Publikationen von H. H. Steinbiss
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Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
7, 1973 (2017)
Gene Targeting Without DSB Induction Is Inefficient in Barley. Frontiers in Plant Science 2009
229 (2), S. 235 - 247 (2009)
The promoter of ZmMRP-1, a maize transfer cell-specific transcriptional activator, is induced at solute exchange surfaces and responds to transport demands. Planta 2007
19, S. 3080 - 3089 (2007)
Differential requirements for RAD51 in Physcomitrella patens and Arabidopsis thaliana and DNA damage repair. Plant Cell 2006
18 (7), S. 1652 - 1666 (2006)
Jekyll encodes a novel protein involved in the sexual reproduction of barley. Plant Cell 2004
16 (12), S. 3480 - 3495 (2004)
RAR1 positively controls steady state levels of barley MLA resistance proteins and enables sufficient MLA6 accumulation for effective resistance. Plant Cell
13 (1), S. 15 - 22 (2004)
Functional complementation analysis in potato via biolistic transformation with BAC large DNA fragments. Molecular Breeding 2003
33 (3), S. 455 - 469 (2003)
Alteration of GCN5 levels in maize reveals dynamic responses to manipulating histone acetylation. Plant Journal