. J. M.; Schneeberger, K.; Keizer, P.; Kruijer, W.; Severing, E.; Kouklas, E.; Hageman, J. A.; Wijfjes, R.; Calvo-Baltanas, V. et al.; Becker, F. F. M.; Schnabel, S. K.; Willems, L. A. J.; Ligterink, W.; van Arkel, J.; Mumm, R.; Gualberto, J. M.; Savage, L.; Kramer, D. M.; Keurentjes, J. J. B.; van Eeuwijk, F.; Koornneef, M.; Harbinson, J.; Aarts, M. G. M.; Wijnker, E.: Reciprocal cybrids reveal how organellar genomes affect plant phenotypes. Nature Plants 6, S. 13 - 21 (2020)
Frerigmann, H.; Piotrowski, M.; Lemke, R.; Bednarek, P.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: A network of phosphate starvation and immune-related signaling and metabolic pathways controls the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and the beneficial fungus Colletotrichum tofieldiae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2020)
Gratkowska-Zmuda, D. M.; Kubala, S.; Sarnowska, E.; Cwiek, P.; Oksinska, P.; Steciuk, J.; Rolicka, A. T.; Zaborowska, M.; Bucior, E.; Maassen, A. et al.; Franzen, R.; Koncz, C.; Sarnowksi, T. J.: The SWI/SNF ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complex in Arabidopsis Responds to Environmental Changes in Temperature-Dependent Manner. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3), 762 (2020)
Guo, X.; Zhang, X.; Qin, Y.; Liu, Y.-X.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, N.; Wu, K.; Qu, B.; He, Z.; Wang, X. et al.; Zhang, X.; Hacquard, S.; Fu, X.; Bai, Y.: Host-Associated Quantitative Abundance Profiling Reveals the Microbial Load Variation of Root Microbiome. Plant Communications 1 (1), 100003 (2020)
Harbort, C. J.; Hashimoto, M.; Haruhiko, I.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: A gnotobiotic growth assay for Arabidopsis root microbiota reconstitution under iron limitation. STAR Protocols 1 (3), 100226 (2020)
Harbort, C. J.; Hashimoto, M.; Inoue, H.; Niu, Y.; Guan, R.; Rombolà, A. D.; Kopriva, S.; Voges, M. J. E. E. E.; Sattely, E. S.; Garrido-Oter, R. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Root-secreted coumarins and the microbiota interact to improve iron nutrition in Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe 28, S. 825 - 837 (2020)
Harris, R. B.; Irwin, K.; Jones, M. R.; Laurent, S.; Barrett, R. D. H.; Nachman, M. W.; Good, J.M.; Linnen, C. R.; Jensen, J. D.; Pfeifer, S. P.: The population genetics of crypsis in vertebrates: recent insights from mice, hares, and lizards. Heredity; Nature Publishing Group, London 124 (1), S. 1 - 14 (2020)
Harvey, S.; Kumari, P.; Lapin, D.; Griebel, T.; Hickman, R.; Guo, W.; Zhang, R.; Parker, J.; Beynon, J.; Denby, K. et al.; Steinbrenner, J.: Downy Mildew effector HaRxL21 interacts with the transcriptional repressor TOPLESS to promote pathogen susceptibility. PLoS Pathogens 16 (8), e1008835 (2020)
Hematy, K.; Lim, M.; Cherk, C.; Pislewska-Bednarek, M.; Sanchez-Rodriguez, C.; Stein, M.; Fuchs, R.; Klapprodt, C.; Lipka, V.; Molina, A. et al.; Grill, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Bednarek, P.; Somerville, S.: Moonlighting function of Phytochelatin synthase1 in extracellular defense against fungal pathogens. Plant Physiology (2020)
Jiao, W.-B.; Schneeberger, K.: Chromosome-level assemblies of multiple Arabidopsis genomes reveal hotspots of rearrangements with altered evolutionary dynamics. Nature Communications 11 (1), 989 (2020)
Kamei, C. L. A.; Pieper, B.; Laurent, S.; Tsiantis, M.; Huijser, P.: CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Mutagenesis of RCO in Cardamine hirsuta. PLANTS-BASEL 9 (2), 268 (2020)
Kapopoulou, A.; Kapun, M.; Pieper, B.; Pavlidis, P.; Wilches, R.; Duchen, P.; Stephan, W.; Laurent, S.: Demographic analyses of a new sample of haploid genomes from a Swedish population of Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22415 (2020)
Kimura, S.; Hunter, K.; Vaahtera, L.; Tran, H. C.; Citterico, M.; Vaattovaara, A.; Rokka, A.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Meissner, L. et al.; Wilkens, M. M. T.; Hamann, T.; Toyota, M.; Nakagami, H.; Wrzaczek, M.: CRK2 and C-terminal Phosphorylation of NADPH Oxidase RBOHD Regulate Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 32 (4), S. 1063 - 1080 (2020)
Kinoshita, A.; Vayssières, A.; Richter, R.; Sang, Q.; Roggen, A.; van Driel, A. D.; Smith, R. S.; Coupland, G.: Regulation of shoot meristem shape by photoperiodic signaling and phytohormones during floral induction of Arabidopsis. eLife 9, e60661 (2020)
Koide, E.; Suetsugu, N.; Iwano, M.; Gotoh, E.; Nomura, Y.; Stolze, S. C.; Nakagami, H.; Kohchi, T.; Nishihama, R.: Regulation of Photosynthetic Carbohydrate Metabolism by a Rat-Like Kinase in the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Plant and Cell Physiology 61 (3), S. 631 - 643 (2020)
Lapin, D.; Bhandari, D. D.; Parker, J.: Multidimensional gene regulatory landscape of a bacterial pathogen in plants. Annual Review of Phytopathology 58, S. 253 - 276 (2020)
Li, X.; Sanagi, M.; Lu, Y.; Nomura, Y.; Stolze, S. C.; Yasuda, S.; Saijo, Y.; Schulze, W.X.; Feil, R.; Stitt, M. et al.; Lunn, J. E.; Nakagami, H.; Sato, T.; Yamaguchi, J.: Protein Phosphorylation Dynamics Under Carbon/Nitrogen-Nutrient Stress and Identification of a Cell Death-Related Receptor-Like Kinase in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Scienc 11, 377 (2020)
Liu, F.; Zhang, H.; Ding, L.; Soppe, W.; Xiang, Y.: REVERSAL OF RDO5 1, a Homolog of Rice Seed Dormancy4, Interacts with bHLH57 and Controls ABA Biosynthesis and Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32 (6), S. 1933 - 1948 (2020)
Ma, S.; Lapin, D.; Liu, L.; Sun, Y.; Song, W.; Zhang, X.; Logemann, E.; Yu, D.; Wang, J.; Jirschitzka, J. et al.; Han, Z.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Parker, J. E.; Chai, J.: Direct pathogen-induced assembly of an NLR immune receptor complex to form a holoenzyme. Science Magazine 370 (6521), eabe3069 (2020)
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