Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

Yang, J.; Luo, D.; Yang, B.; Frommer, W. B.; Eom, J.-S.: SWEET11 and 15 as key players in seed filling in rice. New Phytologist 218 (2), S. 604 - 615 (2018)
Yokoo, S.; Inoue, S.; Suzuki, N.; Amakawa, N.; Matsui, H.; Nakagami, H.; Takahashi, A.; Arai, R.; Katou, S.: Comparative analysis of plant isochorismate synthases reveals structural mechanisms underlying their distinct biochemical properties. Bioscience Reports 38, BSR20171457 (2018)
Zenk, F. L.; Firmer, C.; Woehrmann, T.; da Silva, L. V.; Weising, K.; Huettel, B.; Paggi, G. M.: Development of 15 nuclear microsatellite markers in Deuterocohnia (Pitcairnioideae; Bromeliaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing. APPLICATIONS IN PLANT SCIENCES 6 (4), e1147 (2018)
Zhao, M.; Song, J.; Wu, A.; Hu, T.; Li, J.: Mining Beneficial Genes for Aluminum Tolerance Within a Core Collection of Rice Landraces Through Genome-Wide Association Mapping With High Density SNPs From Specific-Locus Amplified Fragment Sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1838 (2018)
Zhou, Y.; Wang, Y.; Krause, K.; Yang, T.; Dongus, J. A.; Zhang, Y.; Turck, F.: Telobox motifs recruit CLF/SWN-PRC2 for H3K27me3 deposition via TRB factors in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics 50 (5), S. 638 - 644 (2018)

Buchkapitel (2)

Kollmann, M.; Turck, F.: Molekulare Mechanismen der Datenintegration und Entscheidung zur Einleitung der Reproduktiven Phase in Pflanzen. In: Information- and Communication Theory in Molecular Biology. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering., S. 331 - 339 (Hg. Bossert, E.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018)
Rossini, L.; Muehlbauer, G. J.; Okagaki, R.; Salvi, S.; von Korff, M.: Genetics of Whole Plant Morphology and Architecture. In: The Barley Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes, S. 299 - 231 (Hg. Stein , N.; Muehlbauer, G. J.). Springer, Cham (2018)
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