Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2021

Gastgeber: André Marques

R. Kelly Daw: Karyotype engineering with synthetic centromeres

Wednesday Seminar

Harmit Malik: Genetic conflicts during meiosis drive rapid evolution of essential chromatin proteins

Wednesday Seminar

Peter Schlögelhofer: How to avoid meiotic recombination in the rDNA of Arabidopsis thaliana

Amanda Souza Camara: Modeling the dynamics of plant chromosomes

Beyond the genomic sequence, the peculiar three-dimensional structure of the DNA largely varies during the cell cycle and even between tissues or species. Its different conformations and organization inside the nucleus are now recognized to affect epigenetic regulation. It is becoming increasingly important to understand the mechanisms that drive the spatial organization of the genome. In this seminar, I will consider the DNAs physical properties to model the compaction of chromocenters and holocentric chromosomes.” [mehr]

Martin Mascher: Pan-genomics for crop improvement

Pan-genomic studies aim at representing the entire sequence diversity within a species to provide useful resources for evolutionary studies, functional genomics and breeding of cultivated plants. Cost reductions in high-throughput sequencing and advances in sequence assembly algorithms have made it possible to create multiple reference genome sequences along with a catalogue of all forms of genetic variations in plant species with large and complex or polyploid genomes. In this talk, we will summarize our work in barley pan-genomics: the selection of representative core sets by genebank genomics, the assembly of chromosome-scale reference sequences, and the discovery of structural variants associated with agronomic traits. A future challenge will be the development of pan-genome interfaces for easy access by breeders and geneticists. [mehr]

Sylvia Erhardt: Centromeric chromatin regulation: a balancing act to maintain genome stability

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