Publications of B. Huettel

Journal Article (97)

Journal Article
Schneider, B.; Huettel, B.; Zuebert, C.; Kube, M.: Genetic variation, phylogenetic relationship and spatial distribution of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi' strains in Germany. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21864 (2020)
Journal Article
Dantas, L. G.; Alencar, L.; Huettel, B.; Pedrosa-Harand, A.: Development of ten microsatellite markers for Alibertia edulis (Rubiaceae), a Brazilian savanna tree species. Molecular Biology Reports 46 (4), pp. 4593 - 4597 (2019)
Journal Article
Lambrecht, S. J.; Kanesaki, Y.; Fuss, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Steglich, C.: Interplay and Targetome of the Two Conserved Cyanobacterial sRNAs Yfr1 and Yfr2 in Prochlorococcus MED4. Scientific Reports 9, 14331 (2019)
Journal Article
Pucker, B.; Holtgraewe, D.; Stadermann, K. B.; Frey, K.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Weisshaar, B.: A chromosome-level sequence assembly reveals the structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana Nd-1 genome and its gene set. PLoS One 14 (5), e0216233 (2019)
Journal Article
Seah, B. K. B.; Antony, C. P.; Huettel, B.; Zarzycki, J.; von Borzyskowski, L. S.; Erb, T. J.; Kouris, A.; Kleiner, M.; Liebeke, M.; Dubilier, N. et al.: Sulfur-Oxidizing Symbionts without Canonical Genes for Autotrophic CO2 Fixation. MBIO 10 (3), e01112-19 (2019)
Journal Article
Sun, H.-Q.; Rowan, B. A.; Flood, P. J.; Brandt, R.; Fuss, J.; Hancock, A. M.; Michelmore, R. W.; Huettel, B.; Schneeberger, K.: Linked-read sequencing of gametes allows efficient genome-wide analysis of meiotic recombination. Nature Communications 10, 4310 (2019)
Journal Article
Dijkhuizen, L. W.; Brouwer, P.; Bolhuis, H.; Reichart, G.-J.; Koppers, N.; Huettel, B.; Bolger, A.M.; Li, F.-W.; Cheng, S.; Liu, X. et al.: Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N-2 but may denitrify. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 217 (1), pp. 453 - 466 (2018)
Journal Article
Hagemann, M.; Gaertner, K.; Scharnagl, M.; Bolay, P.; Lott, S. C.; Fuß, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Klaehn, S.; Hess, W. R.: Identification of the DNA methyltransferases establishing the methylome of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. DNA RESEARCH 25 (4), pp. 343 - 352 (2018)
Journal Article
Hou, J.; Shi, X.; Chen, C.; Islam, M. S.; Johnson, A. F.; Kanno, T.; Huettel, B.; Yen, M.-R.; Hsu, F.-M.; Ji, T. et al.: Global impacts of chromosomal imbalance on gene expression in Arabidopsis and other taxa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (48), pp. E11321 - E11330 (2018)
Journal Article
Kirioukhova, O.; Shah, J. N.; Larsen, D. S.; Tayyab, M.; Mueller, N. E.; Govind, G.; Baroux, C.; Federer, M.; Gheyselinck, J.; Barrell, P. J. et al.: Aberrant imprinting may underlie evolution of parthenogenesis. Scientific Reports 8, 10626 (2018)
Journal Article
Li, F.-W.; Brouwer, P.; Carretero-Paulet, L.; Cheng, S.; de Vries, J.; Delaux, P.-M.; Eily, A.; Koppers, N.; Kuo, L.-Y.; Li, Z. et al.: Fern genomes elucidate land plant evolution and cyanobacterial symbioses. Nature Plants 4 (7), pp. 460 - 472 (2018)
Journal Article
Wenzel, A.; Altmueller, J.; Ekici, A. B.; Popp, B.; Stueber, K.; Thiele, H.; Pannes, A.; Staubach, S.; Salido, E.; Nuernberg, P. et al.: Single molecule real time sequencing in ADTKD-MUC1 allows complete assembly of the VNTR and exact positioning of causative mutations. Scientific Reports 8, 4170 (2018)
Journal Article
Zenk, F. L.; Firmer, C.; Woehrmann, T.; da Silva, L. V.; Weising, K.; Huettel, B.; Paggi, G. M.: Development of 15 nuclear microsatellite markers in Deuterocohnia (Pitcairnioideae; Bromeliaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing. APPLICATIONS IN PLANT SCIENCES 6 (4), e1147 (2018)
Journal Article
Jiao, W.-B.; Garcia Accinelli, G.; Hartwig, B.; Kiefer, C.; Baker, D.; Severing, E.; Willing, E.-M.; Piednoel, M.; Woetzel, S.; Madrid-Herrero, E. et al.: Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data. Genome Research 27 (5), pp. 778 - 786 (2017)
Journal Article
Schiessl, S.; Huettel, B.; Kuehn, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Snowdon, R. J.: Targeted deep sequencing of flowering regulators in Brassica napus reveals extensive copy number variation. Scientific Data 4, 170013 (2017)
Journal Article
