Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

Koskela, M. M.; Bruenje, A.; Ivanauskaite, A.; Grabsztunowicz, M.; Lassowskat, I.; Neumann, U.; Dinh, T. V.; Sindlinger, J.; Schwarzer, D.; Wirtz, M. et al.; Tyystjaervi, E.; Finkemeier, I.; Mulo, P.: Chloroplast Acetyltransferase NSI Is Required for State Transitions in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 30 (8), S. 1695 - 1709 (2018)
Krause, K.; Turck, F.: Plant H3K27me3 has finally found its readers. Nature Genetics 50 (9), S. 1206 - 1208 (2018)
Laenen, B.; Tedder, A.; Nowak, M.D.; Toraeng, P.; Wunder, J.; Woetzel, S.; Steige, K.A.; Kourmpetis, Y.; Odong, T.; Drouzas, A. et al.; Bink, M.; Agren, J.; Coupland, G.; Slotte, T.: Demography and mating system shape the genomewide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (4), S. 816 - 821 (2018)
Lazaro, A.; Obeng-Hinneh, E.; Albani, M.: Extended Vernalization Regulates Inflorescence Fate in Arabis alpina by Stably Silencing PERPETUAL FLOWERING1. Plant Physiology 176 (4), S. 2819 - 2833 (2018)
Li, F.-W.; Brouwer, P.; Carretero-Paulet, L.; Cheng, S.; de Vries, J.; Delaux, P.-M.; Eily, A.; Koppers, N.; Kuo, L.-Y.; Li, Z. et al.; Simenc, M.; Small, I.; Wafula, E.; Angarita, S.; Barker, M. S.; Braeutigam, A.; dePamphilis, C.; Gould, S.; Hosmani, P. S.; Huang, Y.-M.; Huettel, B.; Kato, Y.; Liu, X.; Maere, S.; McDowell, R.; Mueller, L. A.; Nierop, K. G. J.; Rensing, S. A.; Robison, T.; Rothfels, C. J.; Sigel, E. M.; Song, Y.; Timilsena, P. R.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wang, H.; Wilhelmsson, P. K. I.; Wolf, P. G.; Xu, X.; Der, J. P.; Schluepmann, H.; Wong, G. K.-S.; Pryer, K. M.: Fern genomes elucidate land plant evolution and cyanobacterial symbioses. Nature Plants 4 (7), S. 460 - 472 (2018)
Lichocka, M.; Rymaszewski, W.; Morgiewicz, K.; Barymow-Filoniuk, I.; Chlebowski, A.; Sobczak, M.; Samuel, M. A.; Schmelzer, E.; Krzymowska, M.; Hennig, J.: Nucleus- and plastid-targeted annexin 5 promotes reproductive development in Arabidopsis and is essential for pollen and embryo formation. BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 18, 183 (2018)
Markus, C.; Pecinka, A.; Karan, R.; Barney, J. N.; Merotto Jr., A.: Epigenetic regulation - contribution to herbicide resistance in weeds? Pest Management Science 74 (2), S. 275 - 281 (2018)
Masyuk, M.; Heramvand, N.; Muessig, J. M.; Nia, A. M.; Polzin, A.; Kollmann, M.; Kelm, M.; Jung, C.: Pharmacosimulation of interruptions and its solution in intravenous administration of cangrelor. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 68, S. 421 - 425 (2018)
Meng, Q.; Gupta, R.; Kwon, S. J.; Wang, Y.; Agrawal, G. K.; Rakwal, R.; Park, S.-R.; Kim, S. T.: Transcriptomic Analysis of Oryza sativa Leaves Reveals Key Changes in Response to Magnaporthe oryzae MSP1. Plant Pathology Journal 34 (4), S. 257 - 268 (2018)
Meyer, F.; Hofmann, P.; Belmann, P.; Garrido Oter, R.; Fritz, A.; Sczyrba, A.; McHardy, A. C.: AMBER: Assessment of Metagenome BinnERs. GigaScience 7 (6), giy069 (2018)
Mine, A.; Seyfferth, C.; Kracher, B.; Berens, M. L.; Becker, D.; Tsuda, K.: The Defense Phytohormone Signaling Network Enables Rapid, High-amplitude Transcriptional Reprogramming During Effector-Triggered Immunity. The Plant Cell 30, S. 1199 - 1219 (2018)
Monniaux, M.; Pieper, B.; McKim, S. M.; Routier-Kierzkowska, A.-L.; Kierzkowski, D.; Smith, R. S.; Hay, A.: The role of APETALA1 in petal number robustness. eLife 7, e39399 (2018)
Mueller, N.A.; Zhang, L.; Koornneef, M.; Jiménez-Gómez, J. M.: Mutations in EID1 and LNK2 caused light-conditional clock deceleration during tomato domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (27), S. 7135 - 7140 (2018)
Mulki, M.A.; Bi, X.; von Korff, M.: FLOWERING LOCUS T3 Controls Spikelet Initiation But Not Floral Development. Plant Physiology 178 (3), S. 1170 - 1186 (2018)
Murchie, E. H.; Kefauver, S.; Luis Araus, J.; Muller, O.; Rascher, U.; Flood, P. J.; Lawson, T.: Measuring the dynamic photosynthome. ANNALS OF BOTANY 122 (2), S. 207 - 220 (2018)
Myouga, F.; Takahashi, K.; Tanaka, R.; Nagata, N.; Kiss, A. Z.; Funk, C.; Nomura, Y.; Nakagami, H.; Jansson, S.; Shinozaki, K.: Stable Accumulation of Photosystem II Requires ONE-HELIX PROTEIN1 (OHP1) of the Light Harvesting-Like Family. Plant Physiology 176 (3), S. 2277 - 2291 (2018)
Nobori, T.; Mine, A.; Tsuda, K.: Molecular networks in plant-pathogen holobiont. FEBS Letters 592, S. 1937 - 1953 (2018)
Nobori, T.; Tsuda, K.: In planta Transcriptome Analysis of Pseudomonas syringae. Bio-protocol 8, e2987 (2018)
Nobori, T.; Velásquez, A. C.; Wu, J.; Kvitko, B. H.; Kremer, J. M.; Wang, Y.; He, S. Y.; Tsuda, K.: Transcriptome landscape of a bacterial pathogen under plant immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, S. E3055 - E3064 (2018)
O'Maoiléidigh, D. S.: A Conserved Mechanism to Terminate Floral Meristems. The Plant Cell 30 (2), S. 260 - 260 (2018)
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