Publikationen von V. da Silveira Falavigna

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Cerise, M.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Rodriguez Maroto, G.; Signol, A.; Severing, E.; Gao, H.; van Driel, A.; Vincent, C.; Wilkens, S.; Iacobini, F. et al.: Two modes of gene regulation by TFL1 mediate its dual function in flowering time and shoot determinacy of Arabidopsis. Development 150 (23), dev202089 (2023)
Martignago, D.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Lombardi, A.; Gao, H.; Kurkowski, P. K.; Galbiati, M.; Tonelli, C.; Coupland, G.; Conti, L.: The bZIP transcription factor AREB3 mediates FT signalling and floral transition at the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem. PLoS Genetics 19 (5), e1010766 (2023)
da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Severing, E.; Lai, X.; Estevan, J.; Farrera, I.; Hugouvieux, V.; Revers, L. F.; Zubieta, C.; Coupland, G.; Costes, E. et al.: Unraveling the role of MADS transcription factor complexes in apple tree dormancy. New Phytologist 232 (5), S. 2071 - 2088 (2021)
Cattani, A. M.; da Silveira Falavigna, V.; Silveira, C. P.; Buffon, V.; dos Santos Maraschin, F.; Pasquali, G.; Revers, L. F.: Type-B cytokinin response regulators link hormonal stimuli and molecular responses during the transition from endo- to ecodormancy in apple buds. Plant Cell Reports 39 (12), S. 1687 - 1703 (2020)