Publications of S. J. Davis

Journal Article (66)

Journal Article
Kolmos, E.; Davis, S. J.: ELF4 as a Central Gene in the Circadian Clock. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2, pp. 370 - 372 (2007)
Journal Article
Kolmos, E.; Davis, S. J.: Circadian rhythms: Rho-related signals in time-specific light perception. Current Biology 17 (18), pp. R808 - R810 (2007)
Journal Article
McWatters, H. G.; Kolmos, E.; Hall, A.; Doyle, M. R.; Amasino, R. M.; Gyula, P.; Nagy, F.; Millar, A. J.; Davis, S. J.: ELF4 is required for oscillatory properties of the circadian clock. Plant Physiology 144 (1), pp. 391 - 401 (2007)
Journal Article
Yin, X. J.; Volk, S.; Ljung, K.; Mehlmer, N.; Dolezal, K.; Ditengou, F.; Hanano, S.; Davis, S. J.; Schmelzer, E.; Sandberg, G. et al.; Teige, M.; Palme, K.; Pickart, C.; Bachmair, A.: Ubiquitin lysine 63 chain-forming ligases regulate apical dominance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19 (6), pp. 1898 - 1911 (2007)
Journal Article
Gould, P. D.; Locke, J. C. W.; Larue, C.; Southern, M. M.; Davis, S. J.; Hanano, S.; Moyle, R.; Milich, R.; Putterill, J.; Millar, A. J. et al.; Hall, A.: The molecular basis of temperature compensation in the Arabidopsis circadian clock. Plant Cell 18 (5), pp. 1177 - 1187 (2006)
Journal Article
Hanano, S.; Domagalska, M. A.; Nagy, F.; Davis, S. J.: Multiple phytohormones influence distinct parameters of the plant circadian clock. Genes to Cells 11 (12), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2443.2006.01026.x, pp. 1381 - 1392 (2006)
Journal Article
Kevei, E.; Gyula, P.; Hall, A.; Kozma-Bognar, L.; Kim, W. Y.; Eriksson, M. E.; Toth, R.; Hanano, S.; Feher, B.; Southern, M. M. et al.; Bastow, R. M.; Viczian, A.; Hibberd, V.; Davis, S. J.; Somers, D. E.; Nagy, F.; Millar, A. J.: Forward genetic analysis of the circadian clock separates the multiple functions of ZEITLUPE. Plant Physiology 140 (3), pp. 933 - 945 (2006)
Journal Article
Salathia, N.; Davis, S. J.; Lynn, J. R.; Michaels, S. D.; Amasino, R. M.; Millar, A. J.: FLOWERING LOCUS C-dependent and –independent regulation of the circadian clock by the autonomous and vernalization pathways. BMC Plant Biology 6 (10), pp. 1 - 11 (2006)
Journal Article
Davis, S. J.: Detecting the boundaries of one day. FEBS Journal 272 (Suppl. Suppl. 1), p. 459 - 459 (2005)
Journal Article
Franklin, A.; Davis, S. J.; Stoddart, W. M.; Vierstra, R. D.; Whitelam, G. C.: Mutant analyses define multiple roles for phytochrome C in Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Plant Cell 15 (9), pp. 1981 - 1989 (2003)
Journal Article
Hall, A.; Bastow, R. M.; Davis, S. J.; Hanano, S.; McWatters, H. G.; Hibberd, V.; Doyle, M. R.; Sung, S. B.; Halliday, K. J.; Amasino, R. M. et al.; Millar, A. J.: The TIME FOR COFFEE gene maintains the amplitude and timing of Arabidopsis circadian clocks. Plant Cell 15 (11), pp. 2719 - 2729 (2003)
Journal Article
Kurepa, J.; Walker, J. M.; Smalle, J.; Gosink, M. M.; Davis, S. J.; Sung, D. Y.; Vierstra, R. D.: The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein modification system in Arabidopsis - Accumulation of SUMO1 and -2 conjugates is increased by stress. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (9), pp. 6862 - 6872 (2003)
Journal Article
Staiger, D.; Allenbach, L.; Salathia, N.; Fiechter, V.; Davis, S. J.; Millar, A. J.; Chory, J.; Fankhauser, C.: The Arabidopsis SRR1 gene mediates phyB signaling and is required for normal circadian clock function. Genes & Development 17 (2), pp. 256 - 268 (2003)
Journal Article
Casal, J. J.; Davis, S. J.; Kirchenbauer, D.; Viczian, A.; Yanovsky, M. J.; Clough, R. C.; Kirchner, S.; Jordan-Beebe, E. T.; Schafer, E.; Nagy, F. et al.; Vierstra, R. D.: The serine-rich N-terminal domain of oat phytochrome A helps regulate light responses and subnuclear localization of the photoreceptor. Plant Physiology 129 (3), pp. 1127 - 1137 (2002)
Journal Article
Davis, S. J.: Photoperiodism: The coincidental perception of the season. Current Biology 12 (24), pp. R841 - R843 (2002)
Journal Article
Doyle, M. R.; Davis, S. J.; Bastow, R. M.; McWatters, H. G.; Kozma-Bognar, L.; Nagy, F.; Millar, A. J.; Amasino, R. M.: The ELF4 gene controls circadian rhythms and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 419 (6902), pp. 74 - 79 (2002)

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Boikoglou, E.; Davis, S. J.: Signaling in the Circadian Clock. In: Signaling in Plants, pp. 261 - 285 (Eds. Baluska, F.; Mancuso, S.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Davis, S. J.: The phytochrome chromophore. In: Photomorphogenesis in Plants and Bacteria, pp. 41 - 63 (Eds. Schäfer, E.; Nagy, F.). Springer, Dordrecht (2006)
Book Chapter
Hanano, S.; Davis, S. J.: Pseudo-response regulator genes 'tell' the time of day: multiple feedbacks in the circadian system of higher plants. In: Endogenous Plant Rhythms, pp. 25 - 56 (Eds. Hall, A. J.; McWatters, H.). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (2005)
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