Publikationen von D. Bellin
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Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
181 (3), S. 1115 - 1127 (2009)
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Allene Oxide Synthase 2 Gene Are Associated With Field Resistance to Late Blight in Populations of Tetraploid Potato Cultivars. Genetics
166 (7), S. 762 - 774 (2009)
Genotype-dependent expression of specific members of potato protease inhibitor gene families in different tissues and in response to wounding and nematode infection. Journal of Plant Physiology 2007
58 (3), S. 699 - 715 (2007)
Transcript profiles at different growth stages and tap-root zones identify correlated developmental and metabolic pathways of sugar beet. Journal of Experimental Botany 2006
112 (8), DOI: 10.1007/s00122-006-0248-8, S. 1458 - 1464 (2006)
Marker-assisted combination of major genes for pathogen resistance in potato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2003
106 (7), S. 1213 - 1224 (2003)
Molecular linkage maps of Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis riparia Mchx. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
46 (1), S. 70 - 82 (2003)
Isolation and linkage analysis of expressed disease-resistance gene analogues of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Genome 2002
4 (6), S. 700 - 710 (2002)
EST sequencing, annotation and macroarray transcriptome analysis identify preferentially root-expressed genes in sugar beet. Plant Biology