Zeitschriftenartikel (85)
19, 381 (2018)
Signatures of host specialization and a recent transposable element burst in the dynamic one-speed genome of the fungal barley powdery mildew pathogen. BMC Genomics
219 (4), S. 1194 - 1198 (2018)
Archaic lineages broaden our view on the history of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist
35 (3), S. 564 - 574 (2018)
Madeiran Arabidopsis thaliana Reveals Ancient Long-Range Colonization and Clarifies Demography in Eurasia. Molecular Biology and Evolution
51, S. 31 - 36 (2018)
Snap, crack and pop of explosive fruit. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
24, S. 155 - 167 (2018)
Modular traits of the Rhizobiales root microbiota and their evolutionary relationship with symbiotic rhizobia. Cell Host & Microbe
18 (7), 1700366 (2018)
A Multi-Omics Analysis of Glycine max Leaves Reveals Alteration in Flavonoid and Isoflavonoid Metabolism Upon Ethylene and Abscisic Acid Treatment. PROTEOMICS
25 (4), S. 343 - 352 (2018)
Identification of the DNA methyltransferases establishing the methylome of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. DNA RESEARCH
24 (48), S. 12500 - 12504 (2018)
Identification of the Natural Product RotihibinA as a TOR Kinase Signaling Inhibitor by Unbiased Transcriptional Profiling. Chemistry – A European Journal
6, 58 (2018)
Microbial interactions within the plant holobiont. Microbiome
13 (6), e1473686 (2018)
Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil. Plant Signaling & Behavior
115 (48), S. E11321 - E11330 (2018)
Global impacts of chromosomal imbalance on gene expression in Arabidopsis and other taxa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
9, 2750 (2018)
Gene expression drives the evolution of dominance. Nature Communications
9, 1412 (2018)
Minimal-Risk Seed Heteromorphism: Proportions of Seed Morphs for Optimal Risk-Averse Heteromorphic Strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science
9, 537 (2018)
Identification of Putative Precursor Genes for the Biosynthesis of Cannabinoid-Like Compound in Radula marginata. Frontiers in Plant Science
28 (2), S. 303 - 310.e3 (2018)
Brassinosteroids Dominate Hormonal Regulation of Plant Thermomorphogenesis via BZR1. Current Biology
177 (4), S. 1704 - 1716 (2018)
Jasmonic Acid Inhibits Auxin-Induced Lateral Rooting Independently of the CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 Receptor. Plant Physiology
217 (4), S. 1667 - 1680 (2018)
A dominant-interfering camta3 mutation compromises primary transcriptional outputs mediated by both cell surface and intracellular immune receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist
59 (8), S. 1592 - 1607 (2018)
Chemical Activation of EDS1/PAD4 Signaling Leading to Pathogen Resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology
8, 10626 (2018)
Aberrant imprinting may underlie evolution of parthenogenesis. Scientific Reports
13, e0196086 (2018)
Fluorescent reporter lines for auxin and cytokinin signalling in barley (Hordeum vulgare). PLoS One