Publikationen von J. Misas-Villamil
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (12)
476, S. 843 - 857 (2019)
Dynamic hydrolase labelling as a marker for seed quality in Arabidopsis seeds. Biochemical Journal 2017
90 (2), S. 418 - 430 (2017)
Subunit-selective proteasome activity profiling uncovers uncoupled proteasome subunit activities during bacterial infections. The Plant Journal 2015
97, S. 36 - 43 (2015)
Activity profiling reveals changes in the diversity and activity of proteins in Arabidopsis roots in response to nematode infection. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
168 (4), S. 1462 - U1636 (2015)
Subfamily-Specific Fluorescent Probes for Cysteine Proteases Display Dynamic Protease Activities during Seed Germination. Plant Physiology
8 (3), S. 454 - 466 (2015)
SNARE-RNAi Results in Higher Terpene Emission from Ectopically Expressed Caryophyllene Synthase in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant 2014
203 (3), S. 913 - 925 (2014)
Dynamic hydrolase activities precede hypersensitive tissue collapse in tomato seedlings. New Phytologist 2013
9 (3), e1003281 (2013)
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Uses Proteasome Inhibitor Syringolin A to Colonize from Wound Infection Sites. PLoS Pathogens
73 (4), DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12062, S. 689 - 700 (2013)
Activity profiling of vacuolar processing enzymes reveals a role for VPE during oomycete infection. The Plant Journal 2012
7 (1), e29317 (2012)
A Role in Immunity for Arabidopsis Cysteine Protease RD21, the Ortholog of the Tomato Immune Protease C14. PLoS One 2011
155 (1), 10.1104/pp.110.163733, S. 477 - 489 (2011)
Proteasome Activity Imaging and Profiling Characterizes Bacterial Effector Syringolin A. Plant Physiology
67 (5), S. 774 - 782 (2011)
Pseudomonas syringae colonizes distant tissues in Nicotiana benthamiana through xylem vessels. PLANT JOURNAL 2010
62, 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2009.04122.x, S. 160 - 170 (2010)
Proteasome activity profiling: a simple, robust and versatile method revealing subunit-selective inhibitors and cytoplasmic, defense-induced proteasome activities. Plant Journal