Publications of S. Effgen

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Wang, Y.; Fuentes, R. R.; van Rengs, W. M. J.; Effgen, S.; Zaidan, M. W. A.; Franzen, R.; Susanto, T.; Fernandes, J. B.; Mercier, R.; Underwood, C. J.: Harnessing clonal gametes in hybrid crops to engineer polyploid genomes. Nature Genetics 56, pp. 1075 - 1079 (2024)
Journal Article
van Rengs, W. M. J.; Schmidt, M. H.-W.; Effgen, S.; Le, D. B.; Wang, Y.; Zaidan, M. W. A.; Huettel, B.; Schouten, H. J.; Usadel, B.; Underwood, C. J.: A chromosome scale tomato genome built from complementary PacBio and Nanopore sequences alone reveals extensive linkage drag during breeding. The Plant Journal 110, pp. 572 - 588 (2022)
Journal Article
Jiao, W.-B.; Patel, V.; Klasen, J. R.; Liu, F.; Pecinkova, P.; Ferrand, M.; Gy, I.; Camilleri, C.; Effgen, S.; Koornneef, M. et al.; Pecinka, A.; Loudet, O.; Schneeberger, K.: The Evolutionary Dynamics of Genetic Incompatibilities Introduced by Duplicated Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (4), pp. 1225 - 1240 (2021)
Journal Article
Liller, C.; Walla, A.; Boer, M. P.; Hedley, P.; Macaulay, M.; Effgen, S.; von Korff, M.: Fine mapping of a major QTL for awn length in barley using a multiparent mapping population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130 (2), pp. 269 - 281 (2017)
Journal Article
Fricano, A.; Brandolini, A.; Rossini, L.; Sourdille, P.; Wunder, J.; Effgen, S.; Hidalgo, A.; Erba, D.; Piffanelli, P.; Salamini, F.: Crossability of Triticum urartu and Triticum monococcum Wheats, Homoeologous Recombination, and Description of a Panel of Interspecific Introgression Lines. G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS 4 (10), pp. 1931 - 1941 (2014)
Journal Article
Barboza, L.; Effgen, S.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Kooke, R.; Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Koornneef, M.; Alcázar, R.: Arabidopsis semidwarfs evolved from independent mutations in GA20ox1, ortholog to green revolution dwarf alleles in rice and barley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (39), pp. 15818 - 15823 (2013)
Journal Article
Debieu, M.; Tang, C.; Stich, B.; Sikosek, T.; Effgen, S.; Josephs, E.; Schmitt, J.; Nordborg, M.; Koornneef, M.; de Meaux, J.: Co-Variation between Seed Dormancy, Growth Rate and Flowering Time Changes with Latitude in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS ONE 8 (5), e61075 (2013)
Journal Article
Huang, X.; Ding, J.; Effgen, S.; Turck, F.; Koornneef, M.: Multiple loci and genetic interactions involving flowering time genes regulate stem branching among natural variants of Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 199 (3), pp. 843 - 857 (2013)
Journal Article
Huang, X.; Effgen, S.; Meyer, R. C.; Theres, K.; Koornneef, M.: Epistatic Natural Allelic Variation Reveals a Function of AGAMOUS-LIKE6 in Axillary Bud Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24 (6), pp. 2364 - 2379 (2012)
Journal Article
Huang, X.; Paulo, M.-J.; Boer, M.; Effgen, S.; Keizer, K.; Koornneef, M.; van Eeuwijk, F. A.: Analysis of natural allelic variation in Arabidopsis using a multiparent recombinant inbred line population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (11), 10.1073/pnas.1100465108, pp. 4488 - 4493 (2011)
Journal Article
Silady, R. A.; Effgen, S.; Koornneef, M.; Reymond, M.: Variation in Seed Dormancy Quantitative Trait Loci in Arabidopsis thaliana Originating from One Site. PLoS ONE 6 (6), e20886 (2011)
Journal Article
Huang, X.; Schmitt, J.; Dorn, L.; Griffiths, C.; Effgen, S.; Takao, S.; Koornneef, M.; Donohue, K.: The earliest stages of adaptation in an experimental plant population: strong selection on QTLS for seed dormancy. Molecular Ecology 19, pp. 1335 - 1351 (2010)
Journal Article
Keurentjes, J. J. B.; Bentsink, L.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Hanhart, C. J.; Blankestijn-De Vries, H.; Effgen, S.; Vreugdenhil, D.; Koornneef, M.: Development of a Near-Isogenic Line Population of Arabidopsis thaliana and Comparison of Mapping Power With a Recombinant Inbred Line Population. Genetics 175, pp. 891 - 905 (2007)
Journal Article
Kilian, B.; Oezkan, H.; Deusch, O.; Effgen, S.; Brandolini, A.; Kohl, J.; Martin, W.; Salamini, F.: Independent Wheat B and G Genome Origins in Outcrossing Aegilops Progenitor Haplotypes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24 (1), doi:10.1093/molbev/msl151, pp. 217 - 227 (2007)
Journal Article
Ozkan, H.; Brandolini, A.; Pozzi, C.; Effgen, S.; Wunder, J.; Salamini, F.: A reconsideration of the domestication geography of tetraploid wheats. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110 (6), pp. 1052 - 1060 (2005)
Journal Article
Taenzler, B.; Esposti, R. F.; Vaccino, P.; Brandolini, A.; Effgen, S.; Heun, M.; Schafer-Pregl, R.; Borghi, B.; Salamini, F.: Molecular linkage map of Einkorn wheat: mapping of storage- protein and soft-glume genes and bread-making quality QTLs. Genetical Research 80 (2), pp. 131 - 143 (2002)
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