Vergangene Veranstaltungen 2021

Michaela Eder: Multifunctionality of Banksia seed pods

Wednesday Seminar
Australia is blessed by a very old ecosystem and a large biodiversity, especially in areas with “extreme conditions” caused by regularly occurring fires. To adjust to such harsh environments, plants have evolved various strategies. A particularly spectacular example is the seed storage and protection mechanism of the iconic Australian plant genus Banksia. Banksias can keep their seed on the plant for many years, building up a canopy stored seed bank. The delicate embryos are well protected in seed pods, consisting of dead, yet functional tissues. Foci of our research were the protection of the seeds during storage and fire exposure of the cones and their 2-step opening mechanism, which depends on a climatic gradient and requires location-dependent temperatures between 55 – 72°C for initial opening and subsequent exposure to water for seed release. Using materials science approaches we were able to identify, that the internal valve curvature of the pericarp acts as the “temperature sensor” for initial, temperature-triggered opening of the layered valves. Multiple layers prevent delamination of the endo- and mesocarp with their opposed cellulose orientation. A shape-memory effect of one of the layers stores energy after the first opening step for the second, water-fueled one, that leads to seed release. The experiments revealed how a dead material, such as the pericarp, can ensure longevity and delayed autonomous seed release upon a 2-step-trigger. Understanding the material properties and functionalities of these natural actuators does not only provide inspiration for biogenic material use but also impacts strategies of fire management with respect to biodiversity conservation.

Sundareasan Venkatesan: Gametes to Zygotes to Self-Cloning plants

Wednesday Seminar
For both plants and animals, the transition of a fertilized egg cell into a zygote is a critical step in sexual reproduction. In animals, early embryonic divisions rely on maternally provided gene products. Using a rice model, zygotic genome activation in plants is shown to occur before the first embryonic division. Transcription factors expressed by the paternal genome trigger the zygotic transition. The maternal alleles are silenced, thereby imposing a fertilization requirement for embryogenesis. Manipulation of the corresponding genes in eggs bypasses fertilization, resulting in parthenogenesis. When combined with editing of meiosis genes, plants that reproduce stably as genetic clones can be generated. With these gene alterations, hybrid rice propagated through seeds maintains uniform hybrid vigour in subsequent generations. Fixation of hybrid vigour in crop plants has broad implications for the availability of high-yielding hybrid seeds at low cost to subsistence farmers. [mehr]

Melina Schuh: New insights into human eggs and female infertility

Wednesday Seminar / Women in Science

Nathan Springer: Opportunities to advance crop germplasm development using genome editing

Wednesday Seminar
Individuals with a species can exhibit high-levels of genomic variation. Over one-third of the maize genome can be distinct among two individuals. Plant breeding efforts identify ideal combinations of genomic loci and produce elite varieties. There is often a focus on the application of genome editing for creating novel alleles. However, there are also a variety of applications of genome editing that can assist in creating improved varieties through the ggreater flexibility of transferring allelic variation within populations. The seminar will discuss genomic variation in maize, the current application of breeding with conventional germplasm and opportunities and challenges in using genome editings. [mehr]

Stephen I. Wright: Adaptation and Maladaptation in Plant Genomes

Wednesday Seminar

Ross Sozzani: The Goldilocks principle, just the right amount of growth

Wednesday Seminar

Christine Faulkner: Neighbours, friends and enemies: cell-to-cell communication during plant defence

Wednesday Seminar

Rotem Sorek: The immune system of bacteria

Wednesday Seminar

Marie Barberon: Cell-to-cell transport in differentiated roots

Wednesday Seminar

Lucia Strader: Developing models of plant regeneration

Wednesday Seminar
Verbindliche Anmeldung bis zum 26. Oktober 2024 untr [mehr]

Justin W. Walley: Unraveling Signaling Networks using Integrated Omic Profiling

Wednesday Seminar

Julia Santiago Cuellar: A new connection with the matrix: structural role of peptides to sustain cell expansion

