Zeitschriftenartikel (2396)

Taenzler, B.; Esposti, R. F.; Vaccino, P.; Brandolini, A.; Effgen, S.; Heun, M.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Borghi, B.; Salamini, F.: Molecular linkage map of Einkorn wheat: mapping of storage- protein and soft-glume genes and bread-making quality QTLs. Genetical Research 80 (2), S. 131 - 143 (2002)
van't Slot, K. A. E.; Knogge, W.: A dual role for microbial pathogen-derived effector proteins in plant disease and resistance. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21 (3), S. 229 - 271 (2002)
Varet, A.; Parker, J.; Tornero, P.; Nass, N.; Nuernberger, T.; Dangl, J. L.; Scheel, D.; Lee, J.: NHL25 and NHL3, two NDR1/HIN1-like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana with potential role(s) in plant defense. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15 (6), S. 608 - 616 (2002)
Varotto, C.; Leister, D.: Maize in the genomics era. Maydica 47 (3-4), S. 203 - 211 (2002)
Varotto, C.; Maiwald, D.; Pesaresi, P.; Jahns, P.; Salamini, F.; Leister, D.: The metal ion transporter IRT1 is necessary for iron homeostasis and efficient photosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 31 (5), S. 589 - 599 (2002)
Varotto, C.; Pesaresi, P.; Jahns, P.; Lessnick, A.; Tizzano, M.; Schiavon, F.; Salamini, F.; Leister, D.: Single and double knockouts of the genes for photosystem I subunits G, K, and H of Arabidopsis. Effects on photosystem I composition, photosynthetic electron flow, and state transitions. Plant Physiology 129 (2), S. 616 - 624 (2002)
Velasco, R.; Korfhage, C.; Salamini, A.; Tacke, E.; Schmitz, J.; Motto, M.; Salamini, F.; Doring, H. P.: Expression of the glossy2 gene of maize during plant development. Maydica 47 (2), S. 71 - 81 (2002)
Winter, K. U.; Saedler, H.; Theissen, G.: On the origin of class B floral homeotic genes: functional substitution and dominant inhibition in Arabidopsis by expression of an orthologue from the gymnosperm Gnetum. Plant Journal 31 (4), S. 457 - 475 (2002)
Winter, K. U.; Weiser, C.; Kaufmann, K.; Bohne, A.; Kirchner, C.; Kanno, A.; Saedler, H.; Theissen, G.: Evolution of class B floral homeotic proteins: Obligate heterodimerization originated from homodimerization. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19 (5), S. 587 - 596 (2002)
Zhang, Z. Y.; Salamini, F.; Thompson, R.: Fine mapping of the defective endosperm maize mutant rgf1 using different DNA pooling strategies and three classes of molecular markers. Maydica 47 (3-4), S. 277 - 286 (2002)
Bartels, D.; Salamini, F.: Desiccation tolerance in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. A contribution to the study of drought tolerance at the molecular level. Plant Physiology 127 (4), S. 1346 - 1353 (2001)
Jach, G.; Binot, E.; Frings, S.; Luxa, K.; Schell, J.: Use of red fluorescent protein from Discosoma sp (dsRED) as a reporter for plant gene expression. Plant Journal 28 (4), S. 483 - 491 (2001)
Robson, F.; Costa, M. M. R.; Hepworth, S. R.; Vizir, I.; Pineiro, M.; Reeves, P. H.; Putterill, J.; Coupland, G.: Functional importance of conserved domains in the flowering- time gene CONSTANS demonstrated by analysis of mutant alleles and transgenic plants. Plant Journal 28 (6), S. 619 - 631 (2001)
Rossi, V.; Hartings, H.; Thompson, R. D.; Motto, M.: Genetic and molecular approaches for upgrading starch and protein fractions in maize kernels. Maydica 46 (3), S. 147 - 158 (2001)
Koornneef, M.; Gebhardt, C.: Was nutzt Arabidopsis der Pflanzenzüchtung?
Neigenfind, J.; Gyetvai, G.; Basekow, R.; Diehl, S.; Achenbach, U.; Gebhardt, C.; Selbig, J.; Kersten, B.: Haplotype inference from unphased SNP data in heterozygous polyploids based on SAT.

Buch (3)

Smith, A. M.; Coupland, G.; Dolan, L.; Harberd, N.: Plant Biology. Garland Science, New York (2009), 664 S.
Parker, J. E. (Hg.): Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford (2008), 385 S.
Leister, D.: Plant functional genomics. The Harworth Press, Binghamton (2005), 677 S.

Buchkapitel (81)

Formosa-Jordan, P.; Landrein, B.: Quantifying Gene Expression Domains in Plant Shoot Apical Meristems. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2686, S. 537 - 551. Springer (2023)
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