Publikationen von M. Koornneef

Zeitschriftenartikel (84)

Ghandilyan, A.; Ilk, N.; Hanhart, C.; Mbengue, M.; Barboza, L.; Schat, H.; Koornneef, M.; El-Lithy, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Reymond, M. et al.; Aarts, M. G. M.: A strong effect of growth medium and organ type on the identification of QTLs for phytate and mineral concentrations in three Arabidopsis thaliana RIL populations. Journal of Experimental Botany 60 (5), S. 1409 - 1425 (2009)
Sugliani, M.; Rajjou, L.; Clerkx, E. J. M.; Koornneef, M.; Soppe, W.: Natural modifiers of seed longevity in the Arabidopsis mutants abscisic acid insensitive3-5 (abi3-5) and leafy cotyledon1-3 (lec1-3). New Phytologist 184 (4), 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03023.x, S. 898 - 908 (2009)
Ainsworth, E. A.; Beier, C.; Calfapietra, C.; Ceulemans, R.; Durand-Tardif, M.; Farquhar, G. D.; Godbold, D. L.; Hendrey, G. R.; Hickler, T.; Kaduk, J. et al.; Karnosky, D. F.; Kimball, B. A.; Koerner, C.; Koornneef, M.; Lafarge, T.; Leakey, A. D. B.; Lewin, K. F.; Long, S. P.; Manderscheid, R.; Mcneil, D. L.; Mies, T. A.; Miglietta, F.; Morgan, J. A.; Nagy, J.; Norby, R. J.; Norton, R. M.; Percy, K. E.; Rogers, A.; Soussana, J. F.; Stitt, M.; Weigel, H. J.; White, J. W.: Next generation of elevated [CO2] experiments with crops: a critical investment for feeding the future world. Plant Cell and Environment 31 (9), S. 1317 - 1324 (2008)
de Meaux, J.; Koornneef, M.: The cause and consequences of natural variation: the genome era takes off! Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11 (2), S. 99 - 102 (2008)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Koornneef, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Quantitative genetics in the age of omics. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11 (2), S. 123 - 128 (2008)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Sulpice, R.; Gibon, Y.; Steinhauser, C.; Fu, J.; Koornneef, M.; Stitt, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Integrative analyses of genetic variation in enzyme activities of primary carbohydrate metabolism reveal distinct modes of regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Biology 9, doi:10.1186/gb-2008-9-8-r129, S. R129 (2008)
Lou, P.; Zhao, J.; He, H.; Hanhart, C.; Pino Del Carpio, D.; Verkerk, R.; Custers, C.; Koornneef, M.; Bonnema, G.: Quantitative trait loci for glucosinolate accumulation in Brassica rapa leaves. New Phytologist 179, 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02530.x, S. 1017 - 1032 (2008)
Paulo, M.-J.; Boer, M.; Huang, X.; Koornneef, M.; van Eeuwijk, F.: A mixed model QTL analysis for a complex cross population consisting of a half diallel of two-way hybrids in Arabidopsis thaliana: analysis of simulated data. Euphytica 161, S. 107 - 114 (2008)
Tisné, S.; Reymond, M.; Vile, D.; Fabre, J.; Dauzat, M.; Koornneef, M.; Granier, C.: Combined Genetic and Modeling Approaches Reveal That Epidermal Cell Area and Number in Leaves Are Controlled by Leaf and Plant Developmental Processes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 148, S. 1117 - 1127 (2008)
Wu, J.; Yuan, Y. X.; Zhang, X. W.; Zhao, J. J.; Song, X. F.; Li, Y.; Li, X. N.; Sun, R. F.; Koornneef, M.; Aarts, M. G. M. et al.; Wang, X. W.: Mapping QTLs for mineral accumulation and shoot dry biomass under different Zn nutritional conditions in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp pekinensis). Plant and Soil 310 (1-2), S. 25 - 40 (2008)
Zhao, J.; Jamar, D. C.; Lou, P.; Wang, Y.; Wu, J.; Wang, X.; Bonnema, G.; Koornneef, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Quantitative trait loci analysis of phytate and phosphate concentrations in seeds and leaves of Brassica rapa. Plant, Cell & Environment (31), doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2008.01791.x, S. 887 - 900 (2008)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Bentsink, L.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Hanhart, C. J.; Blankestijn-De Vries, H.; Effgen, S.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: Development of a Near-Isogenic Line Population of Arabidopsis thaliana and Comparison of Mapping Power With a Recombinant Inbred Line Population. Genetics 175, S. 891 - 905 (2007)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Fu, J. Y.; Terpstra, I. R.; Garcia, J. M.; Van den Ackerveken, G.; Snoek, L. B.; Peeters, A. J. M.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.; Jansen, R. C.: Regulatory network construction in Arabidopsis by using genome-wide gene expression quantitative trait loci. Proceedings of the National Society of Sciences of United States of America 104 (5), S. 1708 - 1713 (2007)
