Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

Frantzeskakis, L.; Kracher, B.; Kusch, S.; Maekawa-Yoshikawa, M.; Bauer, S.; Pedersen, C.; Spanu, P.; Maekawa, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: Signatures of host specialization and a recent transposable element burst in the dynamic one-speed genome of the fungal barley powdery mildew pathogen. BMC Genomics 19, 381 (2018)
Fulgione, A.; Hancock, A. M.: Archaic lineages broaden our view on the history of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 219 (4), S. 1194 - 1198 (2018)
Fulgione, A.; Koornneef, M.; Roux, F.; Hermisson, J.; Hancock, A. M.: Madeiran Arabidopsis thaliana Reveals Ancient Long-Range Colonization and Clarifies Demography in Eurasia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35 (3), S. 564 - 574 (2018)
Galstyan, A.; Hay, A.: Snap, crack and pop of explosive fruit. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 51, S. 31 - 36 (2018)
Garrido Oter, R.; Nakano, R. T.; Dombrowski, N.; Ma, K.-W.; AgBiome Team, T.; McHardy, A.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Modular traits of the Rhizobiales root microbiota and their evolutionary relationship with symbiotic rhizobia. Cell Host & Microbe 24, S. 155 - 167 (2018)
Gupta, R.; Min, C. W.; Kramer, K.; Agrawal, G. K.; Rakwal, R.; Park, K.-H.; Wang, Y.; Finkemeier, I.; Kim, S. T.: A Multi-Omics Analysis of Glycine max Leaves Reveals Alteration in Flavonoid and Isoflavonoid Metabolism Upon Ethylene and Abscisic Acid Treatment. PROTEOMICS 18 (7), 1700366 (2018)
Hagemann, M.; Gaertner, K.; Scharnagl, M.; Bolay, P.; Lott, S. C.; Fuß, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Klaehn, S.; Hess, W. R.: Identification of the DNA methyltransferases establishing the methylome of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. DNA RESEARCH 25 (4), S. 343 - 352 (2018)
Halder, V.; Oeljeklaus, J.; Heilmann, G.; Krahn, J. H.; Liu, Y.; Xiong, Y.; Schlicht, M.; Schillinger, J.; Kracher, B.; Ehrmann, M. et al.; Kombrink, E.; Kaschani, F.; Kaiser, M.: Identification of the Natural Product RotihibinA as a TOR Kinase Signaling Inhibitor by Unbiased Transcriptional Profiling. Chemistry – A European Journal 24 (48), S. 12500 - 12504 (2018)
Hassani, M. A.; Durán, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial interactions within the plant holobiont. Microbiome 6, 58 (2018)
Hayama, R.; Mizoguchi, T.; Coupland, G.: Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil. Plant Signaling & Behavior 13 (6), e1473686 (2018)
Hou, J.; Shi, X.; Chen, C.; Islam, M. S.; Johnson, A. F.; Kanno, T.; Huettel, B.; Yen, M.-R.; Hsu, F.-M.; Ji, T. et al.; Chen, P.-Y.; Matzke, M.; Matzke, A. J. M.; Cheng, J.; Birchler, J. A.: Global impacts of chromosomal imbalance on gene expression in Arabidopsis and other taxa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (48), S. E11321 - E11330 (2018)
Huber, C. D.; Durvasula, A.; Hancock, A. M.; Lohmueller, K. E.: Gene expression drives the evolution of dominance. Nature Communications 9, 2750 (2018)
Hughes, P. W.: Minimal-Risk Seed Heteromorphism: Proportions of Seed Morphs for Optimal Risk-Averse Heteromorphic Strategies. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1412 (2018)
Hussain, T.; Plunkett, B.; Ejaz, M.; Espley, R. V.; Kayser, O.: Identification of Putative Precursor Genes for the Biosynthesis of Cannabinoid-Like Compound in Radula marginata. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 537 (2018)
Ibanez, C.; Delker, C.; Martinez, C.; Buerstenbinder, K.; Janitza, P.; Lippmann, R.; Ludwig, W.; Sun, H.-Q.; James, G. V.; Klecker, M. et al.; Grossjohann, A.; Schneeberger, K.; Prat, S.; Quint, M.: Brassinosteroids Dominate Hormonal Regulation of Plant Thermomorphogenesis via BZR1. Current Biology 28 (2), S. 303 - 310.e3 (2018)
Ishimaru, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Suzuki, T.; Fukaki, H.; Prusinska, J.; Meesters, C.; Quareshy, M.; Egoshi, S.; Matsuura, H.; Takahashi, K. et al.; Kato, N.; Kombrink, E.; Napier, R. M.; Hayashi, K.; Ueda, M.: Jasmonic Acid Inhibits Auxin-Induced Lateral Rooting Independently of the CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 Receptor. Plant Physiology 177 (4), S. 1704 - 1716 (2018)
Jacob, F.; Kracher, B.; Mine, A.; Seyfferth, C.; Blanvillain-Baufumé, S.; Parker, J. E.; Tsuda, K.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Maekawa, T.: A dominant-interfering camta3 mutation compromises primary transcriptional outputs mediated by both cell surface and intracellular immune receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 217 (4), S. 1667 - 1680 (2018)
Joglekar, S.; Suliman, M. N. S.; Bartsch, M.; Halder, V.; Maintz, J.; Bautor, J.; Zeier, J.; Parker, J. E.; Kombrink, E.: Chemical Activation of EDS1/PAD4 Signaling Leading to Pathogen Resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 59 (8), S. 1592 - 1607 (2018)
Kirioukhova, O.; Shah, J. N.; Larsen, D. S.; Tayyab, M.; Mueller, N. E.; Govind, G.; Baroux, C.; Federer, M.; Gheyselinck, J.; Barrell, P. J. et al.; Ma, H.; Sprunck, S.; Huettel, B.; Wallace, H.; Grossniklaus, U.; Johnston, A.J.: Aberrant imprinting may underlie evolution of parthenogenesis. Scientific Reports 8, 10626 (2018)
Kirschner, G. K.; Stahl, Y.; Imani, J.; von Korff, M.; Simon, R.: Fluorescent reporter lines for auxin and cytokinin signalling in barley (Hordeum vulgare). PLoS One 13, e0196086 (2018)
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