Zeitschriftenartikel (2396)
80 (2), S. 131 - 143 (2002)
Molecular linkage map of Einkorn wheat: mapping of storage- protein and soft-glume genes and bread-making quality QTLs. Genetical Research
21 (3), S. 229 - 271 (2002)
A dual role for microbial pathogen-derived effector proteins in plant disease and resistance. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
15 (6), S. 608 - 616 (2002)
NHL25 and NHL3, two NDR1/HIN1-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana with potential role(s) in plant defense. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
47 (3-4), S. 203 - 211 (2002)
Maize in the genomics era. Maydica
31 (5), S. 589 - 599 (2002)
The metal ion transporter IRT1 is necessary for iron homeostasis and efficient photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal
129 (2), S. 616 - 624 (2002)
Single and double knockouts of the genes for photosystem I subunits G, K, and H of Arabidopsis. Effects on photosystem I composition, photosynthetic electron flow, and state transitions. Plant Physiology
47 (2), S. 71 - 81 (2002)
Expression of the glossy2 gene of maize during plant development. Maydica
31 (4), S. 457 - 475 (2002)
On the origin of class B floral homeotic genes: functional substitution and dominant inhibition in Arabidopsis by expression of an orthologue from the gymnosperm Gnetum. Plant Journal
19 (5), S. 587 - 596 (2002)
Evolution of class B floral homeotic proteins: Obligate heterodimerization originated from homodimerization. Molecular Biology and Evolution
47 (3-4), S. 277 - 286 (2002)
Fine mapping of the defective endosperm maize mutant rgf1 using different DNA pooling strategies and three classes of molecular markers. Maydica
127 (4), S. 1346 - 1353 (2001)
Desiccation tolerance in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. A contribution to the study of drought tolerance at the molecular level. Plant Physiology
28 (4), S. 483 - 491 (2001)
Use of red fluorescent protein from Discosoma sp (dsRED) as a reporter for plant gene expression. Plant Journal
28 (6), S. 619 - 631 (2001)
Functional importance of conserved domains in the flowering- time gene CONSTANS demonstrated by analysis of mutant alleles and transgenic plants. Plant Journal
46 (3), S. 147 - 158 (2001)
Genetic and molecular approaches for upgrading starch and protein fractions in maize kernels. Maydica
Was nutzt Arabidopsis der Pflanzenzüchtung?
Haplotype inference from unphased SNP data in heterozygous polyploids based on SAT.
Buch (3)
Plant Biology. Garland Science, New York (2009), 664 S.
Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford (2008), 385 S.
Plant functional genomics. The Harworth Press, Binghamton (2005), 677 S.
Buchkapitel (81)
2686, S. 537 - 551. Springer (2023)
Quantifying Gene Expression Domains in Plant Shoot Apical Meristems. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd.