Publikationen von N. Körber
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
7, 386 (2016)
Agronomic and Seed Quality Traits Dissected by Genome-Wide Association Mapping in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science 2015
15, UNSP 136 (2015)
Seedling development traits in Brassica napus examined by gene expression analysis and association mapping. BMC Plant Biology 2014
5, 485 (2014)
Species- and genome-wide dissection of the shoot ionome in Brassica napus and its relationship to seedling development. Frontiers in Plant Science 2012
125 (6), S. 1275 - 1287 (2012)
Seedling development in a Brassica napus diversity set and its relationship to agronomic performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
125, S. 1275 - 1287 (2012)
Seedling development in a Brassica napus diversity set and its relation to agronomic performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2011
123 (8), S. 1413 - 1423 (2011)
Patterns of molecular variation in a species-wide germplasm set of Brassica napus. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 2008
117, 10.1007/s00122-008-0847-7, S. 1093 - 1106 (2008)
Selecting a set of wild barley introgression lines and verification of QTL effects for resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust. Theoretical and Applied Genetics