Publications of A. Marques

Journal Article (27)

Journal Article
Steckenborn, S.; Marques, A.: Centromere diversity and its evolutionary impacts on plant karyotypes and plant reproduction. New Phytologist 245, pp. 1879 - 1886 (2025)
Journal Article
Castellani, M.; Zhang, M.; Thangavel, G.; Mata Sucre, Y.; Lux, T.; Campoy, J. A.; Marek, M.; Huettel, B.; Sun, H.-Q.; Mayer, K. F. X. et al.; Schneeberger, K.; Marques, A.: Meiotic recombination dynamics in plants with repeat-based holocentromeres shed light on the primary drivers of crossover patterning. Nature Plants (2024)
Journal Article
Castro, N.; Vilela, B.; Mata-Sucre, Y.; Marques, A.; Gagnon, E.; Lewis, G.; Costa, L.; Souza, G.: Repeatome evolution across space and time: Unravelling repeats dynamics in the plant genus Erythrostemon Klotzsch (Leguminosae Juss). Molecular Ecology, e17510 (2024)
Journal Article
de Melo, S. M. F.; Marques, A.; Almeida, C.: The mitochondrial genome sequence of Syagrus coronata (Mart.) Becc. (Arecaceae) is characterized by gene insertion within intergenic spaces. Tree Genetics & Genomes 20 (2), 10 (2024)
Journal Article
de Souza, F. D.; Marques, A.; Almeida, C.: Mitochondrial genome of Hancornia speciosa gomes: intergenic regions containing retrotransposons and predicted genes. Molecular Biology Reports 51 (1), 132 (2024)
Journal Article
Dias, Y.; Mata Sucre, Y.; Thangavel, G.; Costa, L.; Báez, M.; Houben, A.; Marques, A.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: How diverse a monocentric chromosome can be? Repeatome and centromeric organization of Juncus effusus (Juncaceae). The Plant Journal (2024)
Journal Article
Ivanković, M.; Brand, J. N.; Pandolfini, L.; Brown, T.; Pippel, M.; Rozanski, A.; Schubert, T.; Grohme, M. A.; Winkler, S.; Robledillo, L. et al.; Zhang, M.; Codino, A.; Gustincich, S.; Vila-Farré, M.; Zhang, S.; Papantonis, A.; Marques, A.; Rink, J. C.: A comparative analysis of planarian genomes reveals regulatory conservation in the face of rapid structural divergence. Nature Communications 15, 8215 (2024)
Journal Article
Kuo, Y.-T.; Schubert, V.; Marques, A.; Schubert, I.; Houben, A.: Centromere diversity: How different repeat-based holocentromeres may have evolved. Bioessays 46 (6), e2400013 (2024)
Journal Article
Mata Sucre, Y.; Krátká, M.; Oliveira, L.; Neumann, P.; Macas, J.; Schubert, V.; Huettel, B.; Kejnovsky, E.; Houben , A.; Pedrosa-Harand , A. et al.; Souza, G.; Marques, A.: Repeat-based holocentromeres of the woodrush Luzula sylvatica reveal new insights into the evolutionary transition from mono- to holocentricity. Nature Communications 15, 9565 (2024)
Journal Article
Mata Sucre, Y.; Parteka, L. M.; Ritz, C. M.; Gatica-Arias, A.; Félix, L. P.; Thomas, W. W.; Souza, G.; Vanzela, A. .. L.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Marques, A.: Oligo-barcode illuminates holocentric karyotype evolution in Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (15), 1330927 (2024)
Journal Article
Oliveira, L.; Neumann, P.; Mata Sucre, Y.; Kuo, Y.-T.; Marques, A.; Schubert, V.; Macas, J.: KNL1 and NDC80 represent new universal markers for the detection of functional centromeres in plants. Chromosome Research 32 (1), 3 (2024)
Journal Article
Souza, T. B.; Parteka, L. M.; Kuo, Y. T.; Nascimento, T. H. D.; Schubert, V.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Marques, A.; Houben, A.; Vanzela, A. L. S.: Distinct patterns of satDNA distribution in holocentric chromosomes of spike-sedges. Genome (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, M.; Marques, A.: How plants with hundreds of centromeres crossover. Nature Plants 10 (3), pp. 354 - 355 (2024)
Journal Article
Castro, N.; Mata-Sucre, Y.; Carvalho-Sobrinho, J.; Marques, A.; de Queiroz, R. T.; Souza, G.: Genomic stability in Cenostigma Tul., (Caesalpinioideae, Fabaceae): causes and consequences. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, boad043 (2023)
Journal Article
Costa, L.; Marques, A.; Buddenhagen, C. E.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Souza, G.: Investigating the diversification of holocentromeric satellite DNA Tyba in Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Annals of Botany 131 (5), pp. 813 - 825 (2023)
