Publikationen von S. J. Davis

Zeitschriftenartikel (66)

Sarnowska, E.; Kubala, S.; Cwiek, P.; Sacharowski, S.; Oksinska, P.; Steciuk, J.; Zaborowska, M.; Szurmak, J. M.; Dubianski, R.; Maassen, A. et al.; Stachowiak, M.; Huettel, B.; Ciesla, M.; Nowicka, K.; Rolicka, A. T.; Alseekh, S.; Bucior, E.; Franzen, R.; Skoneczna, A.; Domagalska, M. A.; Amar, S.; Hajirezaei, M.-R.; Siedlecki, J. A.; Fernie, A. R.; Davis, S. J.; Sarnowski, T. J.: A non-canonical function of Arabidopsis ERECTA proteins and a role of the SWI3B subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in gibberellin signaling. The Plant Journal 115 (3), S. 788 - 802 (2023)
Mueller, L. M.; Mombaerts, L.; Pankin, A.; Davis, S. J.; Webb, A. A. R.; Goncalves, J.; von Korff, M.: Differential Effects of Day/Night Cues and the Circadian Clock on the Barley Transcriptome. Plant Physiology 183 (2), S. 765 - 779 (2020)
Philippou, K.; Davis, A. M.; Davis, S. J.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.: Chemical Perturbation of Chloroplast-Related Processes Affects Circadian Rhythms of Gene Expression inArabidopsis: Salicylic Acid Application Can Entrain the Clock. Frontiers in Physiology 11, 429 (2020)
Philippou, K.; Ronald, J.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Davis, A. M.; Davis, S. J.: Physiological and Genetic Dissection of Sucrose Inputs to the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian System. Genes 10 (5), 334 (2019)
Davis, A. M.; Ronald, J.; Ma, Z.; Wilkinson, A. J.; Philippou, K.; Shindo, T.; Queitsch, C.; Davis, S. J.: HSP90 Contributes to Entrainment of the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock via the Morning Loop. Genetics 210 (4), S. 1383 - 1390 (2018)
Adeyemo, S.; Chavarriaga, P.; Tohme, J.; Fregene, M.; Davis, S. J.; Setter, T. L.: Overexpression of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene improves floral development in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz). PLoS One 12 (7), e0181460 (2017)
Rubin, M. J.; Brock, M. T.; Davis, A. M.; German, Z. M.; Knapp, M.; Welch, S. M.; Harmer, S. L.; Maloof, J. N.; Davis, S. J.; Weinig, C.: Circadian rhythms vary over the growing season and correlate with fitness components. Molecular Ecology 26 (20), S. 5528 - 5540 (2017)
Shin, J.; Sánchez-Villarreal, A.; Davis, A. M.; Du, S. X.; Berendzen, K. W.; Koncz, C.; Ding, Z.; Li, C.; Davis, S. J.: The metabolic sensor AKIN10 modulates the Arabidopsis circadian clock in a light-dependent manner. Plant, Cell and Environment 40, S. 997 - 1008 (2017)
Perea-Garcia, A.; Andres-Borderia, A.; Mayo de Andres, S.; Sanz, A.; Davis, A. M.; Davis, S. J.; Huijser, P.; Penarrubia, L.: Modulation of copper deficiency responses by diurnal and circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 67 (1), S. 391 - 403 (2016)
Perea-García, A.; Sanz, A.; Moreno, J.; Andrés-Bordería, A.; Mayo de Andrés, S.; Davis, A. M.; Huijser, P.; Davis, S. J.; Peñarrubia, L.: Daily rhythmicity of high affinity copper transport. Plant Signaling & Behavior 11 (3), e1140291 (2016)
Fornara, F.; de Montaigu, A.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Huettel, B.; Davis, S. J.; Coupland, G.: The GI-CDF module of Arabidopsis affects freezing tolerance and growth as well as flowering. The Plant Journal 81 (5), S. 695 - 706 (2015)
Raschke, A.; Ibanez, C.; Ullrich, K. K.; Anwer, M. U.; Becker, S.; Gloeckner, A.; Trenner, J.; Denk, K.; Saal, B.; Sun, X. et al.; Ni, M.; Davis, S. J.; Delker, C.; Quint, M.: Natural variants of ELF3 affect thermomorphogenesis by transcriptionally modulating PIF4-dependent auxin response genes. BMC Plant Biology 15, 197 (2015)
