Zeitschriftenartikel (89)
70 (5), S. 3027 - 3036 (2020)
Arthrobacter bussei sp. nov., a pink-coloured organism isolated from cheese made of cow's milk. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
6, S. 13 - 21 (2020)
Reciprocal cybrids reveal how organellar genomes affect plant phenotypes. Nature Plants
A network of phosphate starvation and immune-related signaling and metabolic pathways controls the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and the beneficial fungus Colletotrichum tofieldiae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2020)
21 (3), 762 (2020)
The SWI/SNF ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complex in Arabidopsis Responds to Environmental Changes in Temperature-Dependent Manner. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
1 (1), 100003 (2020)
Host-Associated Quantitative Abundance Profiling Reveals the Microbial Load Variation of Root Microbiome. Plant Communications
1 (3), 100226 (2020)
A gnotobiotic growth assay for Arabidopsis root microbiota reconstitution under iron limitation. STAR Protocols
28, S. 825 - 837 (2020)
Root-secreted coumarins and the microbiota interact to improve iron nutrition in Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe
124 (1), S. 1 - 14 (2020)
The population genetics of crypsis in vertebrates: recent insights from mice, hares, and lizards. Heredity; Nature Publishing Group, London
16 (8), e1008835 (2020)
Downy Mildew effector HaRxL21 interacts with the transcriptional repressor TOPLESS to promote pathogen susceptibility. PLoS Pathogens
Moonlighting function of Phytochelatin synthase1 in extracellular defense against fungal pathogens. Plant Physiology (2020)
11 (1), 989 (2020)
Chromosome-level assemblies of multiple Arabidopsis genomes reveal hotspots of rearrangements with altered evolutionary dynamics. Nature Communications
9 (2), 268 (2020)
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Mutagenesis of RCO in Cardamine hirsuta. PLANTS-BASEL
10 (1), 22415 (2020)
Demographic analyses of a new sample of haploid genomes from a Swedish population of Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports
32 (4), S. 1063 - 1080 (2020)
CRK2 and C-terminal Phosphorylation of NADPH Oxidase RBOHD Regulate Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell
9, e60661 (2020)
Regulation of shoot meristem shape by photoperiodic signaling and phytohormones during floral induction of Arabidopsis. eLife
61 (3), S. 631 - 643 (2020)
Regulation of Photosynthetic Carbohydrate Metabolism by a Rat-Like Kinase in the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Plant and Cell Physiology
58, S. 253 - 276 (2020)
Multidimensional gene regulatory landscape of a bacterial pathogen in plants. Annual Review of Phytopathology
11, 377 (2020)
Protein Phosphorylation Dynamics Under Carbon/Nitrogen-Nutrient Stress and Identification of a Cell Death-Related Receptor-Like Kinase in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Scienc
32 (6), S. 1933 - 1948 (2020)
REVERSAL OF RDO5 1, a Homolog of Rice Seed Dormancy4, Interacts with bHLH57 and Controls ABA Biosynthesis and Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell
370 (6521), eabe3069 (2020)
Direct pathogen-induced assembly of an NLR immune receptor complex to form a holoenzyme. Science Magazine