Publications of D. Lapin

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Griebel, T.; Lapin, D.; Locci, F.; Kracher, B.; Bautor, J.; Concia, L.; Benhamed, M.; Parker, J. E.: Arabidopsis Topless-related 1 mitigates physiological damage and growth penalties of induced immunity. New Phytologist 239 (4), pp. 1404 - 1419 (2023)
Journal Article
Johanndrees, O.; Baggs, E. L.; Uhlmann, C.; Locci, F.; Laessle, H.; Melkonian, K.; Käufer, K.; Dongus, J. A.; Nakagami, H.; Krasileva, K. V. et al.: Variation in plant Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor domain protein dependence on ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1. Plant Physiology 191, kiac480, pp. 626 - 642 (2023)
Journal Article
Dongus, J. A.; Bhandari, D. D.; Penner, E.; Lapin, D.; Stolze, S. C.; Harzen, A.; Patel, M.; Archer, L.; Dijkgraaf, L.; Shah, J. et al.: Cavity surface residues of PAD4 and SAG101 contribute to EDS1 dimer signaling specificity in plant immunity. The Plant Journal 110 (5), pp. 1415 - 1432 (2022)
Journal Article
Lapin, D.; Johanndrees, O.; Wu, Z.; Li, X.; Parker, J. E.: Molecular innovations in plant TIR-based immunity signaling. Plant Cell 34, pp. 1479 - 1496 (2022)
Journal Article
Zoennchen, J.; Gantner, J.; Lapin, D.; Barthel, K.; Eschen-Lippold, L.; Erickson, J. L.; Villanueva, S. L.; Zantop, S.; Kretschmer, C.; Joosten, M. H. A. J. et al.: EDS1 complexes are not required for PRR responses and execute TNL-ETI from the nucleus in Nicotiana benthamiana. New Phytologist 236 (6), pp. 2249 - 2264 (2022)
Journal Article
Sun, X.; Lapin, D.; Feehan, J. M.; Stolze, S. C.; Kramer, K.; Dongus, J. A.; Rzemieniewski, J.; Blanvillain-Baufumé, S.; Harzen, A.; Bautor, J. et al.: Pathogen effector recognition-dependent association of NRG1 with EDS1 and SAG101 in TNL receptor immunity. Nature Communications 12 (1), 3335 (2021)
Journal Article
Xing, Y.; Xu, N.; Bhandari, D. D.; Lapin, D.; Sun, X.; Luo, X.; Wang, Y.; Cao, J.; Wang, H.; Coaker, G. et al.: Bacterial effector targeting of a plant iron sensor facilitates iron acquisition and pathogen colonization. The Plant Cell, koab075 (2021)
Journal Article
Harvey, S.; Kumari, P.; Lapin, D.; Griebel, T.; Hickman, R.; Guo, W.; Zhang, R.; Parker, J.; Beynon, J.; Denby, K. et al.: Downy Mildew effector HaRxL21 interacts with the transcriptional repressor TOPLESS to promote pathogen susceptibility. PLoS Pathogens 16 (8), e1008835 (2020)
Journal Article
Lapin, D.; Bhandari, D. D.; Parker, J.: Multidimensional gene regulatory landscape of a bacterial pathogen in plants. Annual Review of Phytopathology 58, pp. 253 - 276 (2020)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; Lapin, D.; Liu, L.; Sun, Y.; Song, W.; Zhang, X.; Logemann, E.; Yu, D.; Wang, J.; Jirschitzka, J. et al.: Direct pathogen-induced assembly of an NLR immune receptor complex to form a holoenzyme. Science Magazine 370 (6521), eabe3069 (2020)
Journal Article
Bhandari, D. D.; Lapin, D.; Kracher, B.; von Born, P.; Bautor, J.; Niefind, K.; Parker, J. E.: An EDS1 heterodimer signalling surface enforces timely reprogramming of immunity genes in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 10, 772 (2019)
Journal Article
Lapin, D.; Kovacova, V.; Sun, X.; Dongus, J. A.; Bhandari, D.; von Born, P.; Bautor, J.; Guarneri, N.; Rzemieniewski, J.; Stuttmann, J. et al.: A Coevolved EDS1-SAG101-NRG1 Module Mediates Cell Death Signaling by TIR-Domain Immune Receptors. The Plant Cell (2019)
Journal Article
Griebel, T.; Lapin, D.; Locci, F.; Kracher, B.; Bautor, J.; Concia, L.; Benhamed, M.; Parker, J. E.: Arabidopsis Topless-related 1 mitigates physiological damage and growth penalties of induced immunity. New Phytologist (2012)