Journal Article
Escudero, M.; Marques, A.; Lucek, K.; Hipp, A. L. L.: Genomic hotspots of chromosome rearrangements explain conserved synteny despite high rates of chromosome evolution in a holocentric lineage. Molecular Ecology (2023)
Journal Article
Kuo, Y.-T.; Souza Câmara, A.; Schubert, V.; Neumann, P.; Macas, J.; Melzer, M.; Chen, J.; Fuchs, J.; Abel, S.; Klocke, E. et al.; Huettel, B.; Himmelbach, A.; Demidov, D.; Dunemann, F.; Mascher, M.; Ishii, T.; Marques, A.; Houben, A.: Holocentromeres can consist of merely a few megabase-sized satellite arrays. Nature Communications 14, 3502 (2023)
Journal Article
Mata-Sucre, Y.; Matzenauer, W.; Castro, N.; Huettel, B.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Marques, A.; Souza, G.: Repeat-based phylogenomics shed light on unclear relationships in the monocentric genus Juncus L. (Juncaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 189, 107930 (2023)
Journal Article
Saul, F.; Scharmann, M.; Wakatake, T.; Rajaraman, S.; Marques, A.; Freund, M.; Bringmann, G.; Channon, L.; Becker, D.; Carroll, E. et al.; Low, Y. W.; Lindqvist, C.; Gilbert, K. J.; Renner, T.; Masuda, S.; Richter, M.; Vogg, G.; Shirasu, K.; Michael, T. P.; Hedrich, R.; Albert, V. A.; Fukushima, K.: Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis. Nature Plants 9 (12), pp. 2000 - 2015 (2023)
Journal Article
Thangavel, G.; Hofstatter, P. G.; Mercier, R.; Marques, A.: Tracing the evolution of the plant meiotic molecular machinery. Plant Reproduction (2023)
Journal Article
Hofstatter, P. G.; Thangavel, G.; Lux, T.; Neumann, P.; Vondrak, T.; Novak, P.; Zhang, M.; Costa, L.; Castellani, M.; Scott, A. et al.; Toegelová, H.; Fuchs, J.; Mata-Sucre, Y.; Dias, Y.; Vanzela, A. L. L.; Huettel, B.; Almeida, C. C. S.; Šimková, H.; Souza, G.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Macas, J.; Mayer, K. F. X.; Houben, A.; Marques, A.: Repeat-based holocentromeres influence genome architecture and karyotype evolution. Cell (2022)
Journal Article
Aecyo, P.; Marques, A.; Huettel, B.; Silva, A.; Esposito, T.; Ribeiro, E.; Leal, I.R.; Gagnon, E.; Souza, G.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: Plastome evolution in the Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae) and its application in phylogenomics and populations genetics. Planta 254 (2), 27 (2021)
Journal Article
Costa, L.; Marques, A.; Buddenhagen, C.; Thomas, W. W.; Huettel, B.; Schubert, V.; Dodsworth, S.; Houben, A.; Souza, G.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: Aiming off the target: recycling target capture sequencing reads for investigating repetitive DNA. Annals of Botany, mcab063 (2021)
Journal Article
Hofstatter, P. G.; Thangavel, G.; Castellani, M.; Marques, A.: Meiosis Progression and Recombination in Holocentric Plants: What Is Known? Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 617 (2021)
Journal Article
Oliveira, M. A. S.; Nunes, T.; Dos Santos, M. A.; Ferreira Gomes, D.; Costa, I.; Van-Lume, B.; Marques Da Silva, S. S.; Oliveira, R. S.; Simon, M. F.; Lima, G.S. A. et al.; Gissi, D. S.; Almeida, C. C. S.; Souza, G.; Marques, A.: High-Throughput Genomic Data Reveal Complex Phylogenetic Relationships in Stylosanthes Sw (Leguminosae). Frontiers in Genetics 12, 727314 (2021)
Journal Article
Burchardt, P.; Buddenhagen, C. E.; Gaeta, M.L.; Souza, M. D.; Marques, A.; Vanzela, A. L. L.: Holocentric Karyotype Evolution in Rhynchospora is marked by intense Numerical, Structural, and Genome Size Changes. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 536507 (2020)
Journal Article
Schubert, V.; Neumann, P.; Marques, A.; Heckmann, S.; Macas, J.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.; Schubert, I.; Jang, T.-S.; Houben, A.: Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Diversity of Plant Centromere Architecture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (10), 3488 (2020)
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