Publications of P. Schulze-Lefert

Journal Article (158)

Journal Article
Leng, Y.; Kümmel, F.; Zhao, M.; Molnár, I.; Doležel, J.; Logemann, E.; Koechner, P.; Xi, P.; Yang, S.; Moscou, M. J. et al.; Fiedler, J. D.; Du, Y.; Steuernagel, B.; Meinhardt, S.; Steffenson, B. J.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Zhong, S.: A barley MLA immune receptor is activated by a fungal nonribosomal peptide effector for disease susceptibility. New Phytologist 245, pp. 1197 - 1215 (2025)
Journal Article
Ordon, J.; Logemann, E.; Maier, L.-P.; Lee, T.; Dahms, E.; Oosterwijk, A.; Flores-Uribe, J.; Miyauchi, S.; Paoli, L.; Stolze, S. C. et al.; Nakagami, H.; Felix, G.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Ma, K.-W.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Conserved immunomodulation and variation in host association by Xanthomonadales commensals in Arabidopsis root microbiota. Nature Plants (2025)
Journal Article
Entila, F.; Han, X.; Mine, A.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Tsuda, K.: Commensal lifestyle regulated by a negative feedback loop between Arabidopsis ROS and the bacterial T2SS. Nature Communications 15 (1), 456 (2024)
Journal Article
Getzke, F.; Wang, L.; Chesneau, G.; Böhringer, N.; Mesny, F.; Denissen, N.; Wesseler, H.; Adisa, P. T.; Marner, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P. et al.; Schäberle, T. F.; Hacquard, S.: Physiochemical interaction between osmotic stress and a bacterial exometabolite promotes plant disease. Nature Communications 15, 4438 (2024)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; An, C.; Lawson, A. W.; Cao, Y.; Sun, Y.; Tan, E. Y. J.; Pan, J.; Jirschitzka, J.; Kümmel, F.; Mukhi, N. et al.; Han, Z.; Feng, S.; Wu, B.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.: Oligomerization-mediated autoinhibition and cofactor binding of a plant NLR. Nature 632, pp. 869 - 876 (2024)
Journal Article
Northen, T. R.; Kleiner, M.; Torres, M.; Kovacs, A. T.; Nicolaisen, M. H.; Krzyzanowska, D. M.; Sharma, S.; Lund, G.; Jelsbak, L.; Baars, O. et al.; Kindtler, N. L.; Wippel, K.; Dinesen, C.; Ferrarezi, J. A.; Marian, M.; Pioppi, A.; Xu, X.; Andersen, T. G.; Geldner, N.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Vorholt, J. A.; Garrido-Oter, R.: Community standards and future opportunities for synthetic communities in plant-microbiota research. Nature Microbiology 9 (11), pp. 2774 - 2784 (2024)
Journal Article
Ordon, J.; Thouin, J.; Nakano, R. T.; Ma, K.-W.; Zhang, P.; Huettel, B.; Garrido Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Chromosomal barcodes for simultaneous tracking of near-isogenic bacterial strains in plant microbiota. Nature Microbiology (2024)
Journal Article
Song, W.; Liu, L.; Yu, D.; Bernardy, H.; Jirschitzka, J.; Huang, S.; Jia, A.; Jemielniak, W.; Acker, J.; Laessle, H. et al.; Wang, J.; Shen, Q.-H.; Chen, W.; Li, P.; Parker, J. E.; Han, Z.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J., J.: Substrate-induced condensation activates plant TIR domain proteins. Nature 627 (8005), pp. 847 - 853 (2024)
Journal Article
Cao, Y.; Kümmel, F.; Logemann, E.; Gebauer, J. M.; Lawson, A. W.; Yu, D.; Uthoff, M.; Keller, B.; Jirschitzka, J.; Baumann, U. et al.; Tsuda, K.; Chai, J.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Structural polymorphisms within a common powdery mildew effector scaffold as a driver of coevolution with cereal immune receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (32), e2307604120 (2023)
Journal Article
Crean, E. E.; Bilstein-Schloemer, M.; Maekawa, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Saur, I. M. L.: A dominant-negative avirulence effector 1 of the barley powdery mildew fungus provides mechanistic insight to barley MLA immune receptor activation. Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (18), pp. 5854 - 5869 (2023)