Kinoshita, Y.; Saze, H.; Kinoshita, T.; Miura, A.; Soppe, W. J.; Koornneef, M.; Kakutani, T.: Control of FWA gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana by SINE-related direct repeats. Plant Journal 49 (1), doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02936., S. 38 - 45 (2007)
Liu, Y.; Koornneef, M.; Soppe, W. J. J.: The Absence of Histone H2B Monoubiquitination in the Arabidopsis hub1 (rdo4) Mutant Reveals a Role for Chromatin Remodeling in Seed Dormancy. Plant Cell 19, 10.1105/tpc.106.049221, S. 433 - 444 (2007)
Lou, P.; Zhao, J.; Kim, J. S.; Shen, S.; Pino Del Carpio, D.; Song, X.; Jin, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Wang, X.; Koornneef, M. et al.; Bonnema, G.: Quantitative trait loci for flowering time and morphological traits in multiple populations of Brassica rapa. Journal of Experimental Botany 58, doi:10.1093/jxb/erm255, S. 4005 - 4016 (2007)
Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.; Sergeeva, L. I.: Use of QTL analysis in physiological research. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 54 (1), S. 10 - 15 (2007)
Wu, J.; Schat, H.; Sun, R.; Koornneef, M.; Wang, X.; Aarts, M. G. M.: Characterization of natural variation for zinc, iron and manganese accumulation and zinc exposure response in Brassica rapa L. Plant and Soil 291 (1-2), S. 167 - 180 (2007)
Zhao, J.; Paulo, M.-J.; Jamar, D.; Lou, P.; van Eeuwijk, F.; Bonnema, G.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: Association mapping of leaf traits, flowering time, and phytate content in Brassica rapa. Genome 50 (10), S. 963 - 973 (2007)
Bentsink, L.; Jowett, J.; Hanhart, C. J.; Koornneef, M.: Cloning of DOG1, a quantitative trait locus controlling seed dormancy in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (45), S. 17042 - 17047 (2006)
El-Lithy, M. E.; Bentsink, L.; Hanhart, C. J.; Ruys, G. J.; Rovito, D.; Broekhof, J. L.; van der Poel, H. J.; van Eijk, M. J.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: New Arabidopsis Recombinant Inbred Line Populations Genotyped Using SNPWave and Their Use for Mapping Flowering-Time Quantitative Trait Loci. Genetics 172 (3), S. 1867 - 1876 (2006)
Gilliland, L. U.; Magallanes-Lundback, M.; Hemming, C.; Supplee, A.; Koornneef, M.; Bentsink, L.; DellaPenna, D.: Genetic basis for natural variation in seed vitamin E levels in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (49), 10.1073/pnas.0606221103, S. 18834 - 18841 (2006)
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Fu, J. Y.; de Vos, C. H. R.; Lommen, A.; Hall, R. D.; Bino, R. J.; van der Plas, L. H. W.; Jansen, R. C.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: The genetics of plant metabolism. Nature Genetics 38 (7), S. 842 - 849 (2006)
Sergeeva, L. I.; Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Bentsink, L.; Vonk, J.; van der Plas, L. H. W.; Koornneef, M.: Vacuolar invertase regulates elongation of Arabidopsis thaliana roots as revealed by QTL and mutant analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (8), S. 2994 - 2999 (2006)
Van de Mortel, J.; Almar Villanueva, L.; Schat, H.; Kwekkeboom, J.; Coughlan, S.; Moerland, P. D.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Koornneef, M.; Aarts, M. G. M.: Large Expression Differences in Genes for Iron and Zinc Homeostasis, Stress Response, and Lignin Biosynthesis Distinguish Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana and the Related Metal Hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens1. Plant Physiology 142, 10.1104/pp.106.082073, S. 1127 - 1147 (2006)
