Publikationen von J. Engelhorn
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
117 (1), S. 280 - 301 (2024)
MINI-AC: inference of plant gene regulatory networks using bulk or single-cell accessible chromatin profiles. The Plant Journal 2023
24 (1), 108 (2023)
Hybrid allele-specific ChIP-seq analysis identifies variation in brassinosteroid-responsive transcription factor binding linked to traits in maize. Genome Biology and Evolution
7 (4), e489 (2023)
Conserved and variable heat stress responses of the Heat Shock Factor transcription factor family in maize and Setaria viridis. Plant Direct 2022
23 (1), 234 (2022)
Mapping responsive genomic elements to heat stress in a maize diversity panel. Genome Biology 2019
70 (15), S. 4065 - 4066 (2019)
Specific chromatin changes mark lateral organ founder cells in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem (vol 70, pg 3867, 2019). Journal of Experimental Botany 2012
13, R117 (2012)
Natural variation of H3K27me3 distribution between two Arabidopsis accessions and its association with flanking transposable elements. Genome Biology
139 (14), S. 2566 - 2575 (2012)
DEVELOPMENT-RELATED PcG TARGET IN THE APEX 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 2011
23 (9), S. 3204 - 3214 (2011)
Tissue-Specific Expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis Is Maintained Independently of Polycomb Group Protein Repression. The Plant Cell Buchkapitel (2)
1456, S. 33 - 50 (Hg. Kovalchuk, I.). Humana Press, New York (2017)
Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Chromatin Data. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2010
Metaanalysis of ChIP-chip Data. In: Plant Epigenetics, 10.1007/978-1-60761-646-7, S. 185 - 207 (Hg. Kovalchuk, I.; Zemp, F. J.). Humana Press, New York (2010)
Konferenzbericht (1)
Floral development: an integrated view. In: FROM MOLECULES TO LIVING ORGANISMS: AN INTERPLAY BETWEEN BIOLOGY AND PHYSICS, S. 43 - 116. Les Houches Summer School, Les Houches, FRANCE, 01. Juli 2014 - 01. August 2014. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 198 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10016 USA (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Identification of developmental functions for Arabidopsis thaliana genes by a reverse genetics approach based on analysis of H3K27me3 distribution. Dissertation, Universität Köln, Köln (2011)