Journal Article
Getzke, F.; Hassani, M. A.; Crüsemann, M.; Malisic, M.; Zhang, P.; Ishigaki, Y.; Böhringer, N.; Jiménez Fernández, A.; Wang, L.; Ordon, J. et al.; Ma, K.-W.; Thiergart, T.; Harbort, C. J.; Wesseler, H.; Miyauchi, S.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Shirasu, K.; Schäberle, T.F.; Hacquard, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Co-functioning of bacterial exometabolites drives root microbiota establishment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (15), e2221508120 (2023)
Journal Article
Ordon, J.; Kiel, N.; Becker, D.; Kretschmer, C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Stuttmann, J.: Targeted gene deletion with SpCas9 and multiple guide RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana: four are better than two. Plant Methods 19 (1), 30 (2023)
Journal Article
Acevedo Garcia, J.; Walden, K.; Leissing, F.; Baumgarten, K.; Drwiega, K.; Kwaaitaal, M.; Reinstadler, A.; Freh, M.; Dong, X.; James, G. V. et al.; Baus, L. C.; Mascher, M.; Stein, N.; Schneeberger, K.; Brocke-Ahmadinejad, N.; Kollmar, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: Barley Ror1 encodes a class XI myosin required for mlo-based broad-spectrum resistance to the fungal powdery mildew pathogen. The Plant Journal (2022)
Journal Article
Bourceret, A.; Guan, R.; Dorau, K.; Mansfeldt, T.; Omidbakhshfard, A.; Medeiros, D. B.; Fernie, A. R.; Hofmann, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Mayer, J. et al.; Gerlach, N.; The RECONSTRUCT consortium; Bucher, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Spaepen, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Maize Field Study Reveals Covaried Microbiota and Metabolic Changes in Roots over Plant Growth. mBio, e02584-21 (2022)
Journal Article
Foerderer, A.; Li, E.; Lawson, A. W.; Deng, Y.-N.; Sun, Y.; Logemann, E.; Zhang, X.; Wen, J.; Han, Z.; Chang, J. et al.; Chen, Y.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.: A wheat resistosome defines common principles of immune receptor channels. Nature 610, pp. 532 - 539 (2022)
Journal Article
Ma, K.-W.; Ordon, J.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Gnotobiotic Plant Systems for Reconstitution and Functional Studies of the Root Microbiota. Current Protocols 2, e362 (2022)
Journal Article
Meyer, F.; Fritz, A.; Deng, Z.-L.; Koslicki, D.; Lesker, T. R.; Gurevich, A.; Robertson, G.; Alser, M.; Antipov, D.; Beghini, F. et al.; Bertrand, D.; Brito, J. J.; Brown, C. T.; Buchmann, J.; Buluc, A.; Chen, B.; Chikhi, R.; Clausen, P. T. L. C.; Cristian, A.; Dabrowski, P. W.; Darling, A. E.; Egan, R.; Eskin, E.; Georganas, E.; Goltsman, E.; Gray, M. A.; Hansen, L. H.; Hofmeyr, S.; Huang, P.; Irber, L.; Jia, H.; Jorgensen, T. S.; Kieser, S. D.; Klemetsen, T.; Kola, A.; Kolmogorov, M.; Korobeynikov, A.; Kwan, J.; LaPierre, N.; Lemaitre, C.; Li, C.; Limasset, A.; Malcher-Miranda, F.; Mangul, S.; Marcelino, V. R.; Marchet, C.; Marijon, P.; Meleshko, D.; Mende, D. R.; Milanese, A.; Nagarajan, N.; Nissen, J.; Nurk, S.; Oliker, L.; Paoli, L.; Peterlongo, P.; Piro, V. C.; Porter, J. S.; Rasmussen, S.; Rees, E. R.; Reinert, K.; Renard, B.; Robertsen, E. M.; Rosen, G. L.; Ruscheweyh, H.-J.; Sarwal, V.; Segata, N.; Seiler, E.; Shi, L.; Sun, F.; Sunagawa, S.; Sorensen, S. J.; Thomas, A.; Tong, C.; Trajkovski, M.; Tremblay, J.; Uritskiy, G.; Vicedomini, R.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Warren, A.; Willassen, N.; Yelick, K.; You, R.; Zeller, G.; Zhao, Z.; Zhu, S.; Zhu, J.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Gastmeier, P.; Hacquard, S.; Haeussler, S.; Khaledi, A.; Maechler, F.; Mesny, F.; Radutoiu, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Smit, N.; Strowig, T.; Bremges, A.; Sczyrba, A.; McHardy, A. C.: Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges. Nature Methods 19 (4), pp. 429 - 440 (2022)