Alonso-Blanco, C.; Gomez-Mena, C.; Llorente, F.; Koornneef, M.; Salinas, J.; Martinez-Zapater, J. M.: Genetic and molecular analyses of natural variation indicate CBF2 as a candidate gene for underlying a freezing tolerance quantitative trait locus in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 139 (3), S. 1304 - 1312 (2005)
Alonso-Blanco, C.; Mendez-Vigo, B.; Koornneef, M.: From phenotypic to molecular polymorphisms involved in naturally occurring variation of plant development. International Journal of Developmental Biology 49 (5-6 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), S. 717 - 732 (2005)
Teng, S.; Keurentjes, J.; Bentsink, L.; Koornneef, M.; Smeekens, S.: Sucrose-Specific Induction of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis Requires the MYB75/PAP1 Gene. Plant Physiology 139 (4), S. 1840 - 1852 (2005)
Tonsor, S. J.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Koornneef, M.: Gene function beyond the single trait: natural variation, gene effects, and evolutionary ecology in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment 28 (1), S. 2 - 20 (2005)
Clerkx, E. J. M.; El-Lithy, M. E.; Vierling, E.; Ruys, G. J.; Blankestijn-De Vries, H.; Groot, S. P. C.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: Analysis of natural allelic variation of Arabidopsis seed germination and seed longevity traits between the accessions Landsberg erecta and Shakdara, using a new recombinant inbred line population. Plant Physiology 135 (1), S. 432 - 443 (2004)
El-Assal, S. E. D.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Hanhart, C. J.; Koornneef, M.: Pleiotropic effects of the Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 allelic variation underlie fruit trait-related QTL. Plant Biology 6 (4), S. 370 - 374 (2004)
El-Lithy, M. E.; Clerkx, E. J. M.; Koornneef, M.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Quantitative trait locus analysis of growth-related traits in a new Arabidopsis recombinant. Plant Physiology 135 (1), S. 444 - 458 (2004)
Koornneef, M.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Vreugdenhil, D.: Naturally occurring genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annual Review of Plant Biology 55, S. 141 - 172 (2004)
Koornneef, M.; Gebhardt, C.: Was nutzt Arabidopsis der Pflanzenzüchtung?

Buchkapitel (9)

Koornneef, M.; Reymond, M.; Alonso-Blanco, C.: Natural Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae, S. 123 - 151 (Hg. Schmidt, R.; Bancroft, I.). Springer, New York (2011)
Bentsink, L.; Koornneef, M.: Seed Dormancy and Germination. In: The Arabidopsis Book, doi: 10.1199/tab.0119 (2008)
Bentsink, L.; Soppe, W.; Koornneef, M.: Genetics aspects of seed dormancy. In: Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination, S. 113 - 132 (Hg. Bradford; J., K.; H., N.). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (2007)
Hilhorst, H. W.; Koornneef, M.: Dormancy in Plants. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002045. Elsevier (2007)
Struik, P. C.; Cassmann, K. G.; Koornneef, M.: A dialogue on interdisciplinary collaboration to bridge the gap between plant genomics and crop sciences. In: Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, S. 319 - 328 (Hg. Spiertz, J.H.J.; Struik, P.C.; Laar, H.H. v.). Springer, Dordrecht (2007)
Alonso-Blanco, C.; Koornneef, M.; van Ooijen, J. W.: QTL Analysis. In: Arabidopsis protocols, S. 79 - 99 (Hg. Sanchez-Serrano, J. J.; Salinas, J.). Humana Press, Totowa (2006)
Hilhorst, H. W.; Bentsink, L.; Koornneef, M.: Dormancy and germination. In: Handbook of Seed Science, S. 271 - 301 (Hg. Basra, A. S.). Food Products Press, New York, London, Oxford, (2006)
Holdsworth, M. J.; Bentsink, L.; Koornneef, M.: Conserved mechanisms of dormancy and germination targets for manipulation of agricultural problems. In: Model Plants and Crop Improvement, S. 11 - 32 (Hg. Varshney, R. K.; Koebner, R. M.). CRC Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton London, New York (2006)
Koornneef, M.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Stam, P.: Genetic analysis. In: Arabidopsis Protocols, S. 65 - 78 (Hg. Sanchez-Serrano, J. J.; Salinas, J.). Humana Press, Totowa (2006)
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