Wednesday Seminar

Lila Fishman: Selfish centromere evolution in monkeyflowers

Wednesday Seminar

Libo Shan: Functional and Evolutionary Dynamics of Peptide-Receptor Signaling in Plant Immunity

Wednesday Seminar
Plants deploy a sophisticated immune system that involves small peptides and cell surface receptor kinases (RKs) to mediate defense responses against pathogens. Among these, phytocytokines-small, secreted peptides-play key roles as immunomodulatory molecules, functioning similarly to cytokines in mammals. These peptides act locally and systemically, amplifying immune responses triggered by microbial patterns and pathogen-derived effectors. In addition, phytocytokines regulate various infection processes, while some pathogens exploit mimicry to enhance infection. At the frontline of immune sensing, RKs like BAK1/SERK4 serve as coreceptors for multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) involved in pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). Pathogens, however, attempt to disrupt these RK complexes to evade detection. In turn, plants activate compensatory RK pathways such as the BTL2 module, triggering danger-triggered immunity (DTI) and intracellular nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs) that drive immune signaling and cell death. This presentation will explore the perception and mechanisms of phytocytokine signaling through RKs, the dynamic regulation of immune responses via phosphorylation and calcium channels, and the evolutionary arms race between host and pathogen.

Aline Probst: Chromatin dynamics during the seed-to-seedling transition

Wednesday Seminar
The organization of DNA with histone proteins into chromatin is fundamental to the regulation of gene expression. Incorporation of different histone variants into the nucleosome, together with post-translational modifications of these histone variants, allows modulation of chromatin accessibility and contributes to the regulation of gene expression necessary for the organism to respond to developmental and environmental cues. We are interested in the changes in chromatin organization and gene expression that occur during developmental transitions. I will discuss our recent data investigating the concerted changes in the transcriptome, histone variant repertoire, and nuclear organization during the seed-to-seedling transition.

Joiselle Fernandes: Exploring Inheritance: A journey into genetic diversity

Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern
Have you ever wondered why you and your siblings are different, even though you share the same parents? The answer lies in a fascinating process called meiotic recombination. Dr. Joiselle Fernandes, post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, gives an insight into this exciting field of research. [mehr]

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland / Open Showgarden

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland

Rob Kesseler: Through a Different Lens - Collaborations in Art & Science

Wednesday Seminar

Epigenetik macht Schule - Lehrkräfte aufgepasst!

Epigenetik macht Schule

Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso: Plasmodesmata Walls and the Mechanical Control of Intercellular Signalling

Wednesday Seminar

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland / Open Showgarden

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland

Wednesday Seminar Summer Break

  • Beginn: 10.07.2024 11:30
  • Ende: 21.08.2024 12:30
  • Ort: MPIPZ

Sebastian Soyk: Dissecting genetic interactions with impact on crop productivity in tomato

Wednesday Seminar

R. Kelly Daw: Karyotype engineering with synthetic centromeres

Wednesday Seminar

Debora Gasparini: Integrating osmotic potential with jasmonate-mediated plant acclimation

Wednesday Seminar

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland / Open Showgarden

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland

Joop Vermeer: Luctor et emergo: understanding conserved developmental trajectories

Wednesday Seminar

Gerlind Wallon: Gender in Academia

Wednesday Seminar

Claude Becker: Evolution and sub-functionalisation of biosynthetic gene clusters within and across plant genera

Wednesday Seminar

Sabrina Sabatini: Cell wall mechanical property and root development

Wednesday Seminar
  • hybrid
  • Datum: 15.05.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Sabrina Sabatini
  • Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry Charles Darwin, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall
  • Gastgeber: Luca Argirò

Christine Queitsch: Learning the grammar of plant regulator DNA with MPRAs and long reads

Wednesday Seminar

Cara Haney: Getting to the root of host-microbe interactions

Wednesday Seminar

Sanwen Huang: Genome design of hybrid potatos

Wednesday Seminar
  • Monday
  • Datum: 08.04.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
  • Vortragende(r): Sanwen Huang
  • Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall
  • Gastgeber: Korbinian Schneeberger