Journal Article
Saur, , I. M. L.; Lawson, A. W.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Buy one, get two. Nature Plants 8, pp. 100 - 101 (2022)
Journal Article
Yu, D.; Song, W.; Tan, E. Y. J.; Liu, L.; Cao, Y.; Jirschitzka, J.; Li, E.; Logemann, E.; Xu, C.; Huang, S. et al.; Jia, A.; Chang, X.; Han, Z.; Wu, B.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.: TIR domains of plant immune receptors are 2 ',3 '-cAMP/cGMP synthetases mediating cell death. Cell 185 (13), pp. 2370 - 2386 (2022)
Journal Article
Bauer, S.; Yu, D.; Lawson, A. W.; Saur, I. M. L.; Frantzeskakis, L.; Kracher, B.; Logemann, E.; Chai, J.; Maekawa, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: The leucine-rich repeats in allelic barley MLA immune receptors define specificity towards sequence-unrelated powdery mildew avirulence effectors with a predicted common RNase-like fold. PLoS Pathogens 17 (2), e1009223 (2021)
Journal Article
Durán, P.; Reinstädler, A.; Rajakrut, A.; Hashimoto, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: A fungal powdery mildew pathogen induces extensive local and marginal systemic changes in the Arabidopsis thaliana microbiota. Environmental Microbiology 23 (10), pp. 6292 - 6308 (2021)
Journal Article
Durán, P.; Reinstaedler, A.; Rajakrut, A.; Hashimoto, M.; Garrido Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: A fungal powdery mildew pathogen induces extensive local and marginal systemic changes in the Arabidopsis thaliana microbiota. SI 23 (10), pp. 6292 - 6308 (2021)
Journal Article
Emonet, A.; Zhou, F.; Vacheron, J.; Heiman, C. M.; Tendon, V. D.; Ma, K.-W.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Keel, C.; Geldner, N.: Spatially Restricted Immune Responses Are Required for Maintaining Root Meristematic Activity upon Detection of Bacteria. Current Biology 31 (5) (2021)
Journal Article
Kremer, J. M.; Sohrabi, R.; Paasch, B. C.; Rhodes, D.; Thireault, C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Tiedje, J. M.; He, S. Y.: Peat-based gnotobiotic plant growth systems for Arabidopsis microbiome research. Nature Protocols 16, pp. 2450 - 2470 (2021)
Journal Article
Ma, K.-W.; Niu, Y.; Jia, Y.; Ordon, J.; Copeland, C.; Emonet, A.; Geldner, N.; Guan, R.; Stolze, S. C.; Nakagami, H. et al.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Coordination of microbe–host homeostasis by crosstalk with plant innate immunity. Nature Plants (2021)
Journal Article
Saur, I. M. L.; Panstruga, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: NOD-like receptor-mediated plant immunity: from structure to cell death. Nature Reviews Immunology 21, pp. 305 - 318 (2021)
Journal Article
Schuetz, V.; Frindte, K.; Cui, J.; Zhang, P.; Hacquard, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Knief, C.; Schulz, M.; Doermann, P.: Differential Impact of Plant Secondary Metabolites on the Soil Microbiota. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 666010 (2021)
Journal Article
Winkelmueller, T. M.; Entila, F.; Anver, S.; Piasecka, A.; Song, B.; Dahms, E.; Sakakibara, H.; Gan, X.; Kułak, K.; Sawikowska, A. et al.; Krajewski, P.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Tsiantis, M.; Fukushima, K.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Laurent, S.; Bednarek, P.; Tsuda, K.: Gene expression evolution in pattern-triggered immunity within Arabidopsis thaliana and across Brassicaceae species. The Plant Cell, koab073 (2021)
