Publications of M. Hajheidari

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Hajheidari, M.; Wang, Y.; Bhatia, N.; Vuolo, F.; Franco-Zorrilla, J. M.; Karady, M.; Mentink, R. A.; Wu, A.; Rilwan Oluwatobi, B. R.; Müller, B. et al.: Autoregulation of RCO by low-affinity binding modulates cytokinin action and shapes leaf diversity. Current Biology (2019)
Journal Article
Hu, Z.; Ghosh, A.; Stolze, S. C.; Horváth, M.; Bai, B.; Schaefer, S.; Zündorf, S.; Liu, S.; Harzen, A.; Hajheidari, M. et al.: Gene modification by fast-track recombineering for cellular localization and isolation of components of plant protein complexes. The Plant Journal (2019)
Journal Article
Vuolo, F.; Kierzkowski, D.; Runions, A.; Hajheidari, M.; Mentink, R. A.; Das Gupta, M.; Zhang, Z.; Vlad, D.; Wang, Y.; Pecinka, A. et al.: LMI1 homeodomain protein regulates organ proportions by spatial modulation of endoreduplication. Genes and Development 32, pp. 1361 - 1366 (2018)
Journal Article
Gan, X.; Hay, A.; Kwantes, M.; Haberer, G.; Hallab, A.; Dello Ioio, R.; Hofhuis, H.; Pieper, B.; Cartolano, M.; Neumann, U. et al.: The Cardamine hirsuta genome offers insight into the evolution of morphological diversity. Nature Plants 2 (10), 16167 (2016)
Journal Article
Vlad, D.; Kierzkowski, D.; Rast, M. I.; Vuolo, F.; Dello Ioio, R.; Galinha, C.; Gan, X.; Hajheidari, M.; Hay, A.; Smith, R. S. et al.: Leaf Shape Evolution Through Duplication, Regulatory Diversification, and Loss of a Homeobox Gene. Science 343 (6172), pp. 780 - 783 (2014)
Journal Article
Hajheidrai, M.; Koncz, C.; Eick, D.: Emerging roles for RNA polymerase II CTD in Arabidopsis. Trends in Plant Science 18 (11), pp. 633 - 643 (2013)
Journal Article
Hajheidrai, M.; Farrona, S.; Huettel, B.; Koncz, Z.; Koncz, C.: CDKF;1 and CDKD Protein Kinases Regulate Phosphorylation of Serine Residues in the C-Terminal Domain of Arabidopsis RNA Polymerase II. Plant Cell 24 (4), pp. 1626 - 1642 (2012)