Yasin Dagdas: Why, How, and What to Eat for Staying Fit

Wednesday Seminar

Martin Jonikas: Structure, biogenesis, and engineering of the pyrenoid, the eukaryotic CO2-concentrating organelle

Wednesday Seminar

Rene Schneider: Unraveling the protein machinery controlling cell wall patterning in the vasculature of plants

Wednesday Seminar

David Zwicker: Modeling intracellular structures using soft matter physics

Wednesday Seminar

Saskia Hogenhout: Molecular mechanisms that shape the multitrophic interactions of an insect-vectored parasite

Barbara McClintock Lecture

Benedicte Charrier: Deciphering the mechanisms of body plan establishment in brown algae: from 1D to 3D growth in the embryo of the kelp Saccharina

Wednesday Seminar

Rosa Lozano-Durán: The cell snatchers - Understanding plant manipulation by geminiviruses

Wednesday Seminar

Federica Brandizzi: At the core of the factory: New functional connections of the plant endoplasmic reticulum

Wednesday Seminar

Harmit Malik: Genetic conflicts during meiosis drive rapid evolution of essential chromatin proteins

Wednesday Seminar

Leslie E. Sieburth: Dalekin is a root-to-shoot signaling molecule that confers abiotic stress resistance

Wednesday Seminar

Annual Science Day

Annual Science Day

Yiliang Ding: RNA structure, a hidden regulator in living cells

Wednesday Seminar

Yasin Dagdas: Leveraging evolutionary diversity to discover new autphagy mechanisms in plants and humans

Chris Whitewoods: Understanding cell layer interactions in plant development

Wednesday Seminar

Marta Ibañes Miguez: Balancing cell communication and cell specificity, a tale of patterning

Wednesday Seminar

Julia Santiago: A new connection with the matrix: Plant cell wall patterning and expansion mediated by protein-peptide-polysaccharide interaction

Wednesday Seminar

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland / Open Showgarden

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland

Brandon Gaut: Evolutionary and Functional Genomics in the Genus Vitis

Gabriel Castrillo: Individual leaf microbiota tunes a genetic regulatory network to promote leaf growth

Ivan Scotti: Of trees, adaption, and resilience: lessons learnt and theoretical expectations on the future European forests

  • hybrid
  • Datum: 30.08.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Ivan Scotti
  • French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), Research Unit of Ecology of Mediterranean Forests
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall
  • Gastgeber: Andrea Fulgione

Francesca Cole: Age-dependent changes in homologous recombination cause chromosome mis-segregation in meiosis

Myriam Charpentier: Integration mechanism of nuclear calcium signalling in plants

Christopher Grefen: GDSL-motif containing proteins in stomatal development

Susana Coelho: The secret life of brown algae

Gwyneth Ingram: Inter-tissue communication during plant reproductive deveIopment

Pint of Science

Pint of Science

Henrik Jönsson: On the initiation and maintenance of meristems

Anne Lacey Samuels: How Vascular Plants Control Lignin Quality, Quantity, and Patterning

From school to lab bench – on 27. April 2023 girls’ day!

  • Datum: 27.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 14:00
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Gastgeber: PRAG

Von der Schulbank ins Labor - am 27. April 2023 ist wieder girls‘ day!