Journal Article
Wippel, K.; Tao, K.; Niu, Y.; Zgadzaj, R. L.; Kiel, N.; Guan, R.; Dahms, E.; Zhang, P.; Jensen, D. B.; Logemann, E. et al.; Radutoiu, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Garrido Oter, R.: Host preference and invasiveness of commensal bacteria in the Lotus and Arabidopsis root microbiota. Nature Microbiology (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, J.; Liu, Y.-X.; Guo, X.; Qin, Y.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Bai, Y.: High-throughput cultivation and identification of bacteria from the plant root microbiota. Nature Protocols 16 (2), pp. 988 - 1012 (2021)
Journal Article
Copeland, C.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Leaf-derived bacterial communities adapt to the local environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (2), pp. 808 - 810 (2020)
Journal Article
Frerigmann, H.; Piotrowski, M.; Lemke, R.; Bednarek, P.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: A network of phosphate starvation and immune-related signaling and metabolic pathways controls the interaction between Arabidopsis thaliana and the beneficial fungus Colletotrichum tofieldiae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2020)
Journal Article
Harbort, C. J.; Hashimoto, M.; Haruhiko, I.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: A gnotobiotic growth assay for Arabidopsis root microbiota reconstitution under iron limitation. STAR Protocols 1 (3), 100226 (2020)
Journal Article
Harbort, C. J.; Hashimoto, M.; Inoue, H.; Niu, Y.; Guan, R.; Rombolà, A. D.; Kopriva, S.; Voges, M. J. E. E. E.; Sattely, E. S.; Garrido-Oter, R. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Root-secreted coumarins and the microbiota interact to improve iron nutrition in Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe 28, pp. 825 - 837 (2020)
Journal Article
Hematy, K.; Lim, M.; Cherk, C.; Pislewska-Bednarek, M.; Sanchez-Rodriguez, C.; Stein, M.; Fuchs, R.; Klapprodt, C.; Lipka, V.; Molina, A. et al.; Grill, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Bednarek, P.; Somerville, S.: Moonlighting function of Phytochelatin synthase1 in extracellular defense against fungal pathogens. Plant Physiology (2020)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; Lapin, D.; Liu, L.; Sun, Y.; Song, W.; Zhang, X.; Logemann, E.; Yu, D.; Wang, J.; Jirschitzka, J. et al.; Han, Z.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Parker, J. E.; Chai, J.: Direct pathogen-induced assembly of an NLR immune receptor complex to form a holoenzyme. Science Magazine 370 (6521), eabe3069 (2020)
Journal Article
Mahdi, L. K.; Huang, M.; Zhang, X.; Nakano, R. T.; Saur, I. M. L.; Jacob, F.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Chai, J.; Maekawa, T.: Discovery of a Family of Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-like Proteins in Plants and Their Role in Innate Immune Signaling. Cell Host & Microbe 28 (6), pp. 813 - 824.e6 (2020)
Journal Article
Thiergart, T.; Durán, P.; Ellis, T.; Vannier, N.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Kemen, E.; Roux, F.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Agren, J.; Schulze-Lefert, P. et al.; Hacquard, S.: Root microbiota assembly and adaptive differentiation among European Arabidopsis populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (1), pp. 122 - 131 (2020)
Journal Article
Berens, M. L.; Wolinska, K. W.; Spaepen, S.; Ziegler, J.; Nobori, T.; Nair, A.; Krüler, K.; Winkelmueller, T. M.; Wang, Y.; Mine, A. et al.; Becker, D.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Tsuda, K.: Balancing trade-offs between biotic and abiotic stress responses through leaf age-dependent variation in stress hormone cross-talk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116, pp. 2364 - 2373 (2019)