Schiessl, S.; Huettel, B.; Kuehn, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Snowdon, R.: Post-polyploidisation morphotype diversification associates with gene copy number variation. Scientific Reports 7, 41845 (2017)
Journal Article
Schiessl, S. V.; Huettel, B.; Kuehn, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Snowdon, R. J.: Flowering Time Gene Variation in Brassica Species Shows Evolutionary Principles. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1742 (2017)
Journal Article
Seah, B. K. B.; Schwaha, T.; Volland, J.-M.; Huettel, B.; Dubilier, N.; Gruber-Vodicka, H. R.: Specificity in diversity: single origin of a widespread ciliate-bacteria symbiosis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 284 (1858), 20170764 (2017)
Journal Article
Wanderley, A. M.; Vasconcelos, S.; Huettel, B.; Machado, I. C.; Benko-Iseppon, A. M.: Development of 15 SSR polymorphic markers for the endangered Ameroglossum pernambucense Eb. Fischer, S. Vogel & A. V. Lopes (Scrophulariaceae), and cross-transferability in congeneric taxa. Brazilian Journal of Botany 40 (4), pp. 1007 - 1011 (2017)
Journal Article
Azevedo, H.; Azinheiro, S. G.; Munoz-Merida, A.; Castro, P. H.; Huettel, B.; Aarts, M. G. M.; Assuncao, A. G. L.: Transcriptomic profiling of Arabidopsis gene expression in response to varying micronutrient zinc supply. GENOMICS DATA 7, pp. 256 - 258 (2016)
Journal Article
Blättner, S.; Das, S.; Paprotka, K.; Eilers, U.; Krischke, M.; Kretschmer, D.; Remmele, C.W.; Dittrich, M.; Müller, T.; Schuelein-Voelk, C. et al.: Staphylococcus aureus Exploits a Non-ribosomal Cyclic Dipeptide to Modulate Survival within Epithelial Cells and Phagocytes. PLoS Pathogens 12, e1005857 (2016)
Journal Article
Cartolano, M.; Huettel, B.; Hartwig, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Schneeberger, K.: cDNA Library Enrichment of Full Length Transcripts for SMRT Long Read Sequencing. PLoS One 11 (6), e0157779 (2016)
Journal Article
Forat, S.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Fimmers, R.; Haidl, G.; Denschlag, D.; Olek, K.: Methylation Markers for the Identification of Body Fluids and Tissues from Forensic Trace Evidence. PLoS One 11 (2), e0147973 (2016)
Journal Article
Journal Article
Bai, Y.; Mueller, D. B.; Srinivas, G.; Garrido Oter, R.; Potthoff, E.; Rott, M.; Dombrowski, N.; Muench, P. C.; Spaepen, S.; Remus-Emsermann, M. et al.: Functional overlap of the Arabidopsis leaf and root microbiota. Nature 528 (7582), pp. 364 - 369 (2015)
Journal Article
Fornara, F.; de Montaigu, A.; Sánchez Villarreal, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Huettel, B.; Davis, S. J.; Coupland, G.: The GI-CDF module of Arabidopsis affects freezing tolerance and growth as well as flowering. The Plant Journal 81 (5), pp. 695 - 706 (2015)
Journal Article
Frey, F. P.; Urbany, C.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Stich, B.: Genome-wide expression profiling and phenotypic evaluation of European maize inbreds at seedling stage in response to heat stress. BMC Genomics 16, 123 (2015)
Journal Article
Sacharowski, S.; Gratkowska, D. M.; Sarnowska, E. A.; Kondrak, P.; Jancewicz, I.; Porri, A.; Bucior, E.; Rolicka, A. T.; Franzen, R.; Kowalczyk, J. et al.: SWP73 Subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Play Distinct Roles in Leaf and Flower Development. PLANT CELL 27 (7), pp. 1889 - 1906 (2015)
Journal Article
Kopf, M.; Klähn, S.; Voss, B.; Stüber, K.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Hess, W. R.: Finished Genome Sequence of the Unicellular Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6714. Genome Announcements 2 (4), e00757-14 (2014)
Journal Article
Loehrer, M.; Vogel, A.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Benes, V.; Duplessis, S.; Usadel, B.; Schaffrath, U.: On the current status of Phakopsora pachyrhizi genome sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 377 (2014)
Journal Article
Meharg, C.; Khan, B.; Norton, G.; Deacon, C.; Johnson, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Huettel, B.; Meharg, A. A.: Trait-directed de novo population transcriptome dissects genetic regulation of a balanced polymorphism in phosphorus nutrition/arsenate tolerance in a wild grass, Holcus lanatus. New Phytologist 201, pp. 144 - 1554 (2014)
Journal Article
Petasch, J.; Disch, E.-M.; Markert, S.; Becher, D.; Schweder, T.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Harder, J.: The oxygen-independent metabolism of cyclic monoterpenes in Castellaniella defragrans 65Phen. BMC Microbiology 14, 164 (2014)
