Publikationen von R. Hayama
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Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
9, 17030 (2019)
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolases are required for period maintenance of the circadian clock at high temperature in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports 2018
13 (6), e1473686 (2018)
Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2017
36 (7), S. 904 - 918 (2017)
PSEUDO RESPONSE REGULATORs stabilize CONSTANS protein to promote flowering in response to day length. EMBO Journal 2016
88 (2), S. 205 - 218 (2016)
Mutations in the N-terminal kinase-like domain of the repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA1 severely impair SPA1 function but not light responsiveness in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 2015
84 (3), S. 451 - 63 (2015)
Phosphorylation of CONSTANS and its COP1-dependent degradation during photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis. The Plant journal: for cell and molecular biology 2007
19 (10), S. 2988 - 3000 (2007)
A Circadian Rhythm Set by Dusk Determines the Expression of FT Homologs and the Short-Day Photoperiodic Flowering Response in Pharbitis. Plant Cell 2004
135 (2), S. 677 - 684 (2004)
The molecular basis of diversity in the photoperiodic flowering responses of Arabidopsis and rice. Plant Physiology 2003
6 (1), S. 13 - 19 (2003)
Shedding light on the circadian clock and the photoperiodic control of flowering. Current Opinion in Plant Biology