Journal Article
Maekawa, T.; Kracher, B.; Saur, I. M.-L.; Maekawa-Yoshikawa, M.; Kellner, R.; Pankin, A.; von Korff, M.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Subfamily-specific specialization of RGH1/MLA immune receptors in wild barley. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32 (1), pp. 107 - 119 (2019)
Journal Article
Saur, I. M. L.; Bauer, S.; Kracher, B.; Lu, X.; Frantzeskakis, L.; Müller, M. C.; Sabelleck, B.; Kümmel, F.; Panstruga, R.; Maekawa, T. et al.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Multiple pairs of allelic MLA immune receptor-powdery mildew AVRA effectors argue for a direct recognition mechanism. eLife 8, e44471 (2019)
Journal Article
Saur, I. M. L.; Bauer, S.; Lu, X.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: A cell death assay in barley and wheat protoplasts for identification and validation of matching pathogen AVR effector and plant NLR immune receptors. Plant Methods 15 (1), 118 (2019)
Journal Article
Thiergart, T.; Zgadzaj, R.; Bozsóki, Z.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Radutoiu, S.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Lotus japonicus symbiosis genes impact microbial interactions between symbionts and multikingdom commensal communities. mBio 10, e01833-19 (2019)
Journal Article
Uemura, T.; Nakano, R. T.; Takagi, J.; Wang, Y.; Kramer, K.; Finkemeier, I.; Nakagami, H.; Tsuda, K.; Ueda, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P. et al.; Nakano, A.: A Golgi-Released Subpopulation of the Trans-Golgi Network Mediates Protein Secretion in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 179 (2), pp. 519 - 532 (2019)
Journal Article
Voges, M. J. E. E. E.; Bai, Y.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Sattely, E. S.: Plant-derived coumarins shape the composition of an Arabidopsis synthetic root microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (25), pp. 12558 - 12565 (2019)
Journal Article
Wippel, K.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Garrido Oter, R.: Rhizobien in der Pflanzenmikrobiota: Evolution der Wurzelknöllchensymbiose und Nutzen der Mikrobiota für den Pflanzenwirt. Biologie in unserer Zeit 49 (6), pp. 426 - 434 (2019)
Journal Article
Durán, P.; Thiergart, T.; Garrido-Oter, R.; Agler, M.T.; Kemen, E.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Hacquard, S.: Microbial Interkingdom Interactions in Roots Promote Arabidopsis Survival. Cell 175 (4), pp. 973 - + (2018)
Journal Article
Frantzeskakis, L.; Kracher, B.; Kusch, S.; Maekawa-Yoshikawa, M.; Bauer, S.; Pedersen, C.; Spanu, P.; Maekawa, T.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Panstruga, R.: Signatures of host specialization and a recent transposable element burst in the dynamic one-speed genome of the fungal barley powdery mildew pathogen. BMC Genomics 19, 381 (2018)
Journal Article
Garrido Oter, R.; Nakano, R. T.; Dombrowski, N.; Ma, K.-W.; AgBiome Team, T.; McHardy, A.; Schulze-Lefert, P.: Modular traits of the Rhizobiales root microbiota and their evolutionary relationship with symbiotic rhizobia. Cell Host & Microbe 24, pp. 155 - 167 (2018)
Journal Article
Jacob, F.; Kracher, B.; Mine, A.; Seyfferth, C.; Blanvillain-Baufumé, S.; Parker, J. E.; Tsuda, K.; Schulze-Lefert, P.; Maekawa, T.: A dominant-interfering camta3 mutation compromises primary transcriptional outputs mediated by both cell surface and intracellular immune receptors in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 217 (4), pp. 1667 - 1680 (2018)
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