  • Datum: 27.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 14:00
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Gastgeber: PRAG

Matthias Erb: Stress volatiles as defense inducers

Kelly Swarts: Isolating adaptive variation from natural forest trees

Xiaoqi Feng: Epigenetic regulation of germline development in plants

Wednesday Seminar

Farewell Symposium for Jiji Chai: Structural Views of Immunity in Plants and Animals

Teva Vernoux: Shoot patterning dynamics: space, time and specificity in hormonal responses

Catherine Curie: The ins and outs of manganese from the soil to the seed

Carolyn Rasmussen: Division plane orientation in plant cells

Barbara McClintock Lecture

Fredy Barneche: Transcription intensification during Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis, a chromatin perspective

Lazlo Nagy: Evolution repeats itself in fungal morphogenetic transitions - in search of mechanisms of convergent evolution

  • hybrid
  • Datum: 18.01.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Lazlo Nagy
  • Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall
  • Gastgeber: Stéphane Hacquard

Antony Dodd: Circadian and environmental signal integration

Sarah E. O'Connor: Harnessing the chemistry of plants

Annual Science Day

Annual Science Day

Anna Kreshuk: Interactive and accessible machine learning for microscopy

Sebastian Marquardt: Languages of the Non-coding Genome and their Implications for Plant Biology

Christophe Godin: On the genetic origin of fractals in plants Godin

Jos Raaijmakers: Back to the Roots

Sofie Goormachtig: How do rhizobacteria promote plant growth? All roads lead to Rome

Thomas Dresselhaus: Love is a battlefield: signaling along the pollen tube journey

Marcus Heisler: Lateral organ development in plants….are we there yet?

Catherine Curie

Kelsey Byers: The chemical ecology of plant-pollinator interactions

Alisandra Denton: Annotating Eukaryotic genomes with Deep Learning

Special Seminar
Gene calling, or structural gene annotation, is critical to extracting biological knowledge from a genome, yet existing methods for gene calling in Eukaryotes lag far behind genome sequencing and assembly in quality, ease and speed. However, we have every reason to believe gene calling is a tractable problem. The information about what is or is not a gene is encoded in the raw DNA sequence. Hence, we need to update our modeling. Deep Learning is a new and transformative technology that can model extraordinarily complex and non-linear relationships—like those found in biology—and has the potential to ‘decode’ the information in DNA. We have previously demonstrated the applicability of Deep Learning to gene calling in our project Helixer, which showed ground-breaking performance in classifying genic categories. Here we establish usability by post-processing the base-wise predictions from Helixer into full primary gene models with a Hidden Markov Model. Preliminary results in selected plant species indicate the resulting gene models redefine state-of-the-art for a de novo gene caller and—on some species—even approach reference quality as compared to RNAseq data. In the future, we will expand applicability across Eukaryotes and expand our annotation targets to include additional genomic features such as promotors. The improved annotations will support research methods from cloning to ‘omics analyses and a wide variety of applications including biomedical research and crop bioengineering. The code is available at [mehr]


Wednesday summer break
  • Beginn: 06.07.2022
  • Ende: 14.08.2022

Peter Schlögelhofer: How to avoid meiotic recombination in the rDNA of Arabidopsis thaliana

Thomas Ott: Molecular mechanisms enabling intracellular colonization of bacteria in legum

  • hybrid
  • Datum: 15.06.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Ton Timmers
  • Institute of Biology II, Group: Plant Cell Biology, Uni Freiburg
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: Ton Timmers

Alison Smith: Algal-bacterial interactions: how do mutualisms arise?

B-vitamins are organic micronutrients that play a vital role in cellular metabolism by providing enzyme cofactors. Most animals have lost the ability to synthesise these cofactors and obtain them in their diet, whereas plants can produce all their own compounds, and indeed are the major source of them for human nutrition. The situation is more complex for microbes with both producers and requirers are found in different species. Intriguingly this is also the case for microalgae, which despite their photosynthetic lifestyle are often auxotrophic for one or more B-vitamin. In particular more than 50% of microalgal species require vitamin B12 (cobalamin), the cofactor for methionine synthase, the central enzyme of C1 metabolism, essential for both DNA synthesis and production of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) the universal methyl donor, which in turn is required for methylation marks in DNA and histones. Here I will describe our work on elucidating the molecular basis for B12-auxotrophy in microalgae, how this impacts metabolism and gene expression, and the possible role of vitamin exchange in initiating and maintaining microbial communities. [mehr]

Kim Boutilier: BABY BOOM-induced totipotency in planta and in vitro

Miguel A. Blazquez: Evolution of DELLA proteins as signaling hubs

  • hybrid
  • Datum: 25.05.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Miguel Angel Blaquez
  • Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (CSIC-U Politécnica de Valencia)
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall

Partick Cramer

Thoma Lahaye: Virulence and Avirulence activities of Tanscription Activator Like Effectors (TALEs) from the bacterial pathogens Xanthomonas and Ralstonia

Amanda Souza Camara: Modeling the dynamics of plant chromosomes

Beyond the genomic sequence, the peculiar three-dimensional structure of the DNA largely varies during the cell cycle and even between tissues or species. Its different conformations and organization inside the nucleus are now recognized to affect epigenetic regulation. It is becoming increasingly important to understand the mechanisms that drive the spatial organization of the genome. In this seminar, I will consider the DNAs physical properties to model the compaction of chromocenters and holocentric chromosomes.” [mehr]

PhD Retreat 2022

PhD Retreat 2022

From school to lab bench – on 28. April 2022 girls’ day!

  • Datum: 28.04.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 14:00
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Gastgeber: PRAG

Von der Schulbank ins Labor - am 28. April 2022 ist wieder girls‘ day!

  • Datum: 28.04.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 14:00
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Gastgeber: PRAG

Pierre-Marc Delau: Evolution of plant-microbe interactions

Sandra Jämtgård: What is plant available nitrogen? – sampling lots of stuff with microdialysis

  • Hybrid Event
  • Datum: 13.04.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Sandra Jämtgård
  • Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU, Umeå, Sweden
  • Gastgeber: Tonni Grube Andersen
Herbivory is a common feeding strategy among mammals; yet, at every meal, herbivores are faced with the prospect of being poisoned by toxins naturally occurring in their diet. To understand differences in the detoxification abilities that exist among populations of the same species adapted to different diets, we use biochemical, pharmacological and genomic tools to identify and characterise critical liver enzymes. In addition to liver detoxification, we have experimentally documented that gut microbes play a key role in facilitating the ingestion of dietary toxins, and that these microbes and their function can be transferred to other populations and even other species of rodents. A holistic understanding of the mechanisms used by mammalian herbivores to process dietary toxins is essential for predicting and conserving biodiversity especially under changing climatic conditions. [mehr]

Martin Mascher: Pan-genomics for crop improvement

Pan-genomic studies aim at representing the entire sequence diversity within a species to provide useful resources for evolutionary studies, functional genomics and breeding of cultivated plants. Cost reductions in high-throughput sequencing and advances in sequence assembly algorithms have made it possible to create multiple reference genome sequences along with a catalogue of all forms of genetic variations in plant species with large and complex or polyploid genomes. In this talk, we will summarize our work in barley pan-genomics: the selection of representative core sets by genebank genomics, the assembly of chromosome-scale reference sequences, and the discovery of structural variants associated with agronomic traits. A future challenge will be the development of pan-genome interfaces for easy access by breeders and geneticists. [mehr]

Martin Hülskamp and Christian Fleck: Trichome patterning: Meaningful Modelling with insufficient data

Annaliese Mason: Making new crop species

Marcus Koch: Evolutionary principles and the genomic basis of convergent evolution of traits and characters exemplied in the cruciferous tribe Arabideae

  • hybrid
  • Datum: 16.02.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Markus Koch
  • Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg), University of Heidelberg
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Andrea Fulgione

Claudia Köhler: Transposable Elements Drive Developmental Innovations and Plant Speciation

Barbara McClintock Lecture

Franziska Beran: How insects cope with plant chemical defenses: from microbiome-assisted detoxification to sequestration

Jochen Rink: Regeneration and size regulation in planarian flatworms- almost like plants

Stefan Rensing: The early evolution of land plants

Eric Kemen: Pathogenicity: A key for microbiota stability?

Annual Science Day

  • hybrid - MPIPZ intern
  • Beginn: 08.11.2021 15:30
  • Ende: 09.11.2021 20:00
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: Lecture hall

Frank Johannes: Molecular properties of epimutation hotspots

This Symposium brings all postdocs working at MPIPZ together to facilitate to get know your peers. The symposium takes place in a relaxed atmosphere to open the possibility for scientific and professional exchange, and importantly, to build community. [mehr]

MPIPZ/ LUMS-Pakistan Plant Science Symposium, part II

MPIPZ/ LUMS-Pakistan Plant Science Symposium

MPIPZ/ LUMS-Pakistan Plant Science Symposium, part I

MPIPZ/ LUMS-Pakistan Plant Science Symposium

Vanessa Wahl: Impact of Nutrient Availability on Plant Development

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland / Open Showgarden

Offene Gartenpforte Rheinland

MIRS: MPIPZ Interdepartmental Researchers Seminar

Fostering collaboration among researchers [mehr]

Branch out! Alumni career series for (plant) scientists

  • Beginn: 27.08.2021 14:00
  • Ende: 27.09.2021 17:00
  • Ort: Online
Get insights into different career paths and benefit from personal experiencs of our Alumni! [mehr]

PhD Retreat 2021

PhD Retreat 2021

Susan Trumbore: The age of carbon stored in plants - and what that means for the global carbon cycle

Björn Usadel: Plant Genomes - From ad hoc solutions to deterministic analysis of plant protein functions

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 02.06.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Björn Usadel
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: Charles Underwood

Laura Rossini: Genetics of barley shoot architecture

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 12.05.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Laura Rossini
  • University of Milan | UNIMI · Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: Ivan Acosta

Matthias C. Rillig: Microplastic and global change effects in terrestrial ecosystems

Alexander Jones: Bringing plant hormone dynamics into focus - the makings of root gibberellin gradients

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 28.04.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Alexander Jones
  • Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: Yi-Chen Lin

Naomi Nakayama: The forms and functions of biological slender bodies: the green side of the story

Markus Pauly: Plant cell walls: Synthesis and Signals

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 14.04.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 12:00 - 13:00
  • Vortragende(r): Markus Pauly
  • Institute for Plant Cell Biology and Biotechnology, HHU Düsseldorf
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: online
  • Gastgeber: Miltos Tsiantis

Sylvia Erhardt: Centromeric chromatin regulation: a balancing act to maintain genome stability

Bart Thomma: Microbiome manipulation by a fungal plant pathogen using effector proteins.

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 24.03.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Bart Thomma
  • Alexander von Humboldt professor of Evolutionary Microbiology, Inst. of Plant Sciences, CEPLAS, Uni Köln
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: online
  • Gastgeber: Takaki Maekawa

Eric Schranz: Context Matters: Phylogenomic synteny analysis of plants and animals

Stephanie Panier: When there is damage in the genome: Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that connect genome instability to ageing and disease

Christoph Zechner: Stochastic biological systems in compartmentalized environments

  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 03.03.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Christoph Zechner
  • Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics & Center for Systems Biology Dresden
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: online
  • Gastgeber: Pau Formosa-Jordan

Raquel Sánchez Pérez: How a single mutation in a bHLH transcription factor sweetened humanity

Guido Grossmann: Cell biology of the root-soil interface – morphogenesis and adaptive responses in tip-growing cells

Fabrice Roux: A genomic map of local adaptation to bacterial microbiota and pathobiota in Arabidopsis thaliana

Wednesday Seminar
  • Zoom webinar
  • Datum: 27.01.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 11:30 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Fabrice Roux
  • Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes Micro-organismes (LIPM), Auzeville
  • Ort: MPIPZ
  • Raum: online
  • Gastgeber: Angela Hancock

Michael Wrzaczek: CRK2 coordinates abiotic and biotic stress responses

Kirsten Bomblies: How to tango with four - how autopolyploids can evolve to manage chromosome segregation after genome duplication

Wednesday Seminar
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