Publikationen von S. Woetzel
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Zeitschriftenartikel (9)
290 (2011), 20231401 (2023)
Adaptation of perennial flowering phenology across the European range of Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 2022
22 (2), S. 468 - 486 (2022)
Arabis alpina: A perennial model plant for ecological genomics and life-history evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources 2021
118 (39), e2109204118 (2021)
Transposition and duplication of MADS-domain transcription factor genes in annual and perennial Arabis species modulates flowering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018
115 (4), S. 816 - 821 (2018)
Demography and mating system shape the genomewide impact of purifying selection in Arabis alpina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017
27 (5), S. 778 - 786 (2017)
Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data. Genome Research
71 (9), S. 2206 - 2218 (2017)
Evolution of the selfing syndrome: Anther orientation and herkogamy together determine reproductive assurance in a self-compatible plant. Evolution 2015
Evolution of CONSTANS Regulation and Function after Gene Duplication Produced a Photoperiodic Flowering Switch in the Brassicaceae. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 10.1093/molbev/msv110 (2015)
62 (1), S. 50 - 61 (2013)
The Evolutionary Root of Flowering Plants. Systematic Biology 2012
8(12), e1003130 (2012)
PEP1 of Arabis alpina Is Encoded by Two Overlapping Genes That Contribute to Natural Genetic Variation in Perennial Flowering. PLoS Genetics