Willing, E.-M.; Rawat, V.; Mandakova, T.; Maumus, F.; James, G. V.; Nordstroem, K.; Becker, C.; Warthmann, N.; Chica, C.; Szarzynska, B. et al.; Zytnicki, M.; Albani, M.; Kiefer, C.; Bergonzi, S.; Castaings, L.; Mateos, J. L.; Berns, M. C.; Bujdoso, N.; Piofczyk, T. P.; de Lorenzo, L.; Barrero-Sicilia, C.; Mateos, I.; Piednoel, M.; Hagmann, J.; Chen-Min-Tao, R.; Iglesias-Fernandez, R.; Schuster, S. C.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Roudier, F.; Carbonero, P.; Paz-Ares, J.; Davis, S. J.; Pecinka, A.; Quesneville, H.; Colot, V.; Lysak, M. A.; Weigel, D.; Coupland, G.; Schneeberger, K.: Genome expansion of Arabis alpina linked with retrotransposition and reduced symmetric DNA methylation. Nature Plants 1 (2), UNSP 14023, S. 1 - 7 (2015)
Anwer, M. U.; Boikoglou, E.; Herrero, E.; Hallstein, M.; Davis, A. M.; James, G. V.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: Natural variation reveals that intracellular distribution of ELF3 protein is associated with function in the circadian clock. ELIFE 3, eLife.02206 (2014)
Delker, C.; Sonntag, L.; James, G. V.; Janitza, P.; Ibanez, C.; Ziermann, H.; Peterson, T.; Denk, K.; Mull, S.; Ziegler, J. et al.; Davis, S. J.; Schneeberger, K.; Quint, M.: The DET1-COP1-HY5 Pathway Constitutes a Multipurpose Signaling Module Regulating Plant Photomorphogenesis and Thermomorphogenesis. Cell Reports 9 (6), S. 1983 - 1989 (2014)
Habte, E.; Mueller, L. M.; Shtaya, M.; Davis, S. J.; von Korff, M.: Osmotic stress at the barley root affects expression of circadian clock genes in the shoot. Plant, Cell and Environment 37 (6), S. 1321 - 1337 (2014)
Mueller, L. M.; von Korff, M.; Davis, S. J.: Connections between circadian clocks and carbon metabolism reveal species-specific effects on growth control. SI 65 (11), S. 2915 - 2923 (2014)
Pankin, A.; Campoli, C.; Dong, X.; Kilian, B.; Sharma, R.; Himmelbach, A.; Saini, R.; Davis, S. J.; Stein, N.; Schneeberger, K. et al.; von Korff, M.: Mapping-by-Sequencing Identifies HvPHYTOCHROME C as a Candidate Gene for the early maturity 5 Locus Modulating the Circadian Clock and Photoperiodic Flowering in Barley. Genetics 198 (1), S. 383 - 396 (2014)
Anwer, M. U.; Davis, S. J.: An overview of natural variation studies in the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 24 (5), S. 422 - 429 (2013)
Archacki, R.; Buszewicz, D.; Sarnowski, T. J.; Sarnowska, E.; Rolicka, A. T.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.; Jikumaru, Y.; Kotlinski, M.; Iwanicka-Nowicka, R. et al.; Kalisiak, K.; Patryn, J.; Halibart-Puzio, J.; Kamiya, Y.; Davis, S. J.; Koblowska, M. K.; Jerzmanowski, A.: BRAHMA ATPase of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Acts as a Positive Regulator of Gibberellin-Mediated Responses in Arabidopsis. PLoS One 8 (3), e58588 (2013)
Bujdoso, N.; Davis, S. J.: Mathematical modeling of an oscillating gene circuit to unravel the circadian clock network of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 4, 3 (2013)
Campoli, C.; Pankin, A.; Drosse, B.; Casao, C. M.; Davis, S. J.; von Korff, M.: HvLUX1 is a candidate gene underlying the early maturity 10 locus in barley: phylogeny, diversity, and interactions with the circadian clock and photoperiodic pathways. New Phytologist 199 (4), S. 1045 - 1059 (2013)
Saini, R.; Szpotkoski, K.; Kozak, M.; Jaskolski, M.; Davis, S. J.: Biochemical and structural studies of plant circadian clock proteins. BioTechnologia 94 (1), S. 40 - 41 (2013)
Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Shin, J.; Bujdoso, N.; Obata, T.; Neumann, U.; Du, S.; Ding, Z.; Davis, A. M.; Shindo, T.; Schmelzer, E. et al.; Sulpice, R.; Nunes-Nesi, A.; Stitt, M.; Fernie, A. R.; Davis, S. J.: TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 76 (2), S. 188 - 200 (2013)
Sarnowska, E.; Rolicka, A. T.; Bucior, E.; Cwiek, P.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.; Jikumaru, Y.; Kamiya, Y.; Franzen, R.; Schmelzer, E. et al.; Porri, A.; Sacharowski, S.; Gratkowska, D. M.; Zugaj, D. L.; Taff, A.; Zalewska, A.; Archacki, R.; Davis, S. J.; Coupland, G.; Koncz, C.; Jerzmanowski, A.; Sarnowski, T. J.: DELLA-Interacting SWI3C Core Subunit of Switch/Sucrose Nonfermenting Chromatin Remodeling Complex Modulates Gibberellin Responses and Hormonal Cross Talk in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 163 (1), S. 305 - 317 (2013)
Shin, J.; Anwer, M. U.; Davis, S. J.: Phytochrome-Interacting Factors (PIFs) as Bridges between Environmental Signals and the Circadian Clock: Diurnal Regulation of Growth and Development. MOLECULAR PLANT 6 (3), S. 592 - 595 (2013)
Shin, J.; Du, S.; Bujdoso, N.; Hu, Y.; Davis, S. J.: Overexpression and Loss-of-function at TIME FOR COFFEE Results in Similar Phenotypes in Diverse Growth and Physiological Responses. JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY 56 (3), S. 152 - 159 (2013)
Staiger, D.; Shin, J.; Johansson, M.; Davis, S. J.: The circadian clock goes genomic. GENOME BIOLOGY 14 (6), 208 (2013)
Campoli, C.; Shtaya, M.; Davis, S. J.; von Korff, M.: Expression conservation within the circadian clock of a monocot: natural variation at barley Ppd-H1 affects circadian expression of flowering time genes, but not clock orthologs. BMC Plant Biology 12, 97 (2012)
Faure, S.; Turner, A. S.; Gruszka, D.; Christodoulou, V.; Davis, S. J.; von Korff, M.; Laurie, D. A.: Mutation at the circadian clock gene EARLY MATURITY 8 adapts domesticated barley (Hordeum vulgare) to short growing seasons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (21), S. 8328 - 8333 (2012)
Herrero, E.; Davis, S. J.: Time for a Nuclear Meeting: Protein Trafficking and Chromatin Dynamics Intersect in the Plant Circadian System. Molecular Plant 5 (3), S. 554 - 565 (2012)
Rolicka, A.; Bucior, E.; Sarnowska, E.; Gratkowska, D.; Archacki, R.; Davis, S. J.; Koncz, C.; Sarnowski, T. J.; Jerzmanowski, A.: ATSWI3C subunit of the Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is involved in the GA response pathway. FEBS JOURNAL 279, S. 84 - 84 (2012)
Shin, J.; Heidrich, K.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Parker, J. E.; Davis, S. J.: TIME FOR COFFEE Represses Accumulation of the MYC2 Transcription Factor to Provide Time-of-Day Regulation of Jasmonate Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24 (6), 10.1105/tpc.111.095430. , S. 2470 - 2482 (2012)
Undurraga, S. F.; Press, M. O.; Legendre, M.; Bujdoso, N.; Bale, J.; Wang, H.; Davis, S. J.; Verstrepen, K. J.; Queitsch, C.: Background-dependent effects of polyglutamine variation in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene ELF3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (47), S. 19363 - 19367 (2012)
Adeyemo, O.S.; Kolmos, E.; Tohme, J.; Chavariaga, P.; Fregene, M.; Davis, S. J.: Identification and characterization of the cassava core-clock gene EARLY FLOWERING 4. Tropical Plant Biology 4, S. 117 - 125 (2011)
Boikoglou, E.; Ma, Z.; von Korff, M.; Davis, A. M.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: Environmental Memory from a Circadian Oscillator: The Arabidopsis thaliana Clock Differentially Integrates Perception of Photic vs. Thermal Entrainment. Genetics 189 (2), S. 655 - U796 (2011)
