Publikationen von K. Nakabayashi
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Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
8, 72 (2017)
Delay of germination requires PP2C phosphatases of the ABA signalling pathway to control seed dormancy. Nature Communications 2016
91 (1), S. 2 - 13 (2016)
Agronomic, cytogenetic and molecular studies on hermaphroditism and self-compatibility in the Greek kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) cultivar 'Tsechelidis'. JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015
Seed dormancy in Arabidopsis requires self-binding ability of DOG1 protein and the presence of multiple isoforms generated by alternative splicing. PLoS Genetics, e1005737 (2015)
25 (SI 2), S. 221 - 229 (2015)
Secondary dormancy in Brassica napus is correlated with enhanced BnaDOG1 transcript levels. Seed Science Research 2014
26 (11), S. 4362 - 4375 (2014)
REDUCED DORMANCY5 Encodes a Protein Phosphatase 2C That Is Required for Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 2012
35 (10), S. 1769 - 1786 (2012)
Molecular mechanisms of seed dormancy. Plant, Cell and Environment
24 (7), S. 2826 - 2838 (2012)
The Time Required for Dormancy Release in Arabidopsis Is Determined by DELAY OF GERMINATION1 Protein Levels in Freshly Harvested Seeds. The Plant Cell 2011
20 (16), S. 3336 - 3349 (2011)
DOG1 expression is predicted by the seed-maturation environment and contributes to geographical variation in germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology