Former Members

Jessika Adrian

Jessika Adrian was a group member from 2005-2010. She defended her PhD in 2009 (the first thesis completed in our group) and stayed on as Postdoctoral Fellow. Jessika obtained a fellowship from the DAAD to join Dominique Bergmanns group at Stanford University. After a very successful time in the Bergmann group, Jessika took a shift towards science management. Here is a link to Jessika’s linkedin profile

Fabian Bratzel

Fabian Bratzel joined our group from 2014 -2016 as a Postdoctoral Researcher. He is now a member of Prof. Markus Koch’s Department at the Centre for Organismal Studies at the University of Heidelberg working on a BMBF-funded project on biodiversity

Ailbhe Brazel

Ailbhe Brazel originally joined the Turck group from 2017 to 2018 as a postdoctoral guest researcher. Her background in mammalain epigenetics strongly impacted our approaches and luckily, Ailbhe Brazel could extend her stay in 2019. She has now joined Sylvie Urbé's group at the University Liverpool. Ailbhe maintains a LinkedIn profile  Here is a link to Ailbhe’s researchgate profile

Julia Engelhorn

Julia was a group member from 2007-2012. She defended her PhD in 2011 and stayed on as Postdoctoral Fellow. Julia obtained a fellowship from the DAAD to join François Parcy and Christel Carles for a Postdoc at the CEA in Grenoble. Currently, she is a member of Thomas Hartwig’s team Crop Yield in Maize at the MPIPZ. Here is a link to Julia’s linkedin profile

Sara Farrona

Sara Farrona was a co-founder of the group. In 2011 she moved on to work with Daniel Schubert at the University of Düsseldorf. She now heads her own group at the National University of Irland Galway, still working in the field of plant epigenetics. Here is a link to her group’s homepage

Alexander Förderer

Alex started as Master student in the group in 2015 and went on to do his PhD with us, which he defended in September 2018. He continues a career in plant science and therefore joined the group of Jij Jie Chai at the MPIPZ as postdoctoral fellow. Here his researchgate profile

Ben Hartwig

Ben was a group member from 2008-2012. He worked as postdoctoral researcher in the group of Korbinian Schneeberger at the MPIPZ and as actor in various theatre companies. In 2018 he started his own company, Neuroblitz, which offers communication workshops and training for companies and scientists. A perfect outlet to combine his passion for improvisation theatre with his scientific skills.

Kristin Krause

Kristin Krause worked as IMPRS PhD student from 2015 to 2019, when she defended her PhD at the University with great success. After her PhD Kristin continued her scientific career as Postdoctoral Researcher in Korbininan Schneeberger's Group at the MPIPZ. She finally accepted a job at Illumina, where she works as Informatics Sales Specialist. Here is her LinkedIn profile: Here is her linkedin profile

Liangyu Liu

Liangyu Liu performed his PhD work in our group from 2009-2013 as part of the joint CAS-MPG PhD initiative. He went back to China to become an Assistant Professor at Beijing Capital Normal University. Here is a link to his researchgate profile

Tingting Ning

Tingting Ning was a group member from 2011-2015. She received a fellowship from the Chinese Scholarship Council to do her PhD work in our group. She went back to Chine to become a Manager of Student Affairs at the International Campus of Zhejiang University. Here is a link to Tingting’s linkedin profile

Julia Reimer

Julia Reimer was a postdoctoral researcher in our group from 2007-2012 with some interruptions necessary to take care of her growing family. She left in 2012 after baby Ruth was born and her main work was published in Genome Biology, both with perfect timing. Julia now works as research scientist in the Björn Usadel’s Department at the RWTH Aachen.

Emmanuel Tergemina

Manu started his PhD in the group in 2014 and was graduated in July 2017. He is now a postdoctoral researcher in the independent group of Dr. Angela Hancock, also located in Max Planck Institute for Plant BreedingResearch. Manu maintains a linkedin profile

Juanjuan Wang

Juanjuan Wang was a group member from 2019-2024. She received a fellowship from the Chinese Scholarship Council to do her PhD work in our group. Her next position is that of a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Nicola Patron at the University of Cambridge: Juanjuan Wang | Department of Plant Sciences

Tingting Yang

Tingting Yang was a group member from 2016-2020. She received a fellowship from the Chinese Scholarship Council to do her PhD work in our group. After her PhD, she joined the new group of our former postdoc Yue Zhou at Peking University to work as postdoctoral researcher. Here her research gate profile.

Jian Zhang

She returned to China to finish her PhD and worked as Postdoctoral Fellow in China and the USA. She is now a research associate at the Stare Key Laboratory for Systematic and Evolutionary Botany in Beijing

Yue Zhou

Yue Zhou joined the Turck group from 2012 to 2018 to work on the plant Polycomb Group pathway. He made quite an impact on the field during his time in our group! We are very proud that left to become a principle investigator at the prestigious Peking University.

Johan Zicola

Johan started his PhD in the group in 2013 and was graduated in June 2016. From 2016 to 2020 was a postdoctoral researcher in the independent group of Dr. Angela Hancock, also located in Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research. In 2020 Johan joined Stefan Scholten's group at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Johan maintains a great github profile to share is bioinformatics pipelines with the research community, he also maintains a linkedin profile.

Theo Zografou

Theo Zografou spent time from 2010 - 2013 in our group as a member of the IMPRS PhD student programme. After spending some time with his own start-up company, he now works as Change and Project Manager at Celonic AG, Basel, Switzerland. Here is his linkedin profile

Simone Zündorf

Simone Zündorf worked as IMPRS PhD student from 2018 to 2022. She will soon make her choice between opportunities in science, science communications or industry, here is her LinkedIn profile:

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