Feher, B.; Kozma-Bognar, L.; Kevei, E.; Hajdu, A.; Binkert, M.; Davis, S. J.; Schafer, E.; Ulm, R.; Nagy, F.: Functional interaction of the circadian clock and UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8-controlled UV-B signaling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 67 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2011)
Kolmos, E.; Herrero, E.; Bujdoso, N.; Millar, A.J.; Toth, R.; Gyula, P.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: A Reduced-Function Allele Reveals That EARLY FLOWERING3 Repressive Action on the Circadian Clock Is Modulated by Phytochrome Signals in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 23 (9), S. 3230 - 3246 (2011)
Sanchez, A.; Shin, J.; Davis, S. J.: Abiotic Stress and the plant circadian clock. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6, S. 1 - 9 (2011)
Domagalska, M. A.; Sarnowska, E.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: Genetic Analyses of Interactions among Gibberellin, Abscisic Acid, and Brassinosteroids in the Control of Flowering Time in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE 5 (11), e14012 (2010)
McClung, C. R.; Davis, S. J.: Ambient Thermometers in Plants: From Physiological Outputs towards Mechanisms of Thermal Sensing. Current Biology 20, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.10.035, S. R1086 - R1092 (2010)
Shin, J.; Davis, S. J.: Recent advances in computational modeling as a conduit to understand the plant circadian clock. F1000 Biology Reports 2, 10.3410/B2-49., S. 49 (2010)
Davis, A. M.; Hall, A.; Millar, A. J.; Darrah, C.; Davis, S. J.: Protocol: Streamlined sub-protocols for floral-dip transformation and selection of transformants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Methods. 5:3, 10.1186/1746-4811-5-3. (2009)
Davis, S. J.: Integrating hormones into the floral-transition pathway of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment 32 (9), S. 1201 - 1210 (2009)
Kolmos, E.; Nowak, M.; Werner, M.; Fischer, K.; Schwarz, G.; Mathews, S.; Schoof, H.; Nagy, F.; Bujnicki, J. M.; Davis, S. J.: Integrating ELF4 into the circadian system through combined structural and functional studies. HFSP Journal 3 (5), S. 350 - 366 (2009)
Hanano, S.; Stracke, R.; Jakoby, M.; Merkle, T.; Domagalska, M. A.; Weisshaar, B.; Davis, S. J.: A systematic survey in Arabidopsis thaliana of transcription factors that modulate circadian parameters. BMC Genomics 9, S. 182 - 182 (2008)
Kolmos, E.; Schoof, H.; Plümer, M.; Davis, S. J.: Structural insights into the function of the core-circadian factor TIMING OF CAB2 EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1). Journal of Circadian Rhythms 6:3, 10.1186/1740-3391-6-3 (2008)
Ding, Z. J.; Doyle, M. R.; Amasino, R. M.; Davis, S. J.: A complex genetic interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana TOC1 and CCA1/LHY in driving the circadian clock and in output regulation. Genetics 176 (3), S. 1501 - 1510 (2007)
Ding, Z.; Millar, A. J.; Davis, A. M.; Davis, S. J.: TIME FOR COFFEE Encodes a Nuclear Regulator in the Arabidopsis thaliana Circadian Clock. Plant Cell 19, S. 1522 - 1536 (2007)
Domagalska, M. A.; Schomburg, F. M.; Amasino, R. M.; Vierstra, R. D.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: Attenuation of brassinosteroid signaling enhances FLC expression and delays flowering. Development 134 (15), S. 2841 - 2850 (2007)
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