Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Fabianska, I.; Gerlach, N.; Almario, J.; Bucher, M.: Plant-mediated effects of soil phosphorus on the root-associated fungal microbiota in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 221, S. 2123 - 2137 (2019)
Fabiańska, I.; Sosa-Lopez, E.; Bucher, M.: The role of nutrient balance in shaping plant root-fungal interactions: facts and speculation. Current opinion in microbiology 49, S. 90 - 96 (2019)
Fantini, E.; Sulli, M.; Zhang, L.; Aprea, G.; Jimenez-Gomez, J. M.; Bendahmane, A.; Perrotta, G.; Giuliano, G.; Facella, P.: Pivotal Roles of Cryptochromes 1a and 2 in Tomato Development and Physiology. Plant Physiology 179 (2), S. 732 - 748 (2019)
Finke, A.; Mandakova, T.; Nawaz, K.; Vu, G. T. H.; Novak, P.; Macas, J.; Lysak, M... A.; Pecinka, A.: Genome invasion by a hypomethylated satellite repeat in Australian crucifer Ballantinia antipoda. The Plant Journal 99 (6), S. 1066 - 1079 (2019)
Flood, P.: The Smell of Transcription: The SIMYC1 Transcription Factor Makes Tomato Plants Smelly. The Plant Cell 31 (1), S. 2 - 2 (2019)
Flood, P.: Using natural variation to understand the evolutionary pressures on plant photosynthesis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 49, S. 68 - 73 (2019)
Fragkostefanakis, S.; Simm, S.; El-Shershaby, A.; Hu, Y.; Bublak, D.; Mesihovic, A.; Darm, K.; Mishra, S. K.; Tschiersch, B.; Theres, K.: The repressor and co‐activator HsfB1 regulates the major heat stress transcription factors in tomato. Plant, Cell and Environment 42 (3), S. 874 - 890 (2019)
Frerichs, A.; Engelhorn, J.; Altmueller, J.; Gutierrez-Marcos, J.; Werr, W.: Specific chromatin changes mark lateral organ founder cells in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem (vol 70, pg 3867, 2019). Journal of Experimental Botany 70 (15), S. 4065 - 4066 (2019)
Getzke, F.; Thiergart, T.; Hacquard, S.: Contribution of bacterial-fungal balance to plant and animal health. Current Opinion in Microbiology 49, S. 66 - 72 (2019)
Goel, M.; Sun, H.-Q.; Jiao, W.-B.; Schneeberger, K.: SyRI: finding genomic rearrangements and local sequence differences from whole-genome assemblies. Genome Biology: Biology for the Post-Genomic Era 20 (1), 277 (2019)
Hacquard, S.: Stephane Hacquard. New Phytologist 224 (4), S. 1442 - 1443 (2019)
Hajheidari, M.; Koncz, C.; Bucher, M.: Chromatin Evolution-Key Innovations Underpinning Morphological Complexity. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 454 (2019)
Hajheidari, M.; Wang, Y.; Bhatia, N.; Vuolo, F.; Franco-Zorrilla, J. M.; Karady, M.; Mentink, R. A.; Wu, A.; Rilwan Oluwatobi, B. R.; Müller, B. et al.; Dello Ioio, R.; Laurent, S.; Ljung, K.; Huijser, P.; Gan, X.; Tsiantis, M.: Autoregulation of RCO by low-affinity binding modulates cytokinin action and shapes leaf diversity. Current Biology (2019)
Hayama, R.; Yang, P.; Valverde, F.; Mizoguchi, T.; Furtani-Hayama, I.; Vierstra, R. D.; Coupland, G.: Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolases are required for period maintenance of the circadian clock at high temperature in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports 9, 17030 (2019)
Hu, Z.; Ghosh, A.; Stolze, S. C.; Horváth, M.; Bai, B.; Schaefer, S.; Zündorf, S.; Liu, S.; Harzen, A.; Hajheidari, M. et al.; Sarnowski, T. J.; Nakagami, H.; Koncz, Z.; Koncz, C.: Gene modification by fast-track recombineering for cellular localization and isolation of components of plant protein complexes. The Plant Journal (2019)
Hughes, P. W.; Soppe, W. J. J.; Albani, M.: Seed traits are pleiotropically regulated by the flowering time gene PERPETUAL FLOWERING 1 (PEP1) in the perennial Arabis alpina. Molecular Ecology 28 (5), S. 1183 - 1201 (2019)
Hyun, Y.; Vincent, C.; Tilmes, V.; Bergonzi, S.; Kiefer, C.; Richter, R.; Martinez-Gallegos, R.; Severing, E.; Coupland, G.: A regulatory circuit conferring varied flowering response to cold in annual and perennial plants. Science 363 (6425), S. 409 - 412 (2019)
Inghelandt, D. v.; Frey, F. P.; Ries, D.; Stich, B.: QTL mapping and genome-wide prediction of heat tolerance in multiple connected populations of temperate maize. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9, 14418 (2019)
Ishikawa, S.; Barrero, J.M.; Takahashi, F.; Nakagami, H.; Peck, S.C.; Gubler, F.; Shinozaki, K.; Umezawa, T.: Comparative phosphoproteomic analysis reveals a decay of ABA signaling in barley embryos during after-ripening. Plant and Cell Physiology (2019)
Jackson, M. D. B.; Duran-Nebreda, S.; Kierzkowski, D.; Strauß, S.; Xu, H.; Landrein, B.; Hamant, O.; Smith, R. S.; Johnston, I. G.; Bassel, G. W.: Global Topological Order Emerges through Local Mechanical Control of Cell Divisions in the Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem. Cell Systems 8 (1), S. 53 - 65.3e (2019)
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