Publikationen von R. Saedler
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (6)
25 (6), S. 2002 - 2021 (2013)
The euAP1 Protein MPF3 Represses MPF2 to Specify Floral Calyx Identity and Displays Crucial Roles in Chinese Lantern Development in Physalis. The Plant Cell 2010
231 (3), S. 767 - 777 (2010)
The MADS-domain protein MPF1 of Physalis floridana controls plant architecture, seed development and flowering time. Planta 2004
45, S. 813 - 822 (2004)
Actin control over microtubules suggested by DISTORTED2 encoding the Arabidopsis ARPC2 subunit homolog. Plant and Cell Physiology
56, S. 775 - 782 (2004)
The Arabidopsis KLUNKER gene controls cell shape changes and encodes the AtSRA1 homolog. Plant Molecular Biology
272, S. 290 - 296 (2004)
The Arabidopsis GNARLED gene encodes the NAP125 homolog and controls several actin-based cell shape changes. Molecular and General Genetics 2003
269, S. 350 - 360 (2003)
Regulation of cell expansion by the DISTORTED genes in Arabidopsis thaliana: actin controls the spatial organization of microtubules. Molecular and General Genetics Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Role of DISTORTED2, GNARLED and SPIRRIG in cell morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana. Dissertation, 77 S., Universität zu Köln (2005)