Journal Article
Siewert, C.; Hess, W. R.; Duduk, B.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Buettner, C.; Kube, M.: Complete genome determination and analysis of Acholeplasma oculi strain 19L, highlighting the loss of basic genetic features in the Acholeplasmataceae. BMC Genomics 15, 931 (2014)
Journal Article
Mann, A. J.; Hahnke, R. L.; Huang, S.; Werner, J.; Xing, P.; Barbeyon, T.; Huettel, B.; Stüber, K.; Reinhardt, R.: The Genome of the Alga-Associated Marine Flavobacterium Formosa agariphila KMM 3901T Reveals a Broad Potential for Degradation of Algal Polysaccharides. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79, pp. 6813 - 6822 (2013)
Journal Article
Urbany, C.; Benke, A.; Marsian, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Stich, B.: Ups and downs of a transcriptional landscape shape iron deficiency associated chlorosis of the maize inbreds B73 and Mo17. BMC Plant Biology 13, 213 (2013)
Journal Article
Wijnker, E.; James, G. V.; Ding, J.; Becker, F.; Klasen, J. R.; Rawat, V.; Rowan, B. A.; de Jong, D. F.; de Snoo, C. B.; Zapata, L. et al.: The genomic landscape of meiotic crossovers and gene conversions in Arabidopsis thaliana. ELIFE 2, e01426 (2013)
Journal Article
Woehrmann, T.; de Barros Pinange, D. S.; Krapp, F.; Benko-Iseppon, A.-M.; Huettel, B.; Weising, K.: Development of 15 nuclear microsatellite markers in the genus Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae; Bromeliaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES 5 (1), pp. 81 - 84 (2013)
Journal Article
Beutin, L.; Hammerl, J. A.; Strauch, E.; Reetz, J.; Dieckmann, R.; Kelner-Burgos, Y.; Martin, A.; Miko, A.; Strockbine, N. A.; Lindstedt, B. A. et al.: Spread of a Distinct Stx2-Encoding Phage Prototype among Escherichia coli O104:H4 Strains from Outbreaks in Germany, Norway, and Georgia. Journal of Virology 86 (19), pp. 10444 - 10455 (2012)
Journal Article
Bulgarelli, D.; Rott, M.; Schlaeppi, K.; Ver Loren van Themaat, E.; Ahmadinejad, N.; Assenza, F.; Rauf, P.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Schmelzer, E. et al.: Revealing structure and assembly cues for Arabidopsis root-inhabiting bacterial microbiota. NATURE 488 (7409), pp. 91 - 95 (2012)
Journal Article
Bus, A.; Hecht, J.; Huettel, B.; Reinhardt, R.; Stich, B.: High-throughput polymorphism detection and genotyping in Brassica napus using next-generation RAD sequencing. BMC Genomics 13, 281 (2012)
Journal Article
Engelhorn, J.; Reimer, J. J.; Leuz, I.; Goebel, U.; Huettel, B.; Farrona, S.; Turck, F.: DEVELOPMENT-RELATED PcG TARGET IN THE APEX 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 139 (14), pp. 2566 - 2575 (2012)
Journal Article
Frei Dit Frey, N.; Mbengue, M.; Kwaaitaal, M.; Nitsch, L.; Altenbach, D.; Haeweker, H.; Lozano-Duran, R.; Njo, M. F.; Beeckman, T.; Huettel, B. et al.: Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPases Are Important Components of Receptor-Mediated Signaling in Plant Immune Responses and Development. Plant Physiology 159 (2), pp. 798 - + (2012)
Journal Article
Hajheidrai, M.; Farrona, S.; Huettel, B.; Koncz, Z.; Koncz, C.: CDKF;1 and CDKD Protein Kinases Regulate Phosphorylation of Serine Residues in the C-Terminal Domain of Arabidopsis RNA Polymerase II. Plant Cell 24 (4), pp. 1626 - 1642 (2012)
Journal Article
Krapp, F.; Woehrmann, T.; de Barros Pinange, D. S.; Benko-Iseppon, A. M.; Huettel, B.; Weising, K.: A set of plastid microsatellite loci for the genus Dyckia (Bromeliaceae) derived from 454 pyrosequencing. American Journal of Botany 99 (12), pp. E470 - E473 (2012)
Journal Article
Woehrmann, T.; Wagner, N.; Krapp, F.; Huettel, B.; Weising, K.: DEVELOPMENT OF MICROSATELLITE MARKERS IN FOSTERELLA RUSBYI (BROMELIACEAE) USING 454 PYROSEQUENCING. American Journal of Botany 99 (4), pp. E160 - E163 (2012)
Journal Article
Assunçãoa, A. G. L.; Herrero, E.; Lin, Y.-F.; Huettel, B.; Talukdar, S.; Smaczniak, C.; Immink, R. G. H.; van Eldik, M.; Fiers, M.; Schat, H. et al.: Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors bZIP19 and bZIP23 regulate the adaptation to zinc deficiency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 10.1073/pnas.1004788107, pp. 10296 - 10301 (2010)
Journal Article
Matzke, M.; Kanno, T.; Claxinger, L.; Huettel, B.; Matzke, A. J. M.: RNA-mediated chromatin-based silencing in plants. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 21 (3), pp. 367 - 376 (2009)