Publikationen von S. Struett

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Baumgarten, L.; Pieper, B.; Song, B.; Mane, S.; Lempe, J.; Lamb, J.; Cooke, E. L.; Srivastava, R.; Struett, S.; Zanko, D. et al.; Casimiro, P. G. P.; Hallab, A.; Cartolano, M.; Tattersall, A. D.; Huettel, B.; Filatov, D. A.; Pavlidis, P.; Neuffer, B.; Bazakos, C.; Schaefer, H.; Mott, R.; Gan, X.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Laurent, S.; Tsiantis, M.: Pan-European study of genotypes and phenotypes in the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsuta reveals how adaptation, demography, and development shape diversity patterns. PLoS Biology 21 (7), e3002191 (2023)
Strütt, S.; Sellinger, T.; Glémin, S.; Tellier, A.; Laurent, S.: Joint inference of evolutionary transitions to self-fertilization and demographic history using whole-genome sequences. eLife 12, e82384 (2023)

Preprint (1)

Strütt, S.; Sellinger, T.; Glémin, S.; Tellier, A.; Laurent, S.: Joint inference of evolutionary transitions to self-fertilization and demographic history using whole-genome sequences. eLife 12, e